Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Ideas From MB Selangor - Dreaming Again????

I read this in Din Turtle blog (re:  terbaik-dari-mb-khalid-solusi-masalah ). This idea come from MB of Selangor.

Pembakaran dibuat dalam musim hujan????

 I read it twice and follow the blog to the unreported news.blogspot just to make sure I didn't get anything wrong or any misunderstanding on my side. As I already mix up a few data today, I need to double confirm before start making a mistake. No mistake this time.

I hope it is not true but knowing Khalid, the possibility is around 50% to 75%. That not a good reference. So, I need to write this advise to him.

Mr MB, please do think before you give any ideas. If you not so sure, why don't you ask your adviser for a plausible ideas to use. Ask them to give you a few and memorise it until you can utter it without thinking. That way, you can prevent any mis-quote when journalist ask you this trick questions. Better yet, please remember the words 'No comment. Lets me review this matter first'. Just memorise those words please. That way you will look smart and educated.

Or, if you slip something you don't want people to hear, please remember this words "It a joke ok" and ask your people to pretend laughing whenever you use this phrases. That way you can cover everythings. See a simple phrases you need to remember. If by any chance you were mob by journalist, please quote either this two phrases. A simple phrases to remember, right?

Don't make me, as a Selangor Native shaken my head every times I hear your words. I'm not voting for PR because I vote for other smart and better candidates, but they lose to PR. Others vote for your PR to win and I have to accept it. But please don't make us Selangor Native feel a shame.

You already make me want to pull my hair out when in the Prime time news on TV3, millions watching you fall a sleep during press conference. OK you can blame on your medications. Now you utter this words and this time you cannot blame it on medication too.

Please, consider this ok. Gezzzz What a shame.


  1. Hello, tolong improve Wnglish tu sebelum nak komen banyak. Tak malu jer dengan grammar dan spelling berterabur? Nak memandai pulak.

    1. Heilo, point kan kat mana yang salah tu ya. tunjukkan nanti saya buatkan pembetulan. Awak yang komen hari itu kan. Dah baca jawapan saya tak? Kalau awak RBA tentu tak baca kan. Masuk, kacau dan lari tu je yang awak tau.

      Tak faham ke yang ini cara saya memperkasakan english saya. Pembaca digalakkan beritahu kalau ada pembetulan tatabahasa atau kesalahan ejaan. Atau pun english awak pun tak berapa baik. Cuma cukup-cukup faham syarat-syarat tatabahasa dan ejaan sahaja. Kalau cam tu tak apalah. Saya pun tolong gelakkan awak yang pandai komen tapi tak tau apa-apa pun... Tin kosong..
