Thursday 30 January 2014

When Mat Hassan Speak ......update..

Loved to share this link with you. View : kenapalah-najib-tak-boleh-fikir-macam tok mat

I always like to hear this guy talk. He maybe not a favourite to a lot of NS blogger but his point of view usually very precised.

I'm too tired to search for related link of this guys speech about Rukun Iman to one of opposition representative, but be sure that it's exist.

If I've time tonight I will update this blog with the link, otherwise just look at those above link for his opinions on PRK Kajang.

I'm not supporting him in this 100% as I think that BN should try to field a candidate but rather than  fielding MCA, they should put UMNO guy as a loan for one terms.

Let it be a Malay vs Malay and see how majority of Chinese over there react. Hehhehheh (Sorry badpotato, I cannot help it. I'm not gigling, I'm just laughing at them. That is why I'm using hehhehheh).

I always waiting for Mohammad Hassan or better known as Tok Mat by the Negri's, voicing his opinions.

He has a distinctive slang that will remind you of an older Negri folks usually have.

But I'm not surprise as he come from Rantau or specifically kampung Kanchong and the folks over there using this Negri's slang.

And the most memorable comment come from him that I remember until now was "Macam mana nak menang (bolasepak) kalau sepak bola pakai keting".

So, well said Tok Mat. I may not agreeing with you in this but at least you presenting you opinions in the way that make me contemplating  the pro and contra of my opinions. 

Good Job Tok Mat...

By the way, this is the link of Mat Hassan Tzkirah : tazkirah

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Strange But True : An Observation Of Loved Posting In The FB

OK guys let's me share this with you.

A friend share this with me.

Well someone will tell you who will care right, but for me it is a wise word need to be shared to all.

I loved this kind of posting from the FB. A Lot's of times this kind of sharing come for a Malay and an Indian friends.

It is strange to me when not a lot of Chinese friends share this kind of wise words.

They will share about someone complaining the government or the weakness of the government but they just don't share this kind of wise words.

I mean, my Malay friends will share a Mutiara Kata by Ustaz or from the blog while my Indian friends will share the wise word like the above and a few others.

Below is the post sharing by a Malay friends

I always received this kind of beatiful words from a Malay who remind me about the loved of Allah.

Some will say the Chinese was a no nonsense type of people. They don't need this kinds of reminder but face it guys, if these people really love, love, love kinds of people, should a post like the above will be pop up once in a while.

I'm monitoring this kinds of posting for two weeks now and trust me somehow this kind of posting not once pop up in my FB nor they sharing this kind of posting with others.

Love or sharing a positive thinking is not in their agenda's. What in their agenda's is a hatred toward others who didn't share the same views as they are.

A few who still a friends in the FB also not sharing this positive words with others but if things about negative thinking towards government they're the first one who post it in the FB.

My conclusion, when you only believed in negative things, you will become negative yourself.  Things that have a positive impact to you will past you by because you have a double standard inside yourselves.

You feel that other people is beneath you and what they try to give you were not in league as what you entitle of. So, positive word have no impact in your heart and you will feel that it is not an important things you need to share with others.

It a me, me, me type of thinking. 

What a shame. When you think you don't need this kind of reminder, words that beautifully craft into a beautiful and meaningful picture, than you need to examine your heart. 

You need tho asked yourself guys, if your heart becoming as hard as a stone.

Think about it okay.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Akhirnya AI For Kajang hehhehheh

Akhirnya selepas sesi nafi menafi, AI diumumkan sebagai calon PKR untuk Kajang.

Adakah saya terkejut? Jawapannya "Tidak".

Teori Konspirasi saya ialah, Anwar setuju menjadi MB Selangor kerana gajinya lebih besar dari gaji PM. Oleh itu, kalau tidak dapat jadi PM pun dapat gaji lebih daripada PM pun jadilah kankankan hehhehheh.

Well, itu teori konspirasi saya. Berdasarkan fakta gaji MB Selangor lebih besar dari gaji PM hehhehheh.

Ingin analisis yang lebih mendalam, anda boleh baca di Blog Helen : anwar-pilih-kajang-kerana-bergantung-kepada-sokongan-gila-orang-cina

Bagi saya, analisis Helen itu ada kebenarannya. Dengan perpecahan undi Melayu, AI benar-benar mengharapkan undi orang Cina untuk memenangkan dirinya pada pilihanraya kecil itu nanti.

Dalam usaha menjadi MB bagi menamatkan kekalutan didalam PKR, AI terpaksa memilih memaksa Kerajaan mengadakan pilihanraya kecil.

Duit rakyat terpaksa dibelanjakan untuk mengatasi masalah kemelut didalam PKR. Duit cukai yang anda semua bayar.

Adilkah itu? Kalau anda diantara orang yang membantah BN menggunakan duit rakyat untuk kepentingan BN maka anda sepatutnya membantah AI menggunakan duit rakyat untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalaman PKR Selangor.

Tetapi sekiranya anda bersikap adil buat PR tetapi salah buat BN, duduklah anda dalam kepompong ketidak-adilan yang satu masa akan terkena juga kepada anda sekiranya usaha mereka memerintah tercapai. Karma tidak mengenal sesiapa.

Jika anda ingin berhujah bahawa peruntukan undang-undang membenarkan maka segala yang BN lakukan berasaskan undang-undang selama ini juga anda tidak lagi boleh pertikaikan.

Dari segi moral, mari saya jelaskan bahawa sebaik sahaja anda menyetujui setiap perbuatan PR secara automatiknya setiap perbuatan BN yang sama atau selari dengan perbuatan PR tidak lagi dapat anda pertelingkahkan.

Itulah sebabnya kenapa saya terus-menerus meminta anda kritikal terhadap Pemimpin anda tidak kira PR atau BN. Jika itu dapat anda lakukan, ahli-ahli politik ini tidak lagi sesuka hati melakukan sesuatu demi kepentingan diri seperti yang berlaku sekarang.

Saya baru terfikir. Ada satu strategi yang boleh BN praktikkan.

BN bertanding sahaja di Kajang tetapi bukan diwakili oleh MCA sebaliknya UMNO.

Kenapa? Kerana MCA belum lagi boleh bertanding kerana sentimen orang Cina terhadapnya masih negetif. Kepimpinan MCA juga masih belum stabil sepenuhnya.  Pinjamkan sahaja kerusi itu kepada UMNO.

Seperti Gelang Patah, letakkan UMNO disitu. Dari situ BN boleh melihat apakah sentimen orang Cina dikawasan bandar sebenarnya.

Bagi mereka pilihan samada untuk memilih UMNO aka BN atau terus memilih PKR aka PR. Sekiranya senario Gelang Patah berulang maka simpulkanlah sahaja bahawa undi Cina tidak lagi relaven untuk BN kejar. Abaikan sahaja.

Jika UMNO bertanding dan kalah, maka orang Cina tidak ada lagi alasan menyatakan bahawa Tsunami tidak berlaku. Kemenangan PKR di Kajang akan membuktikannya.

Ini adalah tektik terbaik UMNO. Gelang Patah adalah ujikaji PRU#13 manakala Kajang wajar menjadi makmal ujikaji sentiment orang Cina selepas PRU#13.

Inilah makmal terbaik untuk ujikaji samada orang Cina sudah berkerat rotan dan berpatah arang dengan Kerajaan.

Selepas ini, jika calon UMNO itu kalah, Najib perlu melepaskan niat untuk terus berusaha membina jambatan perpaduan dengan mereka.

Sudah tiba masanya bukan Najib yang menghulurkan tangan sebaliknya mereka yang perlu berusaha membuktikan kesetiaan mereka kepadanya.

Amalkan konsep sayang anak ditangan-tangannya itu hehhehheh.

Adakah UMNO akan mendengar cadangan ini? Mungkin tidak hehhehheh.

Tapi seharusnya mereka memikirkannya kerana dari segi politik itulah yang tindakan terbaik. Pilihan yang diumpamakan sebagai ditelan mati emak diluah mati bapa kepada orang Cina.

Kepada yang kurang faham bahasa Malaysia, ini adalah pepatah Melayu untuk pilih salah dan tidak pilih pun salah. Jangan pula ada yang kata saya suruh telan emak bapa pula hehhehheh.

Cadangan ini baru sahaja datang kepada saya dan saya rasa perlu saya fikirkan dan perhalusi lagi hehhehheh.

Next post maybe hehhehheh.

Monday 27 January 2014

Will AI become Selangor MB?????

Read The Mole :  pkr-kajang-assemblyman-resigns .

I’m sure some of you already heard about the war between Azmin and Khalid right? This on and off war was before GE13 and reach it peak this month. It become a saga when among the solution was two fall guys has been transferred.

Well, it looks like it reached to a new level today when Kajang Assembly resigned. Rumours have it that this guy will be replace with AI.

According to these rumours, AI will replace KI when he wins this by election.

Wow, he then will represented Permatang Pauh, Penang and Kajang Selangor.  Two states, far away from each other.

Hmmm,  look like he is so efficient that he can services those two different districts from two different states.
I get it, yes I still get it if these types of politician want to become representatives in Parliament and ADUN given that these two places that he represented were in the same states.

But, from two different states? Don’t you think it is too much? Yes there is a flight connected this two states but come on. They preach about BN ADUN and Parliament representative wasting  Rakyat money, don’t you think this is wasting Rakyat Money too.

Well this is a story of what they can do but not what others can do.
I want see how this will unfold. But in the meantime's, I will wonder how bad PKR Selangor really is.

And I will also think, why  Lee Chin Cheh resigned and what is the catch for him. Or is it possible, he actually a black sheep who get slaughtered because he is nobody in PKR….Hmmmm

Thursday 23 January 2014

I Lead Even If It Stupid You Zombie Follow

I read lots about AI blames and do not blames and U-turn and run in circle regarding his problem to enter Japan. I means it so hard to understand the real issue here of why he has been refused to enter Japan.

Why those country refusing him was lost in statement after statements and spinning after spinning from him and his people.

On top of it, some bunch of his die’s hard supporter rally outside Japanese embassy calling them to giving an explanation why they refusing AI to enter Japan.

For me it a simple matter and it is an everyday occasion some people for whatever reasons been refusing to enter some countries.

Don’t believed me, just watch TV program, Border Securities (or is it Security) Australia’s and Canada’s. In a lots of episodes there were people who has been refusing to enter both of this countries and some with a reasons due to they believed this people has a wrong attitudes.

And combining with a story of a friends who going to USA and has been ordered to go back just because he said he stupidly act arrogantly towards the authorities out there. Rather than work together with them, he refusing to allowed them to do a body search.

He later found out that he's sharing his names with someone who name’s linked to drug dealers. Only this dealer comes from other country.

Truly, I laugh at his face. Come on, he looked so innocent and voila he sharing is sharing his name with a known drug dealer in the USA. If he just being nice and work together to solved that problem, he can joint his family to a Disneyland.

But, before those incident he was arrogant and always acted like he knows a lot of things. After that, he changed a bit but still sometimes his "I"m too good for everyone" attitude comes out.

So I understand the right of some countries refusing certain people entering their countries.

But, for a season’s politician who somehow using this fact as a political issue, it’s more like foolish games to me. With his experienced, he must aware about this rules right?
Not only him but all veteran politicians in Malaysia must aware about this rules.
It’s a standards rules consented by PBB. Not only applied to AI but to peoples all over the worlds. AI was only a politician. As a seasoning politician who should know better.

And with a zombie peoples, I call them Zombie because they cannot think or research what really happen, demanding an explanation from Japanese government, Oh! come on. How stupid it’s look like?

Who AI to demand Japanese government to change their policy just to give him a privilege to enter Japan?

Is he a big name like Queen Elizabeth, Queen of England or like late Nelson Mandela or Bill Gates, Microsoft founders? Those are the big names that command the world. People all over the world had known their faces.

AI is only an opposition leader from small countries which in the world map, the size of a small needle hole but bigger than a dot. Some even confusing Malaysia with Melawi or some people don’t even know the existing of Malaysia.

They only know Borneo and the fact that Borneo was having three borders in it, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia was lost to them.

 For me the worst things happen in this issue is the existing of the zombie. Don’t this people know the right of the country on refusing some people to enter their countries?
If they don’t know it then they must be exposed to this rules when Malaysia refusing Nick Xenophon the right to enter this country, right?

They even demanding for the government to gives an explanation why this Senator has been black listed.

Or they think this rules applied to Malaysia only?

Oh boy, what happen to this people? That is why I title’s this article, I Lead Even If It Is Stupid You Zombie Follow.

Only Zombie doesn’t have a brain to think. They eating people brain because they need a brain, right? Hehhehheh

So for those who follow AI blindly, and for a fact trusted what come from his mouth as the truth nothing but the truth, I hearby call you all Zombies. Full stop.

Why? Just because you don't  think for yourself. If you just want to rally or apposed everything’s without knowing what you apposed and just because AI told you need to rally or apposed, just accepted it that you are a zombie.

Good luck living in the world where you don’t have a brain. People call you brainless and if you are a brainless people that mean you are not so bright (don’t want to use that one word).

Don’t aspect me to joint you Hehhehheh.

Monday 20 January 2014

Malay Boiling Point? Dare to Reach It?...

I'm busy for a couple of days. As some of you know, every Saturday from 9.00pm I will be at Pusat Belia Paroi for my weekly extreme exercises dosage.

It suit me well coz it comes with a catching music which my kids loved to follow even if it was rather unusual kind of exercises hehhehheh.

On the other notes, there was a lot of Malay following this programme and during before and after the exercises there was a lot of talks all around.

Some about the prices of goods, some about politic and some about kids or family. Well it is enlightening to hear it out.

So I'm quite exposed to many things that related to people sentiments around my areas. The Malay that is.

Those who willing to say that the majority of Malay don't get thick ticked off by a lot of thing and demanding by certain lots, think again.

It's look like, last Saturday, the talks was all about how the Chinese becoming more and more kurang ajar. It's a drastic changes from two weeks ago. There's an indians there but somehow they were not been bother with the talks.

When I asked about it to an Indian friends who joining the exercises, he just informed me that that is all about Chinese vs Malay.

He said and I quoted : The  Chinese provokes the Malay, the Chinese will pay the price.

A simple statement by him. It is Chinese vs Malay, that his reading.

And I understand it quited well. It is true you know. People starting to wonder if this power play between the ivory tower (note I said Ivory tower coz this people think they were so smart that their sentiment reading was correct) notices the emotional changing with the majority of Malay.

Helen was right. Day by day the Chinese started to be lump sum into the group of DAP supporter. Even if they were not, the majority Malay who saw this selected Chinese provoker attitudes as the reflection of all Chinese sentiments toward the Malay.

Look back please and tell me what race has their pictures circulated step on the pictures of Malay leaders, demeaning the national flags and much more.

Tell me, which race has been highlighted Derhaka to YDP Agong or commenting about YDP Agong Titah in the most unpleasant ways.

Tell me now, which races the leader who wanting to used Allah as a replacement of God look likes? Who up front and busily shouting that is their right?

Indian who luckily manages to get their pictures taken has now escaping the predicament due to people sentiments is that they were only the tools to be used by the Chinese.

Day by days the Chinese has been highlighted to be the kurang ajar types. No, they not saying Chinese DAP, PKR, Gerakan or MCA. They said 'CHINESE".

I'm reading this sentiments getting stronger and stronger. Come on, if two or three peoples talks about it, in one areas, I just take it as a local sentiments.

But I'm travelling in a few places and it looks like, the same things boiling everywhere. NS, Pahang, Johor and Selangor the same things reflecting over and over again.

How do you supposed I reads it if I finds this things over and over again.

I really thought that the sentiments of anti Chinese will died down after new year but it's look like it getting worst and worst every days.

So, this is what I asked to all of you.

To the Chinese, pleased stop all those provocation. You must stop it first. There is no other ways.

It is to late to stop the Malay sentiment who starting to look at The Chinese as the penderhaka. The Chinese leader who playing with these play it so well that all of you have been trap in the black hole.

It's now damn if you were and damned if you were not.

It PENDERHAKA guys. Not the things you can easily apologise. It is the worst sins you can committed in the Malay worlds.

Maybe you said, the Malay must stop first but how many times this coming months the Malay stop but the provocateur started another issue just to see the Malay come out with the warning?

The sentiments of Kurang Ajar and Menderhaka by the Chinese was started to circulating around the world of Malay sentiments now.

I'm not asking the Malay to stop it because it is too late to stop this sentiments. If the Chinese stop provoking by stop playing with the Malay sentiment right now, we still have a chance correcting the sentiments.

Otherwise, it will reach to a boiling point of no return.

This is how the majority of Malay see it.

First the Malay rights, then they playing with what the Malay consider a secrete, the Allah issues, then come the what a Malay started to see now as the ultimated backstabbing of Chinese, the totally outvoting the Malay.

Not UMNO or BN guys. Now it is Malay.

Then the issue of calling the Malay leaders racists and then the issue of Allah sprout out again and this times getting hotter. Then the issue of Comango requesting as I saw it the request for free of all.

Then this leaders and  people demeaning and making fun of TITAH SULTAN before YDM Agong.

On top of it, they also see how this PR leader and trust me the Malay and Indians in there suddenly been erased of their existing, increasing their salaries and in Penang LGE buying Merz after just a few month buying a Camry.

And looks around, a lots of times the Malay saw the Chinese driving a big car while majorities of Malay only drives Proton.

And the Chinese shouted that they were the second class citizen. The Malay also see how the majorities of top 10 riches people in Malaysia was a Chinese.

Then comes those new year eve Perhimpunan Menurunkan Harga barang. You know what some Malay said to me?

Looks, how the Malay being played by the Chinese again. Look like the Chinese spend their times enjoying their holiday while the Malay doing the dirty jobs.

If you were a Malay, how do you read it? Think okay. I hope my reading was wrong. I really hope this guys.

The provocateur overplaying this sentiments games and guys, it backfire right now. The emotion of distrust among the Malay towards the Chinese is getting hotter and hotter.

Please, please I bag beg you, don't throw more oils into it.

Friday 17 January 2014

DAP & PKR : Power Play In The Party?

Heard about the grumbling in PKR? A few of PKR Committee in one areas (in Seremban of course) inform me they will be sideline.

They were from nobody teams, not AI or AA or KI. Just ordinary guys and words from them is that because of their stand, they not even getting re-elected this coming March.

Bonn-voyage they said. We will joint PERKASA. My answer to them was Hmmm okay if that what you wanted.

When I asked them why Perkasa and not ISMA, they said, ISMA sound more like PAS only smarter but it's still a political party. They decided, this times around, it's better for them to joint non-political party which is willing to fight for a Malay.

My opinion is"MONG"???? hahhahhah (If you know Running Man you will know what MONG stand for. If not then goggle for yourself hehhehheh).

It's look like PKR is in shamble. In one hand they look like a strong teams when trying to mobilise the mobs of demonstrator but on the other hand it's look like there is something wrong.

It's not just one or two sided fight now, it's look like every angle there's a fight or power struggle.

Well, if you want to know the real attitudes of the man, give them money and power hmmm.

It's also the same with DAP. Some will call in the Dynasty Lim establishment or KS establishment  or Nga-Ngor establishment but in the end they sideline most of their otai who don't support either of this powerful group.

The otai who's loyalty has been tested by years of struggles to make DAP stronger.

Well, my takes to this situation was, it's like DAP said to this Otai, Thank you for your help but now we don't need you anymore. Let's us take over and you can go. We will never stop you but if you try to stay we will removed you.

They are no better than PKR I guess. Talk about how bad the other side and they are the best example of people who don't walk the talk.

I guess it's their opinions that because they're better than anyone else so they're above the law. Law is for other peoples to follow. Not them.

About PAS, well I get an earfuls of complaining about how PAS becoming weak and weaker. But as you know I lives in NS so I cannot judges fairly if this is the attitudes of all the PAS members. As you know that Pemuda PAS and PAS didn't go well with each other here.

During GE#13 I hear, there was a sabotaged by Pemuda PAS to makes sure that PAS didn't win majority in the areas where they put their candidates especially in Seremban areas.

A black flags was seen each night which I suspected erected by Pemuda PAS to inform their members do not votes for PAS.

By afternoon the next day, the flag has been removed but during the periods of campaigning this black flags has been existing here and there.

The struggle is still there even after GE#13 and Pemuda PAS Seremban movement is next to nothings now. I'm still waiting for any news about them but as for today, none catches my eyes.

A lot of Pemuda PAS movement here look synchronises with UMNO stands. Maybe it just me but that is the way I see it right now.

This is my takes about PR.

DAP will stay on the ground that all fault in their party problems comes from either UMNO or RoS. Typical DAP to blame everyone else but themselves hehhehheh.

PAS problem because they don't understand they have a problems. Others have a problem especially UMNO and not them. They were above the problems and law human or God hehhehheh

PKR problem is because March comes so fast and their weakness has been exposed by their own members who searching all the black spot in PKR in order to generated more power for themselves. Well who don't want the power right, especially after the increasing of Adun salary hehhehheh.

I'm looking and wondering, maybe all this was UMNO fault because they don't fight back when this three tag's teams trying to smeared UMNO. It's left them hanging looking for opportunity to look united with one another.

With UMNO keep silence, it's hard for them to cover their problems. So Kangkung gets more attentions than usual. Before that the flight issue and before that the saving mechanism announce by Najib's. And before, the splurges by Minister hehhehheh.

All those issue's refused to stick more than a month. Even kangkung now become a liabilities for them as people started wondering if this people cannot defficianted between example and fact, how do you supposed they understand anythings (opinions from my sons).

When I asked him why, he said because "Makcik yang jual air kat luar sekolah cakap, korang jangan main aje, belajar rajin-rajin supaya pandai. Nanti jangan jadi bodoh, bila orang cakap contoh pun tak faham".

Me, I just want to say, let's see what happen after PKR General Assembly. I can't wait, but on the meantime's, will we see so much drama's likes DAP, PAS, UMNO and MCA?

Why no MIC in my list? Come on guys, have you heart anythings during MIC Assembly? Non so powerful right, even when someone try to stirr somethings up.

You know what, I'm waiting for the next "Action" hehhehheh

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Being Positive? Now It's A Crime?

Refer to my previous post : The kangkong

Someone getting angry with me hehhehheh.

Why? Because he thinking that I don't understand the real issue.

He said and I quote
"This is not about how you can get a money out of your kangkung, this is about Najib who is clueless on what's going on"


Come on. I'm not complaining Najib or praise him for his Kangkung remarks. I just inform everyone how I see some commenter being negative and cannot seem to realised the opportunity even if it's knocking on his door.

And there's a lots of people complaining and mourning about this and that and it created the negative aura for everyone else.

For me, my attitudes is, if facing a problem, if it's break my heart, I will cry and when I'm calming down, try to solves it.

Yes I'm a women and it is a given for me to cry. See I can even justify it in a positive way why I can cry. Me women can cry you man cannot hehhehheh

If it's makes me angry, sometimes - mind you, not all the times hehhehheh- I will fight back angrily and when calm down,  I will try to solves it.

I'm a women so I can be emotional especially during my PMS. So you guys, takes notes about this little fact when dealing with a women. Try to understand we women cannot help ourselves. Hey I'm justify it again in positive way hehhehheh.

If it is not so hard or just complicated, research and research and asking around on how to solves it.

Maybe it's like some of my friends inform me, it's the Capricorn's in me, but the way I see it, if you found a problem deal with it and solved it.

I see it as a clean cut situation. Nobody can solves your problem except yourselves.

Don't have enough money, deal with it. Rationalised everything, saves a little by little and you will have a money.

Need an expansive items, deal with a dealer or joint the groups and sell those items. After saving enough money from the sales, buy and own that items.

Need to dinner in expansive restaurant, plan it with my kids, makes a tabung makan di restoran XXX and then when we save enough, we will go and enjoy ourselves.

That how I'm dealing with all those problems. I'm not sure about anyone else but just for a record, a few of my friends also deals with their problem the same way.

Maybe the circle of friends playing important roles in my decisions making but it's worked for me.

On the other hand, I don't always diet on politics. I means, I consider some of our political figure player should resign already like KS, LKS and NA.

I also think that Hishamuddin should lay low in politic and doing Shahril Samad attitudes. Talk when someone asked and don't talk to much. Just give them as little as possible about themselves.

But I know, who cares about my point of view. Let's face it guys, I'm not even an UMNO members.

I'm only a members of exclusives clubs of a blood donor, specifically type A+ which will get a call once in a while if the A+ blood level in Hospital Tuanku Jaafar is low hehhehheh.

So, don't get angry with me. Just read my post and if you don't like it, dismiss it. If you like it, than it means I touch your heart somehow today.

But for both of this groups, thank you because you read my post and have your own opinions. Have your own opinions is a start for positives thinking.

Make your own decisions and it's up to you weather to up it to a level of making your own decisions because of you or someones else.

By the way, it is not a crime to be a negative or positives thinking as long as it is your own choices and you can justify it. And not because you have been influences by someone else.

See yeah hehhehheh

Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Kangkung Saga : Positive & Negative

.Cannot help it but I must write this post.

Just read this article I found in Yahoo : video-harga-kangkung-turun-najib-jadi-cemuhan

One comment catch my eyes. 

"Kangkung belakang umah aku pun banyak. Sapa nak ambil aku bagi free," kata pengguna Facebook Azizi Adzemi.

I'm reading him as a negative type of persons. Why, because if what he says was true than he mis the opportunity to makes a money.

Yes I loud his attitudes to give kangkung for free but why don't he think that if a lots of kangkung availables he got a gold mind behind his house.

He don't have to plant and takes care of it, he just need to harvest it and sold it and get money out of it.

If I'm this guy, I will collect all those kangkung and I will divided it to a small bundle.

If I want to get the fair price, I will put my kangkung and distribute it to makcik-makcik who sold sayur kampung at Pasar tani. I don't asked them to give me money right away, I just asked them to help me sold that kangkung.

Maybe I will cut a deal with her, 50cent per small bundle and she can sold it for me at RM 1.00 per bundle. She get 50 cent and I will get 50cent.

If I'm lazy, I will sent all those kangkung to pasar besar. Maybe I will get RM5.00 per kilo or less but if you sold in big bundle or cut in a small bundle and you will get around 30cent per bundle.

How do I know this, because once I'm so lazy to take care of a small plot ehind my house that I decided to just plant only lemon grass or serai. 

The plot was not that big, around 2 meter by 2.5 meter. I got around 12 lot of lemon grass after 4 months.

A friend upon seeing my lemon grass suggest that I'm going to pasar near my house and asked someone over there if they want to buy my lemon grass.

I'm following that suggestion and what I found out surprise the heck out of me.

They asked me to divided my lemon grass to small portion, 3 per set and they will buy it out from me 70cent per set. Each lot I got around 10 or more set.

With 12 lot I got RM84 plus. I imagine, if I have a bigger plot I will get nearly RM100 extra per month.

And guys, every years I consider RM100 as my bonus money because once of each year I planting lemon grass and I time it out around Hari Raya puasa.

You see, I'm just using a composs which compromise a waste of food that I planting on that plot.

If you see in my plot now, you will see a daun pandan. I sold that to pasar guy every saturday and sunday. Sometimes, because he know me well, he just call me to send the daun pandan to him because he has a regular customer who's making a kuih muih.

This daun pandan will get cleared out around march this year to prepare for serai plot.

I don't have to do anythings with this type of vegetables or some will call it herbs. Just plant it up, make sure it grow and if needed watered it out. Otherwise you can let it grow wildly.

Especially during a rainy seasons. Just make sure there is no weeds during a growing times, maybe around 3 weeks and that is.

So positive minds will generate a positive attitudes. I means come on, it's free money. I started my lemon grass with a single shoot, a balance from cooking.

I only used two shoot to masak lemak cili api and because I don't want to wested it, I plant it out.

Now I always have what I call a "serai mother plan". Two lot of it as a start-up for my seasoning planting hehhehheh. 

Now those single plant generated around RM100 each time I harvested it. It a small lot my friends and the lemon grass look like a lalang because I plant it near of each other.

I only used around RM8 to buy "gelang getah" to divided each set. And RM8.00 have around 500 pcs of gelang getah.

I'm a busy mother and this plan types was a mother friendly types of plant for me. Just overseas it for 3 weeks and look at it once in a while for 3 to 4 month.

A friends who have no land plot generated around RM130 to RM150, but she plant it behind her house using a big black planting bag.

That her ways of earning money. She also planting about 20 cili padi which earn her RM 10 to RM15 per kilo depanding on market prices.

Every 3 days she will send a kilo to pasar. Every month she will get around RM100.

A friends who live in Shah Alam, planting serai as one of her decoration. Every three or four month, when she harvested her serai, she will send it to mini market near her house.

They buy it from her around 80cent per set of 3 and sold to their customer RM1.50.

She get around RM 10 each harvesting but she said it quite enough coz rather than throw away, she got a money out of her passion to beautified her house and some money to buy a pots or soils.

So think about it okay. Do you want to stay in negative mind all your living years or try to change it.

Opportunity was everywhere in Malaysia. Just open your mind a bit and you will find it out.

By the way, serai, kunyit, bunga kantan, cili padi, buah kelapa and daun pandan was an item a malay household used everyday.

For some reasons it always not enough and if you can provide even a portion of it, you will generated a money. A mini market will buy it just asked them and you will see.

For some 70cent per set maybe not a lots of money but if you think carefully, you will realise that 70cent can generate a lots of money if the quantity getting bigger and bigger.

70 cent of 100 bundle of serai set will get you RM70.
If you have 500 bundle you will get RM 350.
If more bundle, think how much you get?????

Think ok. Just give it some though.

Oh by the way, I'm using serai as my examples coz I'm planting serai. You can change it to kunyit, or pisang or kelapa or bunga kantan okay. Don't limited your mind to only serai okay hehhehheh

MLM : Itukan Contoh = The Kangkung Saga...Ala...Hai

Have you seen Maharaja Lawak Mega where Jep SepahTu misquoted Censer to Cancel and he informed others two members it he can pronounce the right word because "itukan Contoh?"

Well that's the way I imagine people need to be told to this spin people regarding the Kangkung Saga.

Don't this people know about the word contoh or example.  There a lots about example been want to see some example of EXAMPLE. Look inside your school children text book okay.

Doing this you can also check your on your children too. Maybe this is the only times you can check what your children studies in school.

Example is a way for you to explain it to everyone. You used one related things because it makes it easier to explain.

If you really an educated people than you can applied this example to other things.

You are not a school children, let say 7 years old, who need to be given all those information just for you to understand what people talk about right?

I means, come on, one or two example is enough for you to understand  how or what to do right? Come on lah, we were not 6 or 7 years old who need to be explain everything or to order how to behaved right?

Try to be matured guys.

It is an example. EXAMPLE okay. Adoi hai....

But then agains, if they don't know the translation of the word God in Bahasa Malaysia is Tuhan, how can they understand the structure on how Contoh or example to be used right hehhehheh.

Now other subject that really interests me is the Johor DAP takeover by The Lim Group hehhehheh.

People oh people, first, Penang, then Kedah and Selangor and now Johor. After this will Melaka be the next stage in this take over of The Lim Group Corp?

We will see then. After all it is rumbling over there.

So, if you are a DAP member, and want to stay in the party please line you priority right. Lim Group a Yes..yes. Other group a NO No, okay hehhehheh.

On the other hand, a lot of veteran whose loyalty has been tested  get kicked out.

But one veteran can stay on. And he is (drum roll please) LKS hehhehheh. Well he is after all the adviser and like LKY need to stay on as to oversee everything hehhehheh.

Even if what he call Malaysia Dictator, Tun M has left his throne, he still found a need to be in the political arena.

You want to asked me why isn't it? I know hehhehheh.

The answer is, because Tun M is dictator, but (jeng jeng jeng) he's only and adviser ma... so, it is no need for him to left out the political Arena.

Logic? But then against who say I will answer it logically. A lot of things in Kangkung Saga and The Lim Group Corp takeover already defined any logic hehhehheh.

See yeah in the realm or unlogically hehhehheh....

Monday 13 January 2014

Don't Only Read About Politic, Read Biz Section Too

Aiyooo. I got a question by a friends today. The questions are :

Hei Sarah, you were train in as a programmer and you want to talk about politic situation and household management? Get a live will you. Stick to your training and do what you know best lah....

Well to this friends I answered his questions,  with  questions, what did your exposed to yourself everyday? Only politic or to everything?

So he asked me again : When you start to work, your started with a technician programmer right?

I said NO. My first jobs after completing my studies was in Shipping/purchasing then Engineering, then Production Engineering, then Production, back to purchasing , then Training Assistance and now PA. There is no where in mt profession up to now I'll end up being a programmer.

So he keep quiet for a while then asked me again, why don't you try to work as a programmer when you finish your studies? Is this because you cannot find a jobs as a programmer when you first enter your job market?

My answer was, NO. I when I finish my studies the position available for  programmer estimated about 100,000. The programmer was so rare even people with basic training was snatch up in a jippy.

But I decided to enter the totally different market at that times. I challenged my selves that I can breakthrough in the world where a Malay was a rare commodity.

I'm not interested in sales but I'm interested in the people who acquire things for everyone, and that's my friends was shipping and purchasing.

I loved making a deals. Finding the best priced was my passion. I loved it when I find the best deals and I loved to buy and buy and buy.

Now, purchasing is a god job for me. With someone else money, aka company, and makes a deals to get a better prices aka the lowest, I can fulfils my passions.

I also loved to meet people and try to understand them. That's why I moved around, a lot during that years. While I stay in the same company, when there was a vacant positions, I will applied just to changes my environment.

But mind you, I will only fill in the position where I still can makes a deals and buy somethings and finding the best prices aka lowest prices. I'm still following my rules and company rules hehhehheh.

So, to this friends, don't just read politic and stuck your brain in the box.  An Uncle said, politic is useful but for a mere people like us it is not profitable.

Go out and explore the worlds. Read a lot on interesting fact out there. Try finding a new challenges. If not why don't you go Bunjie jumping or mountain tracking for a changes. It's accelerating.

For example, do you know that one of magnet man is a Malaysian and he inherited his capabilities to his grandchild hehhehheh.

So, there a lot of interesting fact other than politic. So do not limited yourself only in politic. Exposed yourself to every things hehhehheh.

Also, the reasons why I understand more about economies better than average i mean, not brilliant mind you, just above averages because of my past working experienced.

I'll understand how corporations or company works due to my experienced and I'm familiar with a lot of technical jargon's due to my experienced too.

As a purchaser, I need to be aware how the market changes and what cost will be involved and the risk involved when you send and buy some items in some countries. You need to speak in the same term with the person you dealing with and you also need to understand them.

 That's is why, I guess I have a lot more tolerance to some people like this friends hehhehheh.

And now, an uncle witch I consider like a father try to educated me in how the money can makes the money and how to retain your property and multiply it.

He said to me, it will takes times if you don't have a lot and lots of money but slow and steady always the best way. You can gain an experienced and valuable lesson that way.

He asked me to read biz sections almost everyday. Yeah my friends, when your read it everyday, you will find a trend in biz. I'm more aware of it now and I think if you follow this advised you will find it too.

there's a rhythm in biz and understand it makes you aware what going on and opportunity's that available.

So, next times you read a newspaper or surfing the line, just takes time to read and surfs Biz information too.

I'm preferring newspaper coz I can read and reread it with RM1.50 than surfing thru Internet which if you go times and times again will cost you valuable bytes.

Actually it is more expensive online when your research about biz than buying a newspaper, if you know what I means hehhehheh.

So guys, open yourself out and broader your horizon. /don't only read about politic, read about somethings else too.Okay...hehhehheh.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Something Fishy This Week...

First lets me tell you this, the most popular A-Count-Ten from DAP, makes another counting mistakes. Please read Baca Di Sini, ok.

But what do you aspect from the "A Count 10" hehhehheh. He thinking that all numbers were algebra, so he changing the number to word so it is easier for him to understand.

When changing back to number, he confuse what is what. So to those who thinking 41% mistakes was a little mistakes, it is because they see 41% as  XX%. So little mistakes maa. Just 2 words only hehhehheh.

NOw another things that strikes me fishy was that somehow they playing with the word GOD change to Allah to the hilt.

I means, there was a not so bright Malay who also don't understand English trying to translate the words GOD to Allah and those non Malay who also don't understand the word GOD actually in Malay means Tuhan wanted to used Allah.

So this two dungu and bebal playing with the fire, stroking the sensitivity of a Muslim day by day.

I call this Malay who don't understand what's going on as dungu because the dungu was usually used to someone who stupid and their mind not with everyone else.

Their minds was so out of this word that they tune out every explanation we try to give them.

I also call the people who refuse to used Tuhan as reference to GOD in their Bible, as bebal. Why bebal because they project themselves as people who learn but they actually was stupid.

I means come on, everyone know GOD means Tuhan in Malay, but they still want to used Allah.What for?

Fishy isn't it? That is why I call them bebal. They stubbornly refuse to listen even though they knew they were wrong. They think that they were so smart that they refuse to see their mistake.

Some will call them stupid but how to you define someone you know have a degree but acting like a moron.

Well Bebal or Boballion (Helen, thank you again) was the right word. I means, come on, moron is a moron. Stupid they not but they were just stubbornly refuse to see the reasons. Come to think of it, they also dungu right?

But any issue is a great things right? As long as people will forget about new merz and new salaries hikes. After all, it what they get was important. Not what will benefit your mere peoples. You have no values to them right now.

Oh by the way, if you want to feel important in their decision making again, just wait another 5 years okay. Then you will once again become important to them hehhehheh....

By the way, I feel energise now coz I'm in a new resolution which I added to my other resolution.

Each Saturday night I will go to Pusat Belia Paroi and have my weekly full exercise for 3 to 4 hours. It started around 9.00pm up to sometimes to 12.00am They conducting a free exercises session to all.

I call this Hardcore Pocho-Pocho. Why? because this is where you need a full stamina or by 20 mins you will be flat out. The interesting things is, it comes with the catchy music everyone..

Those who lives in Seremban areas come and joint me okay. It free everyone. And the benefit is, you will stay healthy. Only in Negeri Sembilan okay hahahaha....