Tuesday 31 December 2013

Pre New Year Post

I decided to write this post before Maghrib come. As a Muslim, I believed that the new day started after Maghrib.

I make new resolution to added to my previous one for a new year.

Next year I decided to buy all necessary stuff aka dry goods for my mother, here in Negeri Sembilan in a place call Seremban (catchy don't you think? hehhehheh)

Why oh why you want to do that? Ask Anon.

Coz it cheaper here then Selangor? Hehhehheh

Yeah, I make my decision base on the price tags. And it also because of the personal survey that I make this year. The price for all the items in Selangor aka Cheras, Kajang and Nanding is higher than Seremban.

The price different of some items was RM2.00 higer than Seremban. Put it this way, I'm living here in Seremban. The good dry good is cheaper. My mother lives in Selangor where the dry goods is slightly higher.

I'll will buying almost all her groceries now here in Seremban.

Usually buying goods is a way for me and my mom going out together when I'm back home.

Now for 2014, I'm planning, instead of shopping for groceries, we shopping for a feast aka fish or chicken or meat and BBQ it. It enjoyable too and more playing time for my kids as I'm to busy preparing the feast and they were left to my husband care.

Of course my kids loved it when my husband take care of them, they can do anythings except crying hahahahaha... Sorry love, but it true you know ;):):).

So, while all of you mourning about the price hikes over there, I'm still enjoying finding the lowest price available here. My mom enjoy it too coz I'm spreading my finding of the lowest price to her.

I'm paying the same price hikes of utilities like the rest of the country but coz of the others facilities tax is cheaper here, I'm getting the benefit of "lower goods price". I'm also enjoying the "lower sale price" which I can enjoy every times the hypermarket doing it without paying the tolls and petrol if I lived in KL or Selangor.

Let me tell you a secret. Here in Seremban, some things is more cheaper than you imagine and the funny thing is, there are the stores who sell it more cheaper than supermarket. If you are wise, if you come to Seremban for vacation, on the way back home, buy your monthly groceries here.

Explore Seremban and you will get it.

Don't only visit Jusco Seremban 2 or Parkson and said it is the same. Visit the town and explore it.

Visit Tesco and Mydin. Here we have, two Tesco hypermarket, two Mydin, 3 Giant including the supermarket, 3 The Store and Pacific, 7 Family Stores (last count), 2 Jusco and one Econsave.

Just to explore the Supermarket and Hypermarket will cost you a day or more, over here.

The price war is crazy here. Even the small stores try to compete in this price war and sharing the winning price too.

Negeri Sembilan never pay me a cent for this post but I write this post just to inform all of you about one of my new year resolution.

A solution for price hikes facing by my mom. I already discuss it with her and she agree that she will buy only the necessary item there. The rest will be ship to her by me.

And it will be a reasons I can give to her if she asking about my frequently come back home. She is forever worrying that it will burden me to come back home frequently just to visit her. It easier this way and my kids will loved it.

After all coming back to my hometown is like a mini vacation to them with a grandfather who spoil them rotten.

Happy New Year Everybody and My God Be With You. Take Care.

Monday 30 December 2013

Perbelanjaan Berhemah : Perkataan Yg Dipolitikkan

Sebelum mengulas lebih lanjut, izinkan saya menjawab e-mail daripada seseorang mempersoalkan kenapa saya menulis perbincangan tentang bagaimana mengatasi masalah kenaikan harga dalam bahasa Melayu..

Saya menulis mengenai bagaimana menjimatkan belanja dalam bahasa Melayu kerana saya mahu lebih ramai orang Melayu tahu bagaimana caranya untuk berjimat. Selama ini saya dapati, terlalu ramai orang Melayu yang berbelanja kurang bijak.

Saya mempelajari caranya dari seorang Uncle Cina. Kerana itu saya tidak membenci orang Cina keseluruhannya kerana masih ada yang baik seperti Uncle yang sanggup mengajar saya bagaimana berjimat dan mendapat lebih nilai dengan wang yang saya ada walaupun dilarang oleh sahabatnya.

Kebanyakkan pengguna Melayu terpengaruh dengan iklan dan momokan bahawa barangan buatan tempatan dan barangan keluaran bumiputera tidak bagus. RAmai juga percaya harga menentukan kualiti. Saya ingin memecah kepercayaan itu dikalangan orang Melayu.

Jesteru itu, saya menulis dalam bahasa Melayu agar lebih ramai memahami teknik dan tektik bagaimana menjimatkan perbelanjaan dan mendapatkan lebih nilai dari wang anda.

Saya boleh menggunakan bahasa Inggeris untuk artikel yang lain.

Berbalik kepada Perbelanjaan berhemah yang dipolitikkan.

Sepanjang minggu ini saya ada mendengar tentang bagaimana kerajaan boleh boros tetapi rakyat disuruh berjimat. Wahai rakan rakan, bukan rakan-rakan dan musuh-musuh yang dikasihi, berhemah bukanlah bermakna anda kena berjimat cermat.

Perkataan berhemah bermakna anda berfikir sebelum berbelanja. Kalau anda rasa boleh, belilah. Kalau tidak fikirkan untuk apa pembelian itu perlu dilakukan. Jika tidak perlu, jangan beli.

Itulah maknanya berhemah.

Pergi bercuti 5 kali setahun. Adakah perlu.? Jika anda mengamalkan perbelanjaan berhemah, anda kena fikirkan keperluan bercuti 5 kali setahun itu. Mungkinkah ia boleh dikurangkan kepada 2 kali setahun dengan menambah masa penginapan daripada 2 hari 1 malam setiap kali pergi bercuti kepada 4 hari 3 malam?

Puaskah anak anda mandi kolam atau laut dalam masa 2 hari satu malam itu? Dapatkah anda berjalan-jalan dalam masa itu? Dapatkah anda betul-betul berehat pada waktu itu? Bagaimana jumlah pengangkutan sebanyak 5 kali itu berbanding 2 kali?

Lihat lah jumlah wang yang anda gunakan. Campurkan semua. Anda akan dapati kos 5 kali untuk percutian 2 hari 1 malam itu lebih mahal daripada 4 hari 3 malam, dua kali setahun itu. Paling berhemah, jika anda boleh mendapatkan harga promosi untuk percutian anda.

Terus terang saya katakan, ramai yang kurang faham bila perkataan perbelanjaan berhemah itu digunakan. Perbelanjaan berhemah adalah perbelanjaan yang melibatkan anda berfikir. Perbelanjaan yang membolehkan anda mendapat nilai yang lebih untuk wang anda.

Fikirlah dahulu sebelum komen. Lihatlah dari semua sudut. Ambil tindakan bukannya komen menkinzir buta (pinjam daripada Maharaja Lawak Mega).

Contoh bil elektrik. Tahukah anda bahawa penggunaan lampu kalimantan biasa akan meningkatkan bil elektrik anda semakin lama anda menggunakannya? Adakah orang yang memberitahu anda bahawa setiap kerlipan lampu kalimantan apabila ia hendak menyala akan meningkatkan bil elektrik anda?

Ada atau tidak orang yang memberitahu anda peningkatan suhu dibilik anda apabila anda memasang lampu kalimantan berpunca daripada lampu itu?

Ada atau tidak orang beritahu anda bahawa terdapat jenis lampu kalimantan yang tidak berkelip apabila dinyalakan dan ianya lebih menjimatkan dan lebih sejuk berbanding dengan pemasangan lampu kalimantan biasa?

Tidak bukan. Dengan sedikit reaserch anda boleh mendapat kelebihan ini. Lampu kalimantan yang cukup terang.

Saya telah berjaya mengurangkan bil elektrik di rumah saya sebanyak 10% sejak menggunakannya. Dan pengurangan itu termasuk dengan penambahan pendingin hawa dalam peralatan elektrik saya.

Pelik. Tidak. Saya cuma menukar set lampu kalimantan saya sahaja satu demi satu. Setiap bulan saya beli satu set. perbezaan  laib hanyalah amalkan penutupan lampu apabila tidak digunakan. Cara yang mudah tapi berkesan.

kalau saya boleh buat, kenapa tidak anda.

Saya tersenyum bila membaca kenyataan bahawa RM12,000 tidak cukup. Tetapi perhatikan kenyataannya,. Begitu banyak pembaziran yang beliau lakukan. kenapa tidak beliau menstukturkan semula perbelanjaan beliau.

Jika itu beliau lakukan, beliau telah mengamalkan perbelanjaan berhemah. Percayalah, jika dilakukan dengan betul, beliau boleh menyimpan dalam RM5000 dari jumlah RM12,000 itu.

Saya bukanlah berpendapatan RM12,000 sebulan tetapi bil Astro saya lebih tinggi darinya dan tidak pula saya perlu merungut tidak cukup. Beliau mempunyai seorang anak dengan seorang lagi akan dilahirkan.

Saya ada empat orang anak. EMPAT orang anak.

Kenapa beliau boleh merungut dengan jumlah RM12,000 sebulan itu? Kenapa RM12,000 tidak cukup?

Bila difikirkan kembali, mungkinkah orang Cina sebenarnya lebih tertekan untuk tinggal di Penang sekarang berbanding dengan orang India dan Melayu? Adakah cara pemerintahan Iguana membuatkan orang Cina semakin susah di sana?

Fikir-fikirlah ya.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Nak Joint Himpunan 31 Dec : Baca Ini Dulu

Tentu sudah ramai yang mendengar tentang rancangan untuk berhimpun pada 31 Disember membantah kenaikan harga barang bukan?

Anda juga ingin sama mengikuti perhimpunan itu sebab semua orang marah dengan kenaiikan harga barangan dan perkhidmatan dan siapa yang tidak marah kan? Orang seperti saya juga terpaksa melupakan sesuatu yang saya ingini kerana perubahan corak pembayaran, bukankah begitu?

TApi, sebelum anda bercadang menyertai atau berhasrat untuk ikut serta, mari kita lihat apakah yang akan menaikkan harga sesuatu barang.

Baca perkara di bawah betul betul, OK.

Pertama kos penghasilan barang.

Jika harga barang mentah naik, harga barang akan naik. Jika sewa kilang naik, kos akan naik. Jika harga buruh naik harga barang akan naik. Jika harga khidmat penghantaran naik, harga akan naik. Jika sewa kilang naik, harga akan naik. Dan jika harga lesen perniagaan naik harga akan naik. Jika cukai tanah naik, harga akan naik. Jika harga utiliti naik, harga akan naik. Dan jika pelabur hendakan keuntungan lebih tinggi, harga akan naik.

Diatas adalah pada pihak pengilang.

Mari lihat pada pihak pengedar pula.

Bila harga sewa gudang naik, harga barang naik. Bila harga lesen perniagaan naik, harga akan naik. Bila kos upah pekerja naik, harga barang akan naik. Bila harga utiliti naik, harga akan naik. Bila harga kos penghantaran naik, harga akan naik. Jika pengusaha inginkan keuntungan lebih tinggi, harga barang akan naik.

So, itu adalah sebab mengapa harga barang boleh naik pada pihak pengedar.

Mari lihat pada pihak peniaga pula wokay.

Harga sewa kedai naik, harga barang naik. Harga lesen perniagaan naik, harga barang naik. Jika harga cukai pintu dan tanah naik, harga akan naik. Jika harga lesen perniagaan naik, harga akan naik. Jika harga perkeja naika, harga akan naik. Jika harga utiliti naik, harga akan naik. Jika peniaga itu inginkan keuntungan lebih, harga barang akan naik.

Cukup tiga atau empat impak perkara diatas naik, harga kos sesuatu barang itu akan meningkat. Jika satu yang naik, selalunya kenaikan jarang dilakukan.

Okay sekarang korang hendak menyertai himpunan tersebut sebab korang nak salahkan kerajaan Persekutuan kerana menaikkan harga barang kan.

Cuba korang baca link dibawah.
1. selangor-pecah-rekod-naik-harga
2. Tawaran Pakatan
3. http://www.mykmu.net/?p=38277

Selepas itu baca sekali komen-komen yang pembaca-pembaca itu bagi ye. ambil masa 30 min cari info. Tak mungkin korang tidak boleh habiskan masa sedikit kerana selepas ini dalam demonstrasi itu korang akan habiskan masa lebih dua ke tiga jam.
Sudah faham kenapa harga barang naik. Kalau disebabkan harga tol naik, fikir balik, lori satu trip boleh masukkan berapa tan barang didalamnya. Agak-agak korang lah, kalau peniaga minta supaya pengedar hantar barang lebih sedikit supaya trip lori itu kurang, agaknya ada effect kepada peniagaan kenaikan tol itu kah.

Kalau dulu penghantaran 10 kali dengan tol RM10 dia orang kena bayar RM100, tapi kalau tol naik RM2, penghantaran dikurangkan kepada 8 kali, bayaran tol boleh dijimatkan kepada RM98. Dan korang ingat, syarikat pengedaran itu bodoh (kan sudah keluar). 

 Dia orang sudah lama amalkan pengurangan kos ini. Kalau tidak, mana mungkin dia orang boleh bertahan sehingga sekarang walaupun merungut harga semua naik. Jimat dua ringgit boleh ditambah dalam baki hujung tahun. dan keuntungan syarikat bukankah bertambah. Itu baru Satu trip kalau beratus jimat RM2 berapa agaknya keuntungan dia orang?
Tempat kerja korang ada amalakan kos saving kan? itulah dia asalnya. Dengan kos saving kos pengeluaran dikurangkan dan keuntungan meningkat. Ada faham sekarang?

So, janganlah korang ditipu oleh politician yang hanya fikirkan diri sendiri itu. Korang pengguna, jika korang faham mengapa harga sesuatu barang itu boleh meningkat, korang boleh gunakannya untuk kelebihan korang sendiri.

Harga barang naik sebab diesel. Cuba applykan tol itu dengan diesel. Sudah nampak sekarang. Harga naik tapi kenapa syarikat tetap untung juga. Bukan sebab harga barang dinaikkan tetapi pengurangan kos disebabkan oleh kenaikan. Naikkan produktiviti kurangkan westages.

TApi kalau sewa atau harga bangunan perniagaan meningkat agak-agak korang kos itu siapa yang tanggung ye? Lesen perniagaan dan cukai pintu dan tanah naik, siapa yang tanggung itu ya. Agak korang mana impak kenaikan harga barang akan berlaku lebih tinggi.

Okay, Ini cerita seorang sahabat. Dia tinggal di KL dan anaknya sulungnya tinggal di Shah Alam. Emaknya tinggal di Taman Purba Ampangan.

Dua minggu atau tiga minggu sekali dia dan anaknya akan pulang ke rumah emaknya di taman Purba. Setiap kali pulang, dia akan membeli barang keperluannya di Seremban. Bagi kami orang Seremban, Jusco adalah tempat ekslusive. Harga barang juga mahal bagi kami orang Seremban lah.

Tetapi bagi sahabat saya ini, harga barang di Jusco adalah murah. Dan beliau akan ke Tesco atau ke Giant setiap bulan membeli barang keperluan bulanan. Murah katanya berbanding KL.

Cuba anda fikirkan kembali, barang yang sama tetapi kenapa mahal di KL tetapi murah di Seremban? Kos pengeluaran atau penghantaran atau Utiliti kah? Atau kos logistik yang lebih murah?

Dah dapat jawapannya? Kalau hendak pergi demonstrasi, pergilah.

DAn ini yang saya jumpa pagi tadi. Ada orang lain post benda macam ini Rancangan Peserta Demo yang dia hendak buat masa demonstrasi nanti.

So, sebelum korang rasa korang nak joint, baca dahulu semua di atas dan tengok semua link-link itu. Kalau korang nak joint juga, ingat den dah bagi tau. Jangan nak salahkan orang dengan alasan tidak tahu sebab korang sudah tahu dan segala kesilapan itu terletak di bahu korang dan bukanya orang lain faham. 

Nah sekarang keputusan ditangan anda. Tapi tolong,ya, saya ulangi, tolong, kalau korang hendak bawa anak-anak tu batalkan saja. Anda minta emak, ayah atau kawan baik atau jiran tolong jaga anak anda dan anda pergilah laki bini. Tolong jangan bawa budak-budak.

 Kalau tidak ada yang hendak jaga free, upahlah sikit pada jiran-jiran yang anda tahu orang baik-baik jaga anak itu. Anda berjuang untuk dia orang juga kan tapi dia orang pun hendak happy-happy tahun baru juga. bukan anda sahaja. Jadi bayarlah masa mereka ya.

Itu pun kalau anda masih tidak faham bagaimana kenaikan berlaku. HMMM

Monday 23 December 2013

Rugikah Jika Berjimat Cermat?

Saya selalu membeli barang basah seminggu sekali dengan bajet dalam lingkungan RM100. Saya akan pastikan dengan RM100. saya boleh membeli lauk-pauk cukup untuk seminggu atau seminggu lebih.

Dari RM100 itu  juga saya akan top-up stok simpanan barangan kering dan juga keperluan lain.

Sewaktu harga gula meningkat selepas penarikan balik subsisdi, saya mempunyai simpanan gula melebihi 5 kilo. Dengan penggunaan 1 ke 2 kilo sebulan, saya mengagak saya mempunyai tiga bulan lebih gula subsidi untuk kegunaan sendiri.

Oleh itu kenaiikan tidak memberi impak yang banyak kepada saya kerana saya masih mempunyai masa untuk mengendalikan kenaikkan itu dengan menganalisa keperluan dan kehendak yang boleh di tambah atau tolak bagi meminimumkan impak kenaikan tersebut.

Begitu juga dengan kenaikan petrol. Stok buffer barang keperluan di rumah benar-benar membantu saya. Shampoo, sabun dan pencuci muka dengan stok  yang  boleh bertahan selama lebih dari enam bulan memungkinkan saya menguruskan kenaiikan tersebut.

Ada yang mungkin akan dengan baik hati membantu memberikan alasan bahawa saya mempunyai pendapatan yang tinggi yang boleh membantu saya mengumpulkan stok tersebut. Jawapannya, tuan puan, adalah tidak.

Stok tersebut mengambil masa setahun sehingga dua tahun untuk dikumpulkan dengan budget yang cukup terhad.

Saya terpaksa membuka mata luas-luas dan menganalisa harga barang benar-benar murah sebelum membelinya. Semasa proses tersebut, saya belajar tentang trend jualan murah yang betul-betul murah dan bilakah ia akan tiba.

Saya tidak kata ia mudah tetapi ia mampu dilakukan. Kerana itu sekiranya ada orang yang bertuah dapat melihat stok simpanan saya, mereka akan berkata saya seorang yang kedekut.

Kenapa? Bayangkan keadaan ini.

Stok tisu muka saya adalah dari jenama Giant dengan bungkusan plastik yang berharga RM6 per set. Satu set mempunyai 8 bungkusan dengan kuantiti 100 pcs. Saya ada tisu kotak primeer tetapi saya simpan untuk digunakan apabila tetamu datang ke rumah. Untuk kegunaan harian, tisu Giant itulah yang akan saya dan keluarga gunakan.

Pencuci pinggan saya adalah dari jenama Tesco yang berharga RM0.99. Penggunaannya adalah seminggu satu pek. Bermakna jumlah penggunaannya dalam empat atau lima pek. Jumlahnya ialah RM4.95.

Jauh lebih menjimatkan berbanding dengan RM5 hingga RM6.00 untuk jenama lain-lain. Jika ada yang murah, saya dapati kurang berkesan atau terpaksa membeli dua yang meningkatkan lagi harga yang perlu dibayar.

Stok susu saya adalah dari jenama tesco yang dijual RM11.99 per set 6 tin. Saya menggunakan lebih kurang 2 tin seminggu. Tetapi untuk kegunaan harian, itulah jenama yang saya gunakan. Dengan harga RM11.99 aka RM12 per set memungkinkan harga setin jatuh ke RM2 per tin. Jika Tesco membuat tawaran lebih murah, harga setin jatuh kurang dari RM2.

Bayangkan berapa penjimatan yang saya perolehi. TEtapi jangan kata saya tidak beli susu berjenama lain. Ada, tetapi apabila harga benar-benar rendah. Itu pun untuk kegunaan khas sahaja seperti apabila mertua atau emak saya datang ke rumah. Mereka gemarkan rasa tertentu maka saya akan hidangkan minuman dicampur dengan susu kegemaran mereka.

Sabun mandi saya pula dibeli di kedai dua ringgit. Sabun mandi jenis bar selalunya dijual dalam set 3 untuk RM2.00. Saya akan beli RM10 iaitu lima set. Kuantiti yang saya akan dapat ialah 15 biji. Cukup untuk setahun penggunaan.Kalau ada duit lebih, saya akan beli lebih. Hakikatnya, selain dari susunan yang cantik pada stok, nilai duit RM10 saya itu beoleh bertahan setahun.

Gas memasak pula, biar saya kongsikan kepada anda rahsia saya. Saya jarang membeli gas masakan di kedai runcit. Sebaliknya saya membeli gas masakan dari lori penghantaran gas yang juga bertindak sebagai pengedar.

Di rumah, saya mempunyai dua tong gas. Jika habis setong, saya ada masa untuk menunggu pengedar datang dan membeli dengan harga yang lebih rendah serendah RM2 dari harga biasa di kedai runcit berdekatan rumah saya.

Saya juga tidak dikenakan upah penghantaran kerana lori tersebut melalui depan rumah sahaja. Ada seorang sahabat yang tinggal di rumah flat pula, mempunyai nombor talifon pengedar tersebut. Apabila gasnya habis, dia boleh menalifon pengedar itu meminta supaya singgah untuk mengambil tong kosongnya.

Katanya, lebih menjimatkan jika dia sendiri yang menjemput tong gasnya di tingkat bawah berbanding dengan membayar upah penghantaran. Sahabat saya itu terpaksa membayar upah sehingga RM3 untuk penghantaran ke tingkat rumahnya jika dia membeli dari kedai runcit.

Bila mood pengedar baik, kadang kala pengedar tersebut menghantar tong gas sehingga ke depan rumahnya tanpa bayaran.

Jika dia membeli dari kedai runcit berdekatan dia kena membayar upah penghantaran. Sudahlah harga mengikut harga pasaran, dikenakan pula upah penghantaran. Bukankah ini membuatkan harga setong meningkat kepada sama atau lebih dengan RM30.

Ada yang berkata, suri rumah bolehlah buat begitu, bagaimana kami yang bekerja. Jawapannya, sahabat saya itu bekerja dari Isnin sehigga jumaat dan kadang kala sabtu mengikut giliran. Dia boleh lakukannya, mengapa tidak anda?

DEngan memunyai extra tong, anda boleh berjimat dengan banyak selagi anda menggunakan gas. Jika harga gas masak naik sekali pun, jika anda membeli dari pengedar, anda sebenarnya membayar harga yang biasa dibayar oleh orang ramai sebelum ini. BEzanya anda bayar selepas orang lain telah membayarnya bertahun.

Jika kena gayanya, anda mendapat pengedar yang boleh bertolak ansur, anda mungkin berjimat lebih lagi jika mendapat harga kawan-kawan.Selalunya jika anda telah berusan lama dengan pengedar tersebut.

Lebih banyak anda berjimat, lebih banyak anda akan mendapat menafaat dari wang anda. Dengan penjimatan seperti ini, saya mampu membawa anak-anak bercuti dengan tabung yang saya namakan sebagai tabung pecutian. Tabung tersebut adalah penjimatan yang boleh saya dapat melalui penjimatan duit belanja mingguan.

 Kerana itulah ada yang berkata saya kedekut. Tetapi bagi saya, sebenarnya saya memanjangkan dan meningkatkan nilai wang saya. Jika saya boleh berbelanja RM10 untuk kegunaan setahun, anda juga boleh melakukannya. Itulah yang dikatakan perbelanjaan berhemah sebenarnya

Kerana apa yang dipanggil oleh seseorang, sudah jimat hendak jimat lagi, maka saya akan berusaha lebih untuk pastikan, nilai wang yang saya bayar itu adalah berbaloi. Jika tidak, saya tidak akan mengeluarkan wang tersebut.

Anda juga harus melakukan seperti itu. Jadilah kedekut semasa membeli barang keperluan. Cari barang yang murah tetapi memenuhi standart yang anda tetapkan.TEtapi ingat, periksa juga tarikh luput supaya anda tidak ditipu dengan harga murah. Cadangan saya, lebelkan dengan marker besar-besar bila tarikh luput sebaik anda membelinya.

Saya pula selalu amalkan FIFO atau First In First Out didalam menguruskan stok barangan  harian saya. Dengan cara ini, peningkatan harga memberi impak kecil kepada anda sebagaimana ia memberi impak kecil atau tiada sama sekali kepada saya.

Bukan kerana saya orang yang kaya raya, tetapi kerana saya berjimat. Ia tidak merugikan saya dan apa yang anda perlu persoalkan ialah adakah ia merugikan anda?

Teori saya adalah mudah. Jika kualiti barang tersebut adalah baik, walaupun ia bukan jenama kesuaan saya, saya akan membelinya. Bermula dari sos, kicap dan garam, sehinggalah kepada sabun mandi, sabun basuh atau pempers sekalipun. Walaupun ia hanya sekadar jenama pasaraya sahaja.

Saya juga mengikuti saranan membeli barangan buatan Malaysia dan juga mengutamakan keluaran bumiputera terlebih dahulu :0;);)

Kalau saya boleh buat, kenapa tidak anda yang mempunyai pendapatan lebih tinggi kan? hehhehhehheh

Friday 20 December 2013

Perlukah PM Letak Jawatan?

Persoalan ini bermain difikiran saya. minggu ini.

Dan hari ini blogger otai DinTurtle mengutarakan persoalan yag sama. Baca bancian-najib-berundur

Ringkasnya, dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang, dari sudut perspektif perjuangan UMNO dan orang Melayu, Najib dilihat perlu berundur.

Imejnya yang dilihat terlalu mengikut telunjuk orang Cina, (ya ini lah, persepsi orang Melayu kepadanya) membuatkan dia dilihat sangat lemah. Beliau juga dilihat tidak dapat membantu isterinya yang diserang secara berterusan oleh RBA atau RYA menyebabkan dia dilihat lemah.

Ditambah lagi dengan pengekalan Shahrizat sebagai ketua wanita dan KJ sebagai ketua pemuda dan Hishamudin dalam jawatan Naib Presiden menyebabkan dia dipandang sebagai pemimpin yang dikelilingi oleh penasihat yang lemah dalam politik dan juga dalam pengurusan negara.

Dan sekarang, kenaikan beberapa barang dan utiliti dan juga tol, menjadikan rakyat tertanya tanya samada beliau layak memegang jawatan yang sedia ada.

Mungkin apa yang diperkatakan oleh Gomo adalah betul. Penasihat dan PMO yang patut meletak jawatan, tetapi DinTurtle juga betul. Ketua harus bertanggung jawab dan sebagai ketua yang datang daripada UMNO, sebagaimana tradisi Presiden UMNO sebelum ini yang mengambil tanggung jawab, DS Najib harus berundur.

Ini adalah UMNO. Bukan DAP, PAS atau PKR yang hanya boleh mengata tetapi tidak mempraktikkannya.

Dalam waktu yang sama, saya juga memikirkan siapa pula yang layak untuk menggantikannya. Buat masa ini saya tidak nampak pengganti Najib. Saya tidak pasti dengan TS Muhyiddin kerana mungkin bertindak sebagai Timbalan, beliau lebih banyak mendiamkan diri.

Tetapi jika itu keperluan untuk menaikkan kembali imej UMNO dan melayu keseluruhan, rasanya Najib perlu bertindak gentleman dan meletak jawatan. Orang melayu perlukan pemimpin yang tegas bukannya yang banyak mengalah sehingga dilihat tiada jati diri.

Banyak juga tindakannya yang kini dipersoalkan (walaupun tidak sebanyak  LGE) dan bagi seorang pemimpin itu sudah cukup untuk meminta beliau memikirkan samada beliau perlu kekal atau tidak.

Untuk saya, beliau perlu meletak jawatan kerana kegagalannya mempertahankan Rosmah. Itu emosi saya memberi jawapan sebagai seorang wanita kerana pada saya seorang suami itu perlu mempertahankan isterinya sebagaimana dia perlu mengajar isterinya. Itu tanggungjawab.

TEtapi masalah ini ialah masalah negara. So, jika Najib letak jawatan, siapa yang perlu mengantikannya. Yang kedua, bolehkah penganti itu bertindak lebih tegas dan matang berbanding dengan Najib.

Dan yang ketiga, adakah pemimpin pengganti itu akan dilihat melutut dan menyembah Cina sebagai mana orang Melayu melihat Najib lakukannya sekarang.

Kata seorang sahabat yang saya panggil Uncle, untuk Cina, Najib adalah yang terbaik dan jika Cina pandai, mereka perlu menyokongnya.

Dia meminta saya menuliskan ini.

Cina dulu pandai berbanding dengan Cina sekarang. Cina dulu tahu menjaga mulut dan budi bahasa supaya diterima oleh semua orang.  Dengan itu bisness lebih maju dan dan duit lebih banyak masuk. Itu penting.

Kena bebas politik dan selalu bantu orang tidak kira siapa, supaya bisness sentiasa berulang sehingga ke anak cucu. Orang Melayu ingat pada orang yang berbudi dan menolong. Kalau susah, orang melayu paling cepat tolong.

Cina sekarang sudah kurang ajar dan lupa diri. Mengikut pengamatannya, orang yang kurang ajar dan lupa diri akan jatuh tersungkur juga nanti ditindas oleh orang yang lebih kurang ajar dan lupa diri dari diri mereka sendiri.

Okay, uncle, I get it. Orang yang tahu menjaga budi bahasa dan berbudi sesama insan akan sentiasa mendapat kesenangan betul tak? Got it.

Uncle, saya sudah tulis apa yang uncle hendak saya sampaikan. Peringatan kepada bangsa Cina. Saya juga tahu uncle mahu Najib terus kekal.

Tapi persoalannya uncle, adakah orang lain mahu Najib kekal dengan keadaan sekarang? Mungkin saya akan bersetuju dengan uncle tetapi bagaimana dengan melayu yang lain dan orang Cina yang menghentamnya setiap hari seolah olah Najib bukanlah Chinese Friendly sepertimana pengamatan uncle.

Maka sehingga sekarang saya masih memikirkan samada PM perlu meletak jawatan atau tidak. Pro dan kontra Hmmmmm

Thursday 19 December 2013

:):):) Tol To Abolish : In your Dreams....Sorry

I read this panass-kenapa-kerajaan-selangor tak hapuskan tol and smile lor.

I known of it a long times a go after Grand Saga Tol blocking my trips to my Kampung.

Yeah, not so long ago, if I'm going back to my hometown, I will used a road going thru Seremban, Mantin, Beranang, Semenyih and then straight to  Batu 9 Cheras before heading to my hometown. I can avoid toll because there are no Grand Saga Toll.

That when I learn about the 30% clause on each agreement the Selangor government makes if using the State government land or taking a state government land for commercial used. Usually the Selangor Government GLC will become the main shareholder after all 30% in the world of share, is a lots.

Grand Saga build a roads and a toll booth and I have to pay RM1.50  at that time (if I'm not mistaken) per entry. So to avoid toll, I need to re-root my trips from semenyih to Empangan Semenyih than to my hometown.

Now the toll are RM0.90 lor.

I'm waiting for Selangor to abolish my toll but it looks like it will never happen. After all, how to pay the salary hikes if you abolish the gold pot at the end of the rainbow lor.

So, toll increase, will happen. I know it and you must expects it. It is Selangor after all. Selangor government have a lot of pies to generate money.

And, the Selangorian, we need to pay the price of giving this type of people the power. We are the example of how promised can be broken lor. Campaign promise is not a promised right hehhehheh.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Craps : It's Crap Teaching It Kids To March :)

I don't know about all of you but my personal opinions of Rafizi PKR is teenagers getting his own money.

But hearing that he want to assemble ;) people due to GST base on his own fact give me a shudder. Read : Rafizi GST Protest .

Aiyoh, if you as a politician don't understand GST please get your fact right lor. You sitting in front of the GST information in Parliament. Why don't you research and study it and understand it. All the REAL information about GST is in front of your eyes and hand and body and ears and being.

If the government want to cheat, you are the first to know right? But, if your fact was already screwed with what people know, how do you supposed to think how brilliant you are as a politician.

If you cannot differentiate between less than RM500,000 with more than RM500,000, how do you supposed you can managed this country better lor.

Aiyoh, please lah all politician. Get your fact right okay. Than inform us. Don't get a few facts during the morning session, going out for lunch with your friends, missing your afternoon session and then the next morning when your pears have moved on to others points you still stuck in your previous morning modes.

Than when speaker told you to get the fact right, you said it was right. But the actual fact is you missing the afternoon discussion. If you don't know shut your mouth and try to check you fact okay.

Ohhh I forget. This Rafizi guys are busy right now to do any researches because he's trying to find TS Ghani Patail hidden money. But wait, Is that job is the jobs for journalist?. He already giving them an order to do that, right?

Oh! my head, my head. I need to find some penadol right now.

Is these guys ........ or what?

I got a really bad feeling that when these guys takes over, the police can totally resign or takes their pension because the journalist can do a better job than them. Why retain if someone else can do better right....Hehhehheh

Moving Out : What If....

I'm discussing a moving plan with my husband. It is a plan of what if he getting transfer.

Yup, even if it is not realised yet, we have a discussion on how things need to be.

You see, I've two kids who is in school right now and two toddler. The obvious conclusions it seems that two of our elder kids need to stay where they are right now while the other two will follow us.

If my husband have his ways, he want all of his kids stay together but I said to him that in this instant we can makes it the happiest day of their life's by asking them to visit us each school holiday.

I also slowly breach the ideas to my two kids on how thing should be if we need to transfer. They seems to excepted it and while living with their grandparents on their father side seems making my daughter a little bit depress, I promise her that it's only for one year.

When she going for secondary school, if she cannot get into the SBP, she can stay with my mother which I know she prefer. My mother lives in real kampung where everything is quite and calming. As a quited soul, she loves it.

My son on the other hand can be relocated anywhere and I trust he will find his footing in a short times. He loves people and quite good at attracting a friends. But the worst things is, he attracting a different set of friends too.

It become a problem if not monitoring properly. I'm mulling wheater to lets him stay with his grandfather at my kampung or with my father in law.

The discussion takes a while but it makes us clear on what we can do if he getting that transfer.

It will be next year before we get the confirmation but with four kids need too consider, we cannot takes anything lightly.

It need a further discussion if my husband confirm to transfer but at least a basic actions can be taken right now.

Like preparing my son and daughter mental and physical on staying without me or their father. The skill can be used even if we didn't transfer as they are growing up and need to be independent. Otherwise they can become hopeless if forcing to lives alone especially when getting a jobs outside their comfort zone.

I'm ready for anything I guess. Hmmm

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Mulling What Will Happen

The keyword is Mulling. I asked my friends what words to used to expressing thinking deep about somethings and she gives me this word.

Got to say I loved the sound of it because it's sound so deep and dangerous :):):) but apt to used in this articles.

Come on's, it is the right words to be used as I'm trying to explaining how I'm thinking deeps what will happen to Malaysia in 5 years times.

Annie's Five years from now my prediction makes me thinking what will happen. It also makes me wonder, if PR takes over could they makes it better or worst.

Actually, I don't trust PR for personal reasons. No, not somethings they have done but from what I see with my owns eyes.

One of the PR (I don't want to mentions who okay :):):)) representatives once promised my friends to help her (she was a widow) out in settling her formal problem.

She don't asked for a money, just a call to someone claim he personally  know to speed out the process. He then claim that his persons is a hardcore supporter of his party and helping him a lots in settling his supporter problems with this government agency.

After waiting for 2 months and not getting anythings, my friends decided to meet with this guys and asked him what going on. She really surprised when this guys tell her that he never promised anythings and quite frankly saying that he will never promised anythings of that nature.

He even asked my friends for hard copies of his promised on helping her out. Lucky for my friends, she fill in the request form provided and sign by this guys. But again this guy said, he don't remember sign and stamp anything.

I'm so surprise and shocked as I'm the one who accompany my friends when she meet this guys.

Well, I'm easily shocked at that times because I'm still young and still have hope that Oppositions was there to help us who didn't get the attentions from the government. But I learns a lots after that.

What did I learns?

First never trust a politicians especially before General Elections. They will promised you heaven and universe but conveniently has amnesia after GE :D:D.

Second, if you are nobody, you will be nobody for them Don't asked for their help except you have somethings to increased their political gains. And if you do, don't trust them completely because they will bangle your case and at the end they will abandon you.

Because of my friends case I learn a lots. I learn how to check everythings for myself. It also makes.

I feel terrible because I cannot help her out and at the end she asked for this guys helps and getting cons likes that. That's when I takes a three days leaves (as I'm still bachelor and having quite a lot of annual leave ;)) and going around the government agencies to help her solves all her problem. By the end of three days, we settling nearly all her problems.

No need to asked for somebody help. Yeah, that's the experienced that teach me don't wait for someone to help you out if you can do it yourself.

Now back to mulling what will happen in another 5 years times, if Annie will try to find a Chinese husband, I can blend in with  my late foster Chinese Grandmother family. Among them, I already got a Chinese name  which they used frequently when they call me hehhehheh.

But no lah. It is a long way to go unless someone takes the initiatives right now and try to change the populations of Malaysia from majority Malay to Chinese. And that also included given the high population areas with majority Chinese more sits in parliament.

If they fail to do this, than the situation will need two more term to realised and that also need PR coalitions stay strong until then. With a lot of drama in all political parties in Malaysia, I don't think it will coming soon. 

But if God wills, who know hehhehheh. 

But Annie did makes me thinks what will happen if the Chinese takes over. Well at least I get to used my brains thinking what if, rights. Thanks for that Annie hehhehheh. 

Monday 16 December 2013

Turning Point?

I'm going to tell you about a remark from a Chinese friends today.

He is a Kristian Chinese, Chatholic to be exec and has been to Rome a couple of times to further his understanding in Kristian knowledge and for his Pilgrim.

If you follow my comment, I talk about him a couple of times. This is because, a lot of my sources in Kristian knowledge comes from him.

A few years ago he told me about the Kristian evangelist after his nephew getting con in giving his salaries to a certain Churches. So much so that he try to get his mother joining this churches and contributed her pensions to them.

His mother on the other hand referring to my friends and after contacting a few preaches he trust, he informing his sister that this was not a traditional church's but a new waves of Kristian Liberalism (his own word) who trying to get as many follower as they can and get the follower to donating (but actually Levi) their money to them.

Traditional churches, he said never asking for the donation. You need to make your own decision whether to donate or not. Some, until his dying day never donated a cent but visit the churches every Sunday for the rest of their lives.

He said to me on how he really afraid of what's going on right now. The young getting further away from traditional churches and going in a droves to evangelist churches. And they willing to pay to find God which he said, now, if this evangelist get their way will sharing the same name with a Muslim God.

For years that I know him, he never agree to refer his Father Of God as Allah. He said, if he willing to referring his Father as Allah, than it will demeaning the status of Jesus and Mary.

He said, is this continued, the clashing between Muslim who getting tired of rebutted by this evangelist and the Kristian is unavoidable. And the clashes will be instigated by the evangelist and not by the traditional Cristian's. Kristian's.

The one who will pay the prices, he said is the traditional Kristian Churches. This because, the traditional Kristian churches situated in the small town, like Mantin or Semenyih. The surrounding areas are a Malay Muslim areas and their follower usually a minority in this areas.

Now, he said, what do you thinks will happen to them if this things going to explode? Do you thinks the police and government can control the mob if the clashes happen?

Yeah, we ponder about this. You see, if The Clashes happen, this Traditional Churches will be vulnerable. If the mobs comes in droves in an areas like this, the police with limited manpower will be powerless.

Look around you and tell me, how many manpower the small Balai Police have compare the surrounding areas. Unlike bigs city where there are police and army camps in it, (the KL areas alone have a few police and army camps), The mobs can easily takes over the police stations if they want too. How much fire power this small Balai compares to firepower own by the license holder in the areas and how much bullet they have?

It is not pretty when you try to envision what will happen you know. I hope this will never happen. Let not making the innocent suffered because of the few who are not sensitives to others except for themselves.

Please retain your sensibility and logic and try to become me conscious in what you can and cannot do. In this worlds there are rules of sensibility. Try not to become superiors to others is one of it.

And please try to keep your mouth shut from trying to explain to others religions what they should or should not do. You know and understand your own religions and they know and understand theirs. Kept it that way.

My friends say, if they really want to tells others how to manages their religion's than convert to it. If you still in your own religions, you have no right to complains or say anythings.

Some how, not surprising I agree that in a lot of cases, the innocent will suffered the most. Hmmm

Sunday 15 December 2013

Positive Outlook

It was hard enough to arranged a group of people to help those in need. You need to arranged all those related to logistic and at the same times need to make sure the safety of all.

It is not easy but than it a must do things if you need to help others and it's involving human being.

I always have a checklist that I keep in order to make sure that everything that that need to be done will be done.

This check list is a must and it actually a postmortem of the mistakes I have done last times. In order to prevent it from happening again, I'm doing this check list. It has been revised over and over against in order to makes it perfect.

But, if you must know, it will never gets perfected. There always problems in certain areas and as the result makes the check list need a revision for each mission it was used.

But I'm positives, this checklist will get better and who know maybe one of these day it can be used by others.

Hopefully, after these group come back, I can revise my checklist again. Thanks you guys for helping the flood victims.

May God bless you all.

Friday 13 December 2013

Finding - Entranced : The Donovan Lagacy By Nora Roberts

I always loved this book I fall in loved with this two character, The wizard from the Donavan clan, Sabastian, who have a gift of sight and Mel aka Mary Ellen, the full of attitudes Private Investigator.

When Mill's & Boon first publish it in 90's I got my copy. At that time, the front cover picture was a man and a women in the motorcycle's. The cute man and beautiful women with a short hair looking far away into the sunset.

Loved it soo much that I makes a decisions to keep it. But as fate turn out, I lost my books during the loaning period between friends From then on, I'm looking for this books.

A few days ago, while browsing at Popular Seremban 2, looking for my babies colouring books, I come across this books again. The actual prices was RM45, but I get it around RM8 as it is the last stock and a clearence sales just started.

I read it again and once again makes me realised how much I loved this book. It also make me realised why I want to keep this books forever. I loved this kinds of books where a strong women meets up with a strong man.

And read this books again makes me understand why I loved her Eve and Roake series under the psedoyme of JD Robb. I loved mysteries, I loved solving the puzzle and I loved romantic and I loved strong character. I also loved physic or magic stuff. With interesting plot it makes me buy this types of books again and again.

So no wonder that  I always end up buying a book by Nora Robert or Jayne Ann Krenze especially if it was related to physic power or mysteries. Come to think of it, majorities of my novel was related to this type of romance hehhehheh.

But than I also like Julie Garwood investigating and period novel. The Buchanan Clan touch my heard. A sucker for romance that who I am hehhehheh.

Well, Those who read a lot or buy a lot of books know that some books will be keep forever and re-read again and again, while others will get stored up or donated or selling. I always keep JAK, NR or Julie Garwoods. Got to keep what you loved right hehhehheh.

Take note that I also read a lot of Malay novel okay.Especially now with a lot of novel publish in Malaysia. The newest in my keeping collection was Sayang Kamu Mr Darcy and it was line up together with Salina and Merong Mahawangsa Edision 1974. But then I always loved Pride and Prejudice hehhehheh.

So, I now looking for a few more missing title that on the list of loaning and missing forever books. Among the titles were Trust Me, Orkid, Amaryllis and Zinnia by JAK. I'm also searching Captivated, The MacKade Brothers stories except The Heart Of Devin MacKade and TAble For Two by NR.

On the look out for them and will never give up. Afterall, after 8 years looking for it, I finaly found my Enterance and renew association with Mel and Sabastian once again.

Now Morgana and Nash, where ever you are, I will find you.....

Loved Thy Books and The Forget to Return Loan Book Sickness

I loved books. Why I loved books so much? It happen when I was 8 years old and I don't want to go to the school. I get bored when the teachers I deem at that times teaches the subject in slow paces.

I got bored because at that times, I already finish reading all my teks books. So, I will comes to school if I know my teachers will moving to a new chapters. Otherwise, I rather help my grandmother or playing with my friends.

Funny things at that time, my grandmother said, I will takes my test and got 100% at all of my subject. But due to my poor attendance, my teacher gives me 3rd or 4th or 5th place. I don't care, as long as I achieved my target (100% in all subject) and get what I want.

Seeing this, one of my teacher, lets call her Miss Z, try to interfered. She know, I'm bored in school because I'm way ahead from the rest of my friends. I don't go to  a pre-school like some, but after 3 month of learning my ABC I can read and write.

To makes the matter worst, said Miss Z, I have a cousin in Darjah 2 and I already read and doing his homework and doing it so well. I'm so bored, she said that I don't know what to do in the school. I finish my homework by the time the teacher finished teaching, so what to learn anymore.

She become desperate, she said that she got the ideas of challenging me to finish all the story books in the library by the end of the years and she will gives me RM10. At that times, RM10 was a lot for a kids like me.

I need to write the synopsis of every book that I already reads to make it valid. It takes me 7 to 8 month she said to finish every books. I borrow nearly 10 books each morning for every day. Return half of it before going back home and return the rest the next morning.

And she said, I still got 100% in all the subject but this time around, I got to keep my first place too. Due to her creative thinking, she make me went to school that year nearly everyday. Dor your information, when I'm in Darjah 1 and 3 month in darjah 2 I only went to school for 2 or as much as 3 days per week.

That when my obsession for books started. I lives and sleep for books. But they said, you can change your natured when you doing it for 44 days straight. I'm doing it for 7 to 8 months. It get in my blood and I loved it so much that I willing to share the passion with my kids and all the kids that I come to meet.

I loved it so much that I willing to buy the books that interest me no matter how much it will cost.

But the bad side of it, is that I also found out that when it come to knowledge especially in religious book, a lot of people don't want to buy. Instead, they will loan from someone and then conveniently forget to return it again. Especially in religious book which may cost around RM5 to RM20.

I also found out that the higher their positions and the money they make, the harder for this people to buy this kind of books. They willing to loan and forget to return rather than buying it with their money.

To counter this problem, I usually never loan my books but instead asked them to give me the money and help them buy this books. It solved a little bit of my problem but not totally solved it. But at least I can keep a majority of my books now.

To this type of people, please remember, you loan this book. Not buying it. Return this to the owner please. Those who usually do this and know me, know who your are. Just return my books okay.. No late charges will applied. hehhehheh

By the way, Miss Z was one of the few who responsible in  proposing Project NIlam to be applied to all school in Malaysia.

Thank you Miss Z for opening the new world fill with wonder, monster, fairies, hero, Private investigator and much more to me. For those wonder that I loved until now, I will thanks you forever.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Flood : Please Search For Why Before Complain lor

Read Kutukan Dewata Politik Banjir and find out about the complain (I used complain coz I cannot find any other polite word for it).

Why I put it under complain, because this type of people mentioning in KD article was truly urghh. How in the world this people can understand a complicated matter if the simplest explanation on why the flood in Pahang and Terengganu happen they cannot understand it.

How in the world they cannot understand that we not only dealing with mother nature, we also dealing with human nature. Some was soo stubborn and some will never follow the order.

Some will think, because it was hard enough for them that people who come to help need to totally help them in everything.

Some who come to Pusat Perlindungan Banjir (PPD) scold the volunteer because there was no food for them when they arrived, even when they can see for themselves that a group of people cooking in front of them.

You see, this was what really happen. But if you were a volunteers, you need to keep your head level.

Some try to compared how Japan will do it and show how unacceptable it was that Malaysia didn't follow it.

Hello, I get the first info during the Japan Tsunami that everything was havoc during the first until the third day. A lot of people was stranded during those three days. Because of the situation, by day 5 than that they can begins searching for their relatives.

A friends lost her child and mothers and for a couple of days believing that they were died. Only after day 5 that she realised that her mother and child was at another relived centre.

This was not happen in Malaysia. We organised our PPD and we have a fix location for certain areas. We not only have fix location, we have a backup location on a backup locations.

What happen for the first 24 hours was the victims come in a droves. How can you handle a lot of peoples with limited workers? You can only make the best of the situations than. So, if PPD which usually have a stock for 1000 people received 3000 victims, the foods and others necessity will be scratching to the limit. The PPD leaders need to request additional food and necessities.

It is not a simple job requesting and the items will arrived in one or two hours. The first thing government will do is to prioritise what is important and where the manpower need to be allocated first. So, saving as many as possible from the flood will take the first priority.

So, before complaining, look for the fact ok. Do not make a not so brilliant comment lor.

Monday 9 December 2013

Flood : Kuantan and Terengganu Getting Better

I'm updating this after getting the confirmation from my friends who situated in Kuantan. She said that the flood victims gradually going back home.

Mind you, it was better than yesterday but still a lots of people at the PPB (Pusat Penempatan Banjir). It is not over yet but it is better than yesterday.

Help is still needed as some areas the water is still in dangerous zone.

Please try to organise somethings to help those who was effected okay.

If you want to donated some money, please find the reputable organisation like Media Prima Bantuan Mangsa Banjir or a persons or NGO your really trust that your money will be used to help.

I know some will try to take the advantage in this situation but if you don't trust them, don't gives your money to them.

Reputable organisations have an audit and need to report all the donations they get. It will insure that your money will be used to help those who in need.

Okay, that's it for now. I'm in the middle of arranging a group of people who will joint my friends in the Gotong Royong to help the victims cleaning their houses.

We still cannot donfirming the areas that we will go but insyaallah by this weekend all the logistic will be solved.

Otherwise we will continue our effort in helping anythings we can and try to find any items requested by my friends for the victims in PPB. Tomorrow a friends will send this items to her for distributions.

Please guys, those who have a blog, used your blog to help the victims OK. We need a lots of volunteers to help the aftermath.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to those who want to help and those who already helping out.

May God Bless all of you.

Flood : Please Do All You Can

Got a news from a friends who stay at Kuantan after we, my friend and I going back home last Friday.

She said that in some areas in Terenganu it getting worst while in Kuantan it getting better. But the second wave and third wave will be expected. As her children was all grown up, she can stayed there and monitor a situation for us.

She also our touch down girls in distributing the material and foods, when our friends and family donated, over there.

A few human stories crape up. Story from a doctor about what happen during the first hours when flooding happen ( read : kulaanniring :pengakuan-doktor-mangsa banjir ) and the stories of ordinary civil servant who involved (read : kedah ke kl : catatan-seorang ).

I also get the information from my friends about the nurses who going around searching for those patients who under their monitoring especially those who monitor new mothers with new born babies.

As you know, 10 days after delivery, the nurses will visit houses to monitor the mother and the baby especially those who was born in government hospital. This nurses who handle a case like this will need to monitor their charges and need to know where the new mother location.

Some was going from one pusat pemindahan banjir to another to locate their charges. This to ensure the safety of the mother and the baby. New born and their mother was prone to get infection especially in a times like this.

Hearing a stories like this touch my feelings. So, thank you for those who willing to do this kinds of jobs .

If you take a time and thinks, you will notice a lot of this folks was local. They were effected by the flood too. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Now, if you working in the company, make a suggestion to your employee on how to help those who effected by the biggest flood since 1974 (correct me if I'm wrong OK). If I'm not mistaken, a lots of company have their own charity units.

Ask them to mobile the help unit for the victims. If each company existing mobilling the help unit, a lots can be done.

Please think on how to help those in need over there. There were a lots of things need to be done and your help will lighten the burden of the victims.

And for those who already help, may God bless your life and granted you with all the kindest in the world. Thank you.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Help First Talk Later Lah, Adoi Hai......

There's a lot of things to be said about the worst flood to date.

But what i found most irritating was the spinning after spinning of how government service was the worst.

Common guys. Has some of the commenter or blogger seeing this happen or you just relying on your  informer to give you on the ground report lor?

Or you just seeing some of the picture and you commenting or spinning the stories or making the stories like there were no tomorrow.

Come on lah. Be logical ok. If you don't no the real stories, try to find out what's going on. Don't simply look at the picture and saying they don't help or trying to terrorise the people.

Don't used the victims as your political agenda's to bashing the government.

We dealing with a human being here. The victims and government servant who helping them are human beings. They have a feeling.

When facing the worst situation in their life, you supposed to be the one to calm the victims and support this civil servant who helping them.

Forget about politic for a while and concentrate on helping them. Stop spinning lah. If you have time to do you spinning, then you supposed to have time to help them out lor.

Do a humane things and help. If you cannot go there, be reasonable and used you blog for getting as much volunteer as possible. 

Ask persons or people you trust to be an organiser and collect the donation in form of material or money to help the victim's.

a lot of moral support was needed right now. Have a sympathy for others in you heart.

 Don't simply look to a people and wonder if they're a BN or Oppo supporter before you want to help. Look at them as a human being who in need of help

Play politic after this is over. Spinning as many as you want but help first and spinning your gasing later.

Please lah. Help first and talk about politic later.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Helping Out For Flood Victims

Guys this post will be short and simple.

As you know, the flood claims a lot of material lost.. In some areas, there were a lots of damages that needed your support.

I and many others don't know how long it will last but for the sake of humanity please help those who were in need.

Yes, government help but how much they can support with limited manpower. So a lot of volunteer will be needed especially during and after the flood.

If possibles, please joint any volunteering NGO or just go there and attach yourself with any helping agency.

They will welcome you. Even if you only working in registering the victims.

We also need a lot of people to help the villages who will involved in helping the cleaning and repairing the villagers houses after the desaster.

I know, some, due to personal reasons cannot simply going and help. What I usually do if this situations arise, is find out who will go and when. After confirming the time and dates, I usually contacting  a few friends and makes arrangement in collecting the basic and necessary and material for the victims.

Some will donating the bottle water, or foods or clothes. If the donating items was small in quantity we usually inform this volunteers to send this item to pusat perlindungan banjir. This way, the item will be equally sharing among them.

Reminder In Clothes Donations

For hose who want to donate the clothes, please check your material ok. If it missing a button or reaping or tearing in places, please sew it lah.

Do not gives the old clothes which you keep in the boxes without washing it first.

The victims is suffered enough. By giving them your old clothes which reap out, or missing a buttons or smell so bad makes it look like you only using them to get rid of your old clothes. Do not make the persons who willing to help you look bad.

If possible,if you are the organiser, buy a simple clear plastic bag and check the clothes one by one. Fold it nicely and put each items in one plastic bags like a new clothes you purchase in the stores. This way it will make it easier for volunteer in Pusat Perlindungan to sort it out or give it to those in need.

Used your tweeter or FB to a good used now. Start helping out ok..

Friday 6 December 2013

Double Standard : DAP Can Do It But BN...

Selangor DAP leaders and cyber troopers have a lot of jobs right now. One of their jobs was to justify their dear leaders pay hikes. The second jobs is to retains their dear leaders current positions.

I know there's were a lot of green eyes monster out there who is now trying to get elected to become Selangor ADUN this coming PRU14.  The pay hike is irresistible lor.

So, they need to retain their position (and popularity's????) until GE14. Otherwise, with the killer environment in oppositions circle, a lots can get cut without a single beep. It's happen already lah....

But what in my opinions, the most bizzar tweet come in the tweeter world was the weather is racist. OMG, don't this people know that due to global warming the weather will be hard to predicted. As Earth move to the furthest side of the sun, the earth will get colder.

The moon on the other hand moving closer to earth and that also means ocean water will rise to the highers point. It also means, in the four seasons countries or the northern will get extremes cold while facing the extreme hot weather during the summer

In the country like us, we will get a lot of rain and combining with the highest rise of the ocean water, you will get the worst flood ever especailly in the lower areas.

It is mother nature against human races and mother nature won. Now do you supposed you can call mother nature racist????

And then come this.

Rosmah can now smile from ears to ears lor. Suddenly HY her selves in a roundabout ways confirming that all her formal trip with her husband to overseas has a valid reasons.

If the husband have a roles, than the wife must have a lot of roles as they were the majorities as a lot of world leaders were a man right???

So rather than concentrate on UMNO Assembly, I'm now focusing on this Mama DAPster lor.

And it was for a wrong reasons. I'm now thinking how much she know and rembember what come from her mouth and tweet to her follower. Not much I guess when you validated something you complaning other people do it as wrong. 

Now I cannot even tell Rosmah to limit her formal overseas trip with her husband coz if DAP can do it, what reasons can I used anymore.

It's like, now I hear about the Parliament pay hike and because Selangor has already done it, I cannot see any reason to opposed it. After all, it is a given and fair that if Oppo can do it, for me, BN can do it too.

And the reasons, I'm collecting the reasons given by oppo supporter to justifying Selangor pay hike as a reasons. When it comes, maybe I can used it too, as a quote don't you think?

Well, when you Meludah ke langit, terkena muka sendiri. What goes around, will comes around hmmmmm.

Once again AK47 proven right......OK Mr AK47, a salute to you.

Thursday 5 December 2013

OMG : It Ended With A Hmmmm

What is that? Wings Meeting? When? Any memorable speech? Any beep or chip-chip or miow-miow?


That it. That is the only opinions I have regarding the wing meeting and that for Pemuda, Wanita and Puteri.

For half morning after subuh prayer, than taking a break by doing my housewife chore, than doing a research again, than having a breakfast with my children, than prepared my two baby for their nab and then doing some more research on wings assembly, still no more interesting things to wrote.

I than prepared lunch for my kids and after taking a lunch, I'm continuing my research and still no more to write. I have more to write about my half morning activities than wings meeting.

My conclusion is, until now, the UMNO Assembly is BORINGGGGG. No value to members and no benefit for others Malay.

Do you think this is what happen when you choose the same old same old members to be MT hmmmm?

But than again DAP has the same old same old and their Assembly more interesting because there were a lot of backstabbing among them hehhehheh.

So for that reasons alone, I cannot say it is because the same old-same old faces but maybe because the fight was finished and no point in gaining the attentions of other delegates.

If this is the reasons, let's me make a suggestions for UMNO, next General Assembly, make sure the voting will be done in the middle of week after wings Assembly. That way, it will assured the debate or speeches will be more interesting as a lot of candidates will doing everything to get the attentions of their voting members.

If not, they will be another BORINGGGG assembly year by years lah......No fighting spirit...Adoi hai...