Saturday 31 August 2013

Etika Apabila Melalui Road Block Polis Di Waktu Malam

Ok. Saya tidak boleh tidur. Mungkin disebabkan terlalu letih atau disebabkan kerap terjaga.

Dalam terjaga dan terkelip-kelip saya teringatkan Road Bock Polis yang saya lalui tadi.

Tahukah anda bahawa anda perlu memasangkan lampu di dalam kereta dan membuka cermin tingkap bahagian pemandu/penumpang kereta sewaktu melalui Road Block Polis di waktu malam???

Sewaktu memperlahankan kenderaan, saya dapati hanya segelintir yang berbuat demikian. Akibatnya, pihak polis terpaksa menyuluh ke dalam kereta sebelum melepaskan sesebuah kereta. Ini membuatkan kerja mereka menjadi lambat.

Akibatnya mereka dimaki dan dicaci kononnya sengaja melambatkan perjalanan anda. Sedangkan anda tidak menyedari bahawa kesilapan itu terletak dibahu anda sendiri dan pemandu yang lain yang tidak menyedari kewujudan etika ini.

Sekiranya anda membuka lampu dan cermin pintu tempat duduk pemandu/penumpang dan anda tidak ada apa apa kesalahan trafik, anda akan dilepaskan tanpa perlu memberhentikan kereta. Perbuatan membuka lampu dan cermin tingkap menunjukkan anda tidak ada membuat apa-apa kesilapan.

Seorang teman (nama dirahsiakan) pernah menyatakan bahawa dia terlepas dari road block polis beberapa kali kerana melakukan perkara sedemikian walaupun hakikatnya lesen memandunya telah tamat lebih dua bulan (perbuatan ini adalah salah disisi undang-undang. Jangan ditiru aksi ini- grrrrr).

Tidak percaya, anda boeh mencubanya apabila anda terserempak dengan road block polis. Perhatikan juga jiran pemandu yang lain. Anda akan rasa perbezaan diantara tidak membuka lampu dan tingkap dengan membuka lampu dan tingkap. The best things is, lampu suluh tidak akan disuluh kemuka anda dan anda tidak akan silau (dan muncul tompok-tompok gelam di depan mata - siapa suruh tak buka lampu, rasakan hehhehheh).

Ohhh, tidak ada orang yang beritahu anda??? OK sekarang sudah tahu, so apa tunggu lagi, beringatlah ya.

Lepas ini jangan lupa Etika Melalui Road Bock Polis Di Waktu Malam. Moga perjalanan anda lancar selepas ini..... Kalau tak buat dan kene suluh, jangan marah, nanti cepat tua hikhikhik

Thursday 29 August 2013

Raya : Invite or Not to Invite? Hmmm

A friends call and inform me that she and the gang will come to my house on 31st. As a Muslim Malay, I will received my house guess with a lots of foods for them to enjoy.

Mind you, my friends is a Chinese. My husband highlighted this issue to me, how do you think they view us now?

So, I am informing him that, what ever it is, they are still my friends unless they said otherwise. 

Now, these is an interesting fact, during our chatting I discover that she didn't get a lot of open house invitations this year. Even a neighbours didn't invited her. When she asked they just inform her about the family visit or somethings.

Don't want to hurt her feeling, I just say that this year there really only a few open house even for a Malay. With the virus going around (I used my selves as example) a lot of people was not feeling well. Guess they just celebrated as simple as possible. She can visit her neighbour during hari raya because it will always an open house.

But it also make me wonder, do the trend I read in a lot of blogs of commenter don't want to invited the chinese to their open house was already getting popular?

Well for me, I believed that every guess who come to my house brings a lot of bless regardless what races they are. So I will welcome my friends, act as normal as I can (even in some of her posting in FB hurt my feeling but I attributed it to the heat of the moment via Mei 5) and see where the water flow.

I will open my door to them and prepare  foods for them to enjoy. As far as I go, I will always be a mild minded Malay. I cannot be ultra recist who will cut their friendship to other races.

As per now, I'm happy receiving a guess and with the neighbouring kids asked me again and again, what time they can come, I guess it a signal I get my raya moods now.

Other political issue, will be put in the back burner now, unless it need my special attention. After all not all of our politician as smart as they try to project. Just hear what they saying. A wonder people elected them. But GE13 prove perception not an issue will win the day duh.

Well those who know me, come and visit will you. Trust I will never judge you because of your races. Just how smart you are or in some cases how funny you are hahahahaha........

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Please Understand Rukun Negara Before Making Stupid Comment

OK. Why I used the above title? Let me tell you an interesting story which has happen to me yesterday.

By all count, I usually keep quite when facing with aggressive politic people or wanna be politician (hahaha) or what ever related to politic in public. If they want to say something to me regarding their personal politic preference, I let them be.

I look at it as a way of public service to hear them out so they will not stress out because of keeping everything inside (hahahaha).

No lah, actually sometimes I find it a little irritating but guess I have more patient then some. If they want to go on and on and on about how good their political parties, and want to say somethings about it during waiting for their turn in the bank, I'm ok with it. It will stop until their or my number get call right?

Only a few minutes of sometimes a boring how good this and that and why, what, which, when and where. So be it.

But today, someone give me the version of their interpretation of Rukun Negara. Rukun Negara only have 5 items in it.

Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang-undang
Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan

But this guy, for what ever reasons, think that Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan need to be changed to Kepercayaan Kepada Allah. Why???

And he have a gut to blame that these what he thinking a "mistake" to BN. Then proceed informing me that if PR take over they will surely correct this mistake once and for all. Geezzzzz......

What eating me more is, this guy claim he have a Degree in  Political Science. What's more, he not even a Muslim.I can understand if the claimed made by a Muslim but a non-Muslim? Duh....

At home, I wonder, how many young man/women who don't understand (or don't want to understand) why Rukun Negara existed.

My opinion on Rukun Negara, it existing as a rules for us Malaysian how to interact with each other. It a rules to us on who must we give our loyalty too. It a base on which side we must stand for.

OK. Let me tell you why I think they used the word Tuhan not Allah in Rukun Negara. Because word Tuhan implied to all Tuhan across all religious Mr Not So Smart Guy. If they used the word Allah, those Rukun Negara only applied to Muslim. It will alienated all other religions in Malaysia.

So today rather than shut up like always, I inform these guy, don't highlight this things in public again. If you stupidly (yes I used those word) want to get attention using this issue, please don't tell everyone you have a degree in Political Science and please don't say from which Uni. It make you Uni sound stupid.

And Yes, he's getting angry and try to bully me by increasing his voice, but I quickly inform him that he's the one who talk to me in the first place. I don't even talk to him but to the uncle who sit beside me. He come and try to take over our conversation.

See, no Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan there.

The end of it, the uncle who talking to me in the first place turn out to be an ex-lecturer. He quietly inform this guy that if you don't understand Rukun Negara, do not try to speak about it like a brilliant nationalist. Just study and make a research about it first.

After all, he know, that this guy lecturer already teach him how to do a research and collecting and interpreting the data. Used that tools which your lacturer given it to you.....

When my number getting call out, he still lecturing this young man. Me, I just shut my mouth and hear what this uncle have to say. And to that guy, hahahahaha. served you right.

Do I have a sympathy for this types of guys, NO.

To others, mind your tongue when you speak in public area. For heaven sake, just keep quite if you don't know the issue discuss. Just don't pretend you know everything and open your mouth. You might end up upsetting someone else. Like this young guys.

Poor him? Nah, I reserved it to others.....Sorry no sympathy from me.....

Just hehhehhehhehheh.....


Sunday 25 August 2013

Oh Boy! Open House vs Political View....

I just come back from a closed relative Open House. It make a splash in her area because, she a well known doctor.

Let me share you few incidents that make me Hmmmmm....

1st incident.

A Chinese family comes, the doctor, ever gracious, invited them to sit where ever they want as a lot of table still not been occupy yet. This family sit on the middle of the tent and proceed enjoying their meals.

Then the wife just walk out without courtesy of meeting the doctor with her kids. But then, their kids noticed that a few kids who salam the doctor get the angpow envelope. By then they already arrived at the end of the tent.

The family without shame, turn around, go to the doctor and proceed inform in the loud voice to the doctor that their kids still didn't received the angpow envelope and told her if she this forgetful, why bother for open house and then take the angpow and then leave without salam. Really??? I watch in disbelieved.

Personal opinion, Hey, this is not a public open house lah. It private and please used your brain. You don't feel a things when you asked the doctor for angpow after leaving without salam and said thank you? Then you not fit to joint the community. What give you right to get angry with the doctor when she didn't even know you were leaving. Geezzz are you.......

2nd incident.

A Malay family come and suddenly the husband stop from coming to the doctor house. He then tell his wife somethings then turn around and sit in his car. His wife proceed meeting the doctor with her kids in tow.

What I observed, a few times, his kid take a bunch of foods and take it to him. He just eat in his car.

I then asked one of his kids, what going on, and he said "Abah tak mau masuk sebab kat pagar rumah ada bendera BN". Haaaaaaa.......

My personal opinions, if you don't want to mix up with other people, just don't come lah. Aiyooo. And you make your kids bring the foods to you some more. Gosh. Is this guy for real????? Cannot come in but can eat their food??? Please inform me what logic did you used. Gezzzzzz

For those who don't know how to act when go to open house, here the tips.

People, people, when you come to private open house, after been invited, please meet the host before you eat. Then after enjoying your free meals, when you want to go back home, please meet the host again and say thank you OK.

People, people, the angpow envelope is usually for the kids. Remember, this is  not a public function. Your already eat a free meals. That your angpow OK. Those who already 18 and above don't eligible to received it. Got it.

People, people, if you come to open house, please leave your political view at your house. Please. don't make a fool of yourself by doing something stupid like the 2nd incident. Don't like any parties, then don't come.

People, people,  remember those simple tips OK..... and those who don't understand this simple rules, please don't go to the open house.....Got it...

Just enjoy your stay at home and let us enjoy ourselves without your present hahahahaha

Thursday 22 August 2013

It's All Pakatan Fault ....(You Can Do It, Yes We Can Too)

During my hibernation after getting well from The Flu (hehhehheh) I come to conclusion, except the Genting Tregedy, everything was Pakatan fault.

No, really.

You don't believe me? Well, think about it.

First, Nazri choose his son to be his special representative and ok with it. Why? Because he look at DAP and noticed that LKS and KS have their son to help them out. And if follow correctly, like LKS and KS, his son will become YB one of this day. DAP show the way, Nazri follow it. Like a cartoon said, "Can We Do It, Yes We can". (hehhehheh)

So who's fault Nazri think it is ok? Not Tun M, he prevented his son to joint politic when he was PM. Not Tun Razak, only after he gone, Najib get to represented Pekan.

Soooooo, Pakatan especially in Nazri case, DAP done it and not a beep come from their supporter saying it is wrong. Come to think about it, it happen in abandon in Pakatan alliance and it is still ok for their supporter.

Oh, speaking of Nazri, you need to mention Khairy right. Well, I also can justify his present in political arena. If Hadi and Nik Aziz can choose their son in law, why can Pak Lah (hihihihi).

It a free country man. If other in Pakatan can do it, what make it a Law that BN cannot do it too? And Pakatan say, they the best right. So, why all the noise saying it is not right?????? Look at Pakatan. If they can do it, so can you.

And, if Najib want to, he can choose his son to be MT and Rosmah as President just like PKR. Is that wrong? No. If it is right for PKR, why it is wrong for BN? What right for PKR, it should be right for BN too. (I'm a fair judge right hahahahaha)

That why I can't understand why a lot of noise about Rosmah. She's nobody in UMNO unlike Wan Azizah and Nurul Izzah present in PKR. No power.

Unless you count on someone who said she influence Najib in everything. Gosh and you believed it. Unless of course your wife is a Queen Control and influent you in everything. That why you get to that conclusion. Are you????? (People always make conclusion base on their experianced hehhehheh)

By the way, I love to see what happen in DAP CEC. If they do it before UMNO, then it will show the  way how UMNO should uphold their own. Why???? Because, You Can Do It (DAP), Yes We Can too (BN) hehhehheh

Now I know I'm still under infuence of my medication......Ignore my rumbling please hihihi

And as my personal view, all of you out there, open your eyes please. Look at those politician. Now it is the time to look and evaluate them. Do they do their job as your representative? Or are they working hard to show they working hard (we know right hehhehheh) or are they enjoying their time as your representative (5 years honeymoon time hehhehheh).

Friday 16 August 2013

Life Lesson From A Cat

My cat given a birth just two weeks ago. She not really my cat. Just a cat I nurse when she come to my house one day and I notice that she cannot sit properly. When I check her out, I found out the someone just cut her tail. I never curse and I mean never but on that day, I really curse this st### human monster who have no heart.

Yup, I call this irresponsible person a human monster.

Now back to my cat. Last Tuesday, one of her litter died. And if you know your pet you will realised that animal have their way of mourning. My cat miaows and stared at nothing most of the time. She didn't eat properly and I have to take her to her foods and wait for her to eat. If not, she will refused to eat.

Today, this morning to be exact, I realised that she not picky anymore. She looks better and back to her usual self again. I said to myself, she is OK now. She eating like never before and like always, follow me to the kitchen or running to the kitchen when she hear me in it.

This afternoon I hear the kitten miaow. It getting louder and louder, that it getting to a point when I had to check it out. I follow the sound and realised it come from my roof.

When I checked it out, I found a kitten on top of my roof. Well, I said to myself, looking the way my cat acted when losing her kitten, what if I give her another. The kitten is about a week I guess. Either way, without a mother milk, it can died.

I put the lost kitten in my cat basket together with her other litter. And she just look at me and lick this lost kitten and nudge it to her belly.

Ok, I admit, I cried. It soooo beautiful and also soooo touching when she accepted the lost kitten.

Guess, we too can sometimes learn something from the animals. Unlimited love to our children.

So guys, I share this story of mother love to you. Maybe I should wait for a mother days to share it but then again, it so touching that I think I need to share it now.

Love, and mother love will always be limitless.....

And Love our children. If a cat can have that much love, do we dare as a human have less love than this cat. Think about it ok.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Feeling...Hmmm Ok

I'm getting better and better day by days.

Well, it's look like, I will begin my Raya later than usual, and for the first time I can remember celebrating Raya that is.

Never before I am celebrating Raya this late, but then that is life I guess. It will throw something unexpected to you every now and then.

I take it like this. Just go with the flow and accepted it. Don't regret it.

That's my friends, is how I always rationalised everything that comes in my way.

Well, my fever was well known by now by a lot of children in my housing area. A few comes in front of my house and asked when they can come to my house. Tell them to look at my front door, when it's open, I officially start open my house hahahahaha.

I know few of this kids quite sometimes now. Some already grown up but still comes to my house for a nice visit. I will enjoying their visit.

A few of this kids jokes that my Raya this time will be until Aidiladha. You kids.......Hahahaha

 My plan is to start opening my house tomorrow and today, I already start preparing for Kuah Kacang. I'm planing to start simmering my Nasi Impit after this. It will take 3 hours to finish.

This Friday I will start preparing for rendang. I expect the flow of relatives starting  this weekend. They already call.  After all it the last weekend before school break ends.

Time to continue my raya preparation. Considering my health condition right now, Slowwwwly hahahahahaha......

Friday 9 August 2013

Still Under The Weather But I Can Manage.....

Going back to my hometown, Hulu Langat, on Wednesday. I still have some leftover of The Flu Virus in me, but then it is not like a week before. I'm feeling better.

Yeah, I'm trying to convince myself that I'm feeling better but I already lost my voice. But then again, I can stand up without feeling much dizziness. It just the cough taking over the flu, I guess.

I'm applying all suggestion by anon commenter on my "OMG : Getting Tired". It really help to reduce The Flu. Thank you so much for it.

And today, for the first day of Hari Raya I went to my grandma houses (both of them) and having a nice visit. Only this years, unlike any other years, I limited myself with the rules of having hot beverages with the exception of coffee and nescafe.

I'll also try avoiding any fried kuih like Lidah Buaya and chips like kerepek pisang, rempeyek and tumpi. Even though it is my favourite.

When facing with all those trial, I take a philosophy approach that I will eat it after raya.

I will hold myself for this first few days. Be patient my heart. You will get what your desires after I'm feeling better. We will search for Kerepek Pisang Tanduk and we will enjoy it. Be patient. Your day will come and it will be worth it.....Yummmmmm

I will enjoy everything when I'm feeling well hahahaha.... See I'm still positive......yeahhhhh

And to all this blog readers who celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri, I hope it is not to late to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya, be grateful and thankful that you manage to complete you Ramadhan this year and pray that Allah will give us a blessing for another Baraqah Ramadhan next year, Insya Allah. Amin.

For those who don't, enjoy your holiday.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.......

Monday 5 August 2013

OMG : Getting Tired.....

It has been a week now that I'm not feeling well. I got a full blown flu and it tiring me out. My kids just ask me to rest for a while. They will do whatever necessary to prepare for Raya.

Well, after a week, now it included cough and headache. OMG what to do. Only 3 days more before raya and I'm not really prepared anything. Even my husband voicing his concern about my health and asked me to stay in bed.

Looks like I have a free times. I try to avoid all news that can stress me out. Especially politics. I avoids it but then there is a lot of things that can stress me out. Look what Zainah SIS try to justify. Look how people try to take side in Sri Pristina School while forgetting about student who supposed to be more important than them. Look at syiah movement.....Geeeezzzz why this people never stop.....

Arghhhhh avoid...avoid.... Or should I say Abort...abort...abort... Or is it The pain or.the plain?????? Confused?????...........Blame it to my flu...... Now I have a reasons to win a battle, blame it to flu hahahaha

Well, I think it times to take a stand. I will win this battle of fighting this flu before Raya. Haiiiiiyah......

Thursday 1 August 2013

Forget Everything Folks ; It Raya Time Lah

It nearly the end of  puasa. My kids was soooooo exited. They only have one things in mind. It Raya times. Time to meet the relative and collected duit raya. Yes, that what in the mind of the kids.

Forget about what you preach regarding don't be so hopeful in receiving a lot of duit raya years after years. Forget reminding them that's what is more important is to meet and know your relatives. They will forget it as soon as takbir raya sounding on the TV.

In the kids minds now days is that Raya means a holiday to enjoys. What specials in this holiday is that they will received Duit Raya. For some, this is the first time they will have a lots and lots and lots of money, especially if this kids is resourceful enough to go to every house in their kampung or taman.

As always we grown up will entertain whoever come, kids or grown up to our house in this raya days. So for those who want to preach me that it not duit raya was important, I will tell them, lets kids be kids. Just remind them but don't spoilt their fun's. It is kind of rewards for them for fasting a month and it time for them to enjoys themselves during these Raya.

You remembers how it is back then right? How you will visit your relative and friends house and receiving those Duit Raya. How exiting it is for you and how much fun you have with your duit raya? So don't spoilt out kids fun by preaching soo much. Bear in minds this is their time.

If you want to preach about the bad thing about duit raya to our kids, just preach it to their parents after Raya ok. But please don't spoilt the kids fun's. For me it the human right to enjoy their childhood and one of those enjoyment was celebrating hari raya with duit raya.

For us the grown up just remember to do our Syawal Fasting to added to our Ramadhan Fasting. Ask your kids to joint you too. It a reminder for them not to eat too much. But hey remember ok, don;t spoils the kids fun

But for me, who cares. Let the kids have their fun. Just remind them softly years after years and one of these days like me, they will remember it. Those days of enlightenment will come to them sooner than you and I can imagine. They will grow up.

Have a nice end of Ramadhan folks and lets kids be kids ok..........There goes another lagu raya from my daughter again...well as long as she enjoys herself.....Hahahahaha