Mungkin pandangan ini akan memeranjatkan ramai pembaca blog ini memandangkan anda semua tahu apakah perasaan saya terhadap Ketua Wanita UMNO.
Tetapi apa yang akan saya utarakan ini ialah pandangan peribadi saya dan dari analisis saya berpandukan pembacaan dan perbualan bersama beberapa wakil dan AJK beberapa bahagian UMNO Selangor beberapa tahun ini.
Bagaimana BN Boleh Merampas Selangor? Mungkinkah Jawapannya ada pada Wanita BN
Artikel ini bukan bertujuan merendahkan peranan lelaki tetapi ia berdasarkan pemerhatian saya dari jauh sebagai pemerhati luar.
Saya berminat memerhatikan PRK Kajang kerana saya dapati ada satu kelainan pada PRK kali ini. Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun..
Dia mula mendapat perhatian saya kerana ketegasannya meletakkan jawatan atas dasar tidak mahu bekerjasama dengan CSL atas sebab kredebiliti.
Jarang ada pemimpin yang akan melakukan apa yang beliau lakukan terutama pemimpin Cina.
Ditambah dengan beliau sebagai pemimpin wanita, menjadikan tindakannya adalah luar biasa sekali. Beliau bagi saya telah menaik taraf kredibiliti pemimpin wanita dalam BN.
Beliau ada pendirian dan sanggup meletak jawatan atas dasar tidak akan berkompromi dengan pendiriannya.
Disebabkan pemerhatian saya itu juga membuatkan saya menemui sesuatu yang saya sudah tahu kewujutannya tetapi tidak pernah dapat membuktikannya. Terdapat perbuatan sembotaj dikalangan ahli UMNO.
Namun yang paling memeranjatkan ialah PRK Kajang kali ini membuktikan bahawa UMNO, Ketua Bahagian UMNO dan Pemuda UMNO bahagian di Kajang memang tidak boleh di pakai. Terlalu banyak yang berpuak-puak.
Namun terdapat juga perkara yang menarik perhatian saya. Sekali lagi Puteri dan Wanita UMNO membuktikan bahawa mereka adalah kuasa yang perlu diberi perhatian.
Jika tidak ada sembotaj dari Ketua Bahagian UMNO dari beberapa bahagian dan Pemuda UMNO di beberapa bahagian, saya pasti, undian yang BN perolehi adalah lebih tinggi.
Dengan kredibiliti Datin Paduka CMF, undi terhadap MCA meningkat sedikit (???). Agak-agaknya, jika wanita UMNO diberi lebih kuasa menjaga dan mentakbir bahagian bermasalah ini, mungkinkah, BN akan mendapat undi yang lebih tinggi lagi?
Maklumlah, dengan gerak kerja yang mereka lakukan, tidak mustahil mereka lebih berkebolehan berbanding dengan lelaki dan pemuda yang ada di dalam UMNO Selangor sekarang.
Kenapa saya berani nyatakan perkara ini, kerana bagi saya, apabila berhadapan dengan calon seperti Datin Paduka CMF, saya dapati PR tiada jawapan untuk menandinginya.
Mereka bernasib baik kerana WA mengantikan AI. Jika tidak, parah juga mereka untuk mejawab kewibawaan CMF sebagai pemimpin.
Bagi saya, PRK Kajang kali ini membuktikan bahawa Wanita BN adalah kuasa yang perlu di beri perhatian.
Ia juga membuatkan saya terfikir samada penyelesaian kepada masalah kepimpinan yang kacau bilau di Selangor sebenarnya ialah dengan melantik Ketua Wanita UMNO sebagai Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Selangor yang baru mengantikan Noh Omar.
Mungkin kelihatan ekstrem tetapi hakikatnya adalah lebih baik beliau mengambil alih jawatan itu ketika ini.
Kak Jat pernah mengendalikan portfolio menteri Wanita dan Masyarakat dan terkenal dengan ketegasannya dalam melaksana tanggungjawab.
Jika tidak kerana kes suami dan anaknya, beliau mungkin akan terus memegang portfolio kementerian tersebut. Atas faktor kredibiliti juga beliau sanggup melepaskan jawatannya itu.
Oleh itu saya merasakan beliau memang sesuai untuk memegang jawatan Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Selangor untuk membersih dan menstrukturkan semula UMNO di Selangor.
Beliau boleh membuat keputusan tanpa memperdulikan apa yang berlaku selepas ini kerana beliau hanyalah Ketua Wanita UMNO sahaja dan mengikut desas desus yang saya dengar akan meletakkan jawatan selepas PRU 14.
Dalam waktu yang sama beliau boleh menggunakan masa yang ada untuk menasihatkan pucuk pimpinan siapakah yang layak menjadi Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Selangor bagi mengantikannya.
Beliau juga boleh mengarahkan wanita dan puteri turun padang berjumpa rakyat dan beliau memang terkenal sebagai Ketua yang pandai mengaturkan strategi dan membahagikan kerja mengikut keperluan setempat.
Wanita dan Puteri pula, di bawah Ketua masing-masing memang rajin turun berjumpa rakyat dan bertanyakan masalah mereka. Mereka sudah biasa di maki dan di caci tetapi mereka juga yang banyak membantu.
Mungkin inilah jawapan yang sebenarnya. Rakyat sudah muak dengan gelagat sesetengah pemimpin UMNO di Selangor yang terlalu egoistik dan berebut kuasa.
Mereka jarang turun bertanyakan masalah rakyat sebaliknya, pergilah ke banyakkan bahagian dan anda akan lihat berapa serabutnya perebutan kuasa di situ. Mungkin tidak semua tetapi kebanyakkan bahagian mempunyai masalah seperti ini.
Sudah tiba masanya seseorang yang tegas perlu diletakkan untuk menyelesaikan kekusutan ini dan saya rasa Ketua Wanita UMNO itu layak.
Jika WAnita menjadi Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Selangor, secara automatiknya beliau akan menjadi Pengerusi Perhubungan BN Selangor.
Bagi memudahkan urusan perhubungan adalah lebih baik MCA dan MIC juga melantik Ketua atau Naib Ketua sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa bertindak BN Selangor mengetuai MCA dan MIC.
Melihat daripada kepimpinan WAnita MCA dan MIC, saya merasakan mereka layak memegang jawatan penting seperti ini.
Saya rasa adalah lebih baik sekiranya cadangan saya ini diberi pertimbangan.
Lagi pun yang rajin turun mengundi adalah wanita dan sekiranya Wanita diberi kepercayaan oleh BN memimpin sebuah negeri seperti Selangor saya pasti sokongan kepada BN bertambah.
Tidak perlulah menjadi MB tetapi sekiranya gerak kerja wanita ini berjaya mengambil alih Selangor, saya pasti ia adalah penyelesaian yang boleh digunakan dalam permasalahan di mana mana negeri selepas ini.
Wanita BN mungkin adalah jawapan terbaik kepada permasalahan yang di hadapi oleh BN ketika ini kerana saya dapati bahagian yang paling kurang permasaalahan di dalam BN adalah bahagian Wanita dan juga Puteri.
Apa kata anda juga fikirkan samada cadangan ini perlu di pertimbangkan dengan mengambil kira kesungguhan yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Wanita BN selama ini.
P/S : Saya tidak melibatkan MIC dalam permasalahan ini kerana saya mendapat maklumat bahawa MIC di Selangor begitu aktif sewaktu kempen di kawasan India.
SAya ingin melihat sejauh manakah keberkesanan perubahan MIC ini dalam masa dua tiga tahun lagi.
Buat masa ini dengan sentimen menyelebahi pembangkang yang masih lagi tebal, MIC masih perlu melakukan lebih banyak kerja lagi.
Namun saya puji segala gerak kerja yang telah mereka lakukan dalam kempen di Kajang kali ini. Mereka bekerja lebih kuat berbanding MCA.
Where you can be who you are. Looks around you and see yourself as part of colour of the world. Take it easy because there's always a funny side in everythings.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Monday, 24 March 2014
MH370 : Takziah Kepada Ahli Keluarga Mangsa
Saya baru sahaja menulis tentang ratapan seorang ibu yang kehilangan anaknya yang menaiki penerbangan MH370.
Sewaktu saya menekan butang publish, saya mendapat maklumat bahawa PM akan mengadakan sidang akhbar pada pukul 10 malam.
Hati begitu bedebar-debar menjangkakan akan ada berita yang kurang menyenangkan.
Terbukti, jangkaan saya benar. Baru sahaja mendengar pengumuman bahawa MH370 dilaporkan terhempas di Lautan Hindi.
Takziah buat semua ahli keluarga. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.
Semoga mereka bersabar dan bertenang dengan apa yang terjadi.
Sewaktu saya menekan butang publish, saya mendapat maklumat bahawa PM akan mengadakan sidang akhbar pada pukul 10 malam.
Hati begitu bedebar-debar menjangkakan akan ada berita yang kurang menyenangkan.
Terbukti, jangkaan saya benar. Baru sahaja mendengar pengumuman bahawa MH370 dilaporkan terhempas di Lautan Hindi.
Takziah buat semua ahli keluarga. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.
Semoga mereka bersabar dan bertenang dengan apa yang terjadi.
Pray For MH370 : A Sad Story Of A Mother
I think I need to write this story about a mother, Li Gui Qui who waiting for her child to come back home.
She is so stress up that she willing to come to Malaysia and face anybody just to get the news about her son.
She even went to press conference just to ask the questions, where her son and what more news the Malaysian government can gives her.
Read MyMassa HERE for more okay.
Why I need to post this, because if it is my child who is missing, I will do what ever this mother will do. I will be gratefull if everyone willing to gives me a helping hand.
I will never give up hope if there is only one percent hope existing and I will asked everyone to pray for me to find child save and sound again.
I don't know about anyone but that is what I will do. So, watching how this mother suffer touch my heart.
So that is why I post another message to ask for all of you to Pray For MH370. Let pray together,
For this mother, a speacial pray for you, may God granted your wish to meet you son again.
She is so stress up that she willing to come to Malaysia and face anybody just to get the news about her son.
She even went to press conference just to ask the questions, where her son and what more news the Malaysian government can gives her.
Read MyMassa HERE for more okay.
Why I need to post this, because if it is my child who is missing, I will do what ever this mother will do. I will be gratefull if everyone willing to gives me a helping hand.
I will never give up hope if there is only one percent hope existing and I will asked everyone to pray for me to find child save and sound again.
I don't know about anyone but that is what I will do. So, watching how this mother suffer touch my heart.
So that is why I post another message to ask for all of you to Pray For MH370. Let pray together,
For this mother, a speacial pray for you, may God granted your wish to meet you son again.
Kajang Moved : It Ended With A Duhh....
Since Kajang moved started, I got the feeling that BN was not serious about Kajang. Then come MH370 and Kajang become a lukewarm news.
Then suddenly come balingan and everyone going to Balingan and left Kajang to TPM. Even TPM not looking so serious about Kajang PRK. I means let face it, if PM only come during the last day of campaigning, you can guess what the BN think about it right.
During Kajang PRK for the first times, I didn't see any big promise made by BN. No special allocations, what so ever. The candidates even only promised to become the best opposition in Selangor state Assembly.
Got to say, there was no news you can consider bigs news that government will gives to Kajang folks.
Balingan got millions of allocations but Kajang got nils. For me it shows that for BN Balingan is more important than Kajang.
Really guys. My Chinese DAP friends mentioning this and he said that it shows that government started to punished the Chinese because they votes for DAP.
But I said to him that it shows that government know Kajang folks have everything so they don't need government aids anymore unlike Balingan hehhehheh.
But really. Think about it okay. If the moved like this come again, do you think government will acted like what they have done to Kajang again?
They just send the candidates and reserved the budget only if the candidates win. Otherwise they refused to promised anythings anymore and just wait for the result.
Well I wondering too......
Then suddenly come balingan and everyone going to Balingan and left Kajang to TPM. Even TPM not looking so serious about Kajang PRK. I means let face it, if PM only come during the last day of campaigning, you can guess what the BN think about it right.
During Kajang PRK for the first times, I didn't see any big promise made by BN. No special allocations, what so ever. The candidates even only promised to become the best opposition in Selangor state Assembly.
Got to say, there was no news you can consider bigs news that government will gives to Kajang folks.
Balingan got millions of allocations but Kajang got nils. For me it shows that for BN Balingan is more important than Kajang.
Really guys. My Chinese DAP friends mentioning this and he said that it shows that government started to punished the Chinese because they votes for DAP.
But I said to him that it shows that government know Kajang folks have everything so they don't need government aids anymore unlike Balingan hehhehheh.
But really. Think about it okay. If the moved like this come again, do you think government will acted like what they have done to Kajang again?
They just send the candidates and reserved the budget only if the candidates win. Otherwise they refused to promised anythings anymore and just wait for the result.
Well I wondering too......
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Tun D : AI Win The Best Entertainer, Better Than KJ
I want to write somethings regarding Daim remarked about AI.
But with my headache, you all better read it from MyKMU.Net HERE
Got to say, even with my headache, I find it sort of funny and deep. Tun D really poked him to the extend that he questioning AI credibility.
It also sort of remind us that it is really Tun M who's doing all the jobs as Menteri Kewangan.
Well got to say, after all this times it is no wonder that even after his resignation as a PM, Tun M will always be remembered.
My Japanese friends once said, when Tun M resign, he become the properties of the worlds, not exclusively for Malaysia anymore coz they, the Japanese got to share him and his knowledge's. My Germany friend also commenting the same things.
Funny to me because Tun D was right. AI don't know a lot of things except he wanted to become a PM. IF during his times he DON'T even know the total circulation of cash money in Malaysia, are you sure he can becomes the good PM material?
On the other hand, I think KJ got a challenges from Tun D. I means, KJ vs pure entertainer, KJ win.
What if KJ vs AI? Hmmmmm interesting right hehhehheh
Oh my head....hehhhehheh......
But with my headache, you all better read it from MyKMU.Net HERE
Got to say, even with my headache, I find it sort of funny and deep. Tun D really poked him to the extend that he questioning AI credibility.
It also sort of remind us that it is really Tun M who's doing all the jobs as Menteri Kewangan.
Well got to say, after all this times it is no wonder that even after his resignation as a PM, Tun M will always be remembered.
My Japanese friends once said, when Tun M resign, he become the properties of the worlds, not exclusively for Malaysia anymore coz they, the Japanese got to share him and his knowledge's. My Germany friend also commenting the same things.
Funny to me because Tun D was right. AI don't know a lot of things except he wanted to become a PM. IF during his times he DON'T even know the total circulation of cash money in Malaysia, are you sure he can becomes the good PM material?
On the other hand, I think KJ got a challenges from Tun D. I means, KJ vs pure entertainer, KJ win.
What if KJ vs AI? Hmmmmm interesting right hehhehheh
Oh my head....hehhhehheh......
Menghargai Sesuatu Pabila Kehilangannya
Sudah dua hari saya mengalami demam, batuk dan selsema.
Dalam masa dua hari juga saya tidak boleh menikmati kopi panas cap badak sumbu kegemaran saya. Tekak sakit dan kepala pening juga mengakibatkan segala pekerjaan berlaku dalam keadaan perlahan.
Maklumlah untuk mengelap selsema dan batuk yang datang tanpa kawalan membuatkan banyak masa terhabis dengan melakukan dua kerja ini sahaja.
Ketika ini barulah disedari bahawa begitu pentingnya kesihatan kepada kita semua. Dengan badan yang sihat kita boleh melakukan banyak kerja dan menikmati kehidupan. Apabila sakit, kita akan teringat masa diwaktu kita sihat.
Inilah yang dikatakan apabila sesuatu yang kita miliki tetapi tidak kita sedari itu hilang, barulah kita akan sedar betapa pentingnya perkara tersebut pada diri kita.
Pada saya, menikmati secawan / semug kopi O panas kurang gula adalah nikmat kehidupan yang perlu saya nikmati untuk membolehkan saya melakukan segala kerja setiap hari. Setiap pagi saya akan menikmatinya.
Tetapi telah dua hari saya tidak dapat menikmati kopi kegemaran saya dan barulah saya sedar bahawa saya tidak cukup menghargai masa tersebut. 10 minit yang biasa saya ambil untuk duduk menikmati secawan/semug kopi O dan menoleh kebelakang atau memandang kedepan setiap apa yang mungkin berlaku dan telah berlaku dalam hidup saya.
Telah dua hari saya terpaksa minum teh O panas untuk melegakan tekak saya. Mungkin kerana terbiasa dengan kopi O kurang manis, saya terlupa mencampurkan gula dalam teh O. Anak-anak menjauhi teh O saya dan mengambil keputusan untuk membancuhnya sendiri.
Lebih selesa membiarkan emak minum teh emak katanya. Walau hakikat yang jelas, mereka tidak tahan dengan teh pekat saya hehhehheh. Ambil hati katakan.
Oleh itu, buat sementara waktu, saya mungkin akan postkan banyak artikel dalam bahasa Malaysia. Kepala yang agak pening ini tidak memungkinkan saya menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Mungkin akan ada artikel pendek berbahasa inggeris tetapi artikel yang panjang mungkin dalam bahasa Malaysia.
Buat sementara waktu, saya akan berehat dan cuba sedaya upaya menikmati teh O ini walaupun apabila kesihatan saya kembali optimum, saya akan kembali ke hobi saya yang asal, minum kopi O cap badak sumbu.
Kalau hendak tahu bagaimana rasanya, beli sahaja di tesco okay hehhehheh
Dalam masa dua hari juga saya tidak boleh menikmati kopi panas cap badak sumbu kegemaran saya. Tekak sakit dan kepala pening juga mengakibatkan segala pekerjaan berlaku dalam keadaan perlahan.
Maklumlah untuk mengelap selsema dan batuk yang datang tanpa kawalan membuatkan banyak masa terhabis dengan melakukan dua kerja ini sahaja.
Ketika ini barulah disedari bahawa begitu pentingnya kesihatan kepada kita semua. Dengan badan yang sihat kita boleh melakukan banyak kerja dan menikmati kehidupan. Apabila sakit, kita akan teringat masa diwaktu kita sihat.
Inilah yang dikatakan apabila sesuatu yang kita miliki tetapi tidak kita sedari itu hilang, barulah kita akan sedar betapa pentingnya perkara tersebut pada diri kita.
Pada saya, menikmati secawan / semug kopi O panas kurang gula adalah nikmat kehidupan yang perlu saya nikmati untuk membolehkan saya melakukan segala kerja setiap hari. Setiap pagi saya akan menikmatinya.
Tetapi telah dua hari saya tidak dapat menikmati kopi kegemaran saya dan barulah saya sedar bahawa saya tidak cukup menghargai masa tersebut. 10 minit yang biasa saya ambil untuk duduk menikmati secawan/semug kopi O dan menoleh kebelakang atau memandang kedepan setiap apa yang mungkin berlaku dan telah berlaku dalam hidup saya.
Telah dua hari saya terpaksa minum teh O panas untuk melegakan tekak saya. Mungkin kerana terbiasa dengan kopi O kurang manis, saya terlupa mencampurkan gula dalam teh O. Anak-anak menjauhi teh O saya dan mengambil keputusan untuk membancuhnya sendiri.
Lebih selesa membiarkan emak minum teh emak katanya. Walau hakikat yang jelas, mereka tidak tahan dengan teh pekat saya hehhehheh. Ambil hati katakan.
Oleh itu, buat sementara waktu, saya mungkin akan postkan banyak artikel dalam bahasa Malaysia. Kepala yang agak pening ini tidak memungkinkan saya menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Mungkin akan ada artikel pendek berbahasa inggeris tetapi artikel yang panjang mungkin dalam bahasa Malaysia.
Buat sementara waktu, saya akan berehat dan cuba sedaya upaya menikmati teh O ini walaupun apabila kesihatan saya kembali optimum, saya akan kembali ke hobi saya yang asal, minum kopi O cap badak sumbu.
Kalau hendak tahu bagaimana rasanya, beli sahaja di tesco okay hehhehheh
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Reformasi AI : Adakah Yang Akan Berguling Lagi ?????
Baru dapat poster dibawah dari FB.
Cantik tak. Siap tarikh lagi. Perak, Serawak, Sabah, Johor, Kelantan dan Kedah akan mendapat perhatian istimewa daripada AI untuk jelajah Reformasi 2.0 nya.
Bagus sungguh lah buat kerja seperti ini. Disaat orang sedang menunggu berita tentang MH370, disaat pasukan keselamatan sibuk dengan SAR, dia sibuk nak buat reformasi.
Disaat keluarga mangsa MH370 menderita kerana tiada khabar berita tentang ahli keluarga mereka, dia sibuk hendak selamatkan dirinya sendiri.
Kenapa perlu ada reformasi? Kenapa sedang orang dilanda kesedihan dan kepayahan dengan MH370, jerubu dan kekurangan air, AI begitu sibuk memporak-perandakan Negara.
Itu belum dikira PRK Kajang yang diciptakan walaupun tidak perlu.
Lepas tangguh perbicaraan mahkamah sehingga 70 kali, dengan isu yang remeh temeh, hendak reformasi kerana dikatakan kerajaan tidak adil.
Habis itu adil sangatkah membazir duit rakyat dengan PRK yang tidak diperlukan?
Adilkah menghabiskan duit rakyat dengan penangguhan persidangan mahkamah sehingga 70 kali dengan isu yang remeh temeh?
Ingat persidangan mahkamah itu free ker? Hakim itu kena bayar gaji. Pendakwa raya kena bayar gaji. Masa yang dibazirkan oleh saksi yang berpangkat kakitangan kerajaan kena bayar gaji.
Kalau sudah 70 kali agak-agaknya berapa banyak masa yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk membuat kerja dibazirkan?
Lepas itu melalak sana sini kakitangan mahkamah tidak cekap. Habis kalau sudah kes itu sahaja mengambil masa bertahun-tahun, agak-agaknya berapa banyak kes mahkamah lain yang tertunggak disebabkan dia?
Untung betul menjadi orang yang kaya raya seperti ini. Boleh tangguh kes sesuka hati. Yang dibawah itu pula tidak buka mata lagi kah?
Kalau dia tidak bersalah, kenapa isu penangguhan itu semuanya isu teknikal sahaja. Kenapa isu penangguhan itu kerana seorang pendakwaraya? Kenapa isu penangguhan peguamnya yang dia sendiri pecat? Kenapa isu penangguhan dia kerana peguam dia sakit?
Kalau sudah mampu mengambil pakar dari luar negara, masakan peguam yang diambil tidak boleh hantar peguam lain yang sama hebat dengan peguam yang sakit itu?
Tidakkah peguam selalunya bekerja dalam kumpulan untuk sesuatu kes besar. Kalau seorang sakit sudah tentu ada peguam bersama yang memahami kesnya yang boleh membantu bukan?
Semua ini persoalan yang dia sendiri tidak boleh jawab.
Ini hendak bazirkan masa rakyat biasa pula? RAkyat yang tidak terlibat pun mesti akan terbabit sama.
Jalan sesak, masa balik kerja menjadi panjang, yang mana kena ambil anak di nurseri dan kalau lambat kena bayar overtime, kena bayar overtime sebab tersangkut dengan jem.
Tidakkah itu membebankan rakyat?
Itu belum dikira peniaga yang kena tutup kedai awal sebab naya kalau sudah berkumpul ramai-ramai ini. Mesti akan berlaku kes orang masuk kedai beramai-ramai dan kemudian keluar beramai-ramai. Terutama kedai runcit dan kedai 24 jam yang menjual makanan dan minuman.
Dah biasa sangat sampai tak masuk berita dah. Itu sebabnya bila dengar ada perhimpunan macam ni dari PR dia orang pakat-pakat tutup kedai ramai-ramai.
Kalau tidak naya tanggung kerugian. Sekali dua tidak apa. Ini sepanjang masa perhimpunan itu, ada sahaja group ramai-ramai masuk kedai ini datang.
Yang ramai-ramai ikut itu pula, tidak sedarkah bila anda menghabiskan masa orang lain, begitu ramai orang yang menyumpah anda.
Ingat semua rakyat dalam Malaysia ini suka bila dipaksa habiskan masa dijalan? Habiskan duit terpaksa bayar OT sebab terlambat ambil anak di nursery? Habiskan minyak dijalanan sebab tersangkut dalam jem yang teruk sampai lima enam jam?
Kata hendak tolong rakyat berjimat kerana kos sara hidup yang tinggi tetapi semua kerja yang dibuatnya hanya menghabiskan duit rakyat biasa?
Yang ikut itu pun menghabiskan duit petrol memandu jauh-jauh keranan kononnya ingin menyokong. Selepas itu merungut harga minyak naik. Walhal kalau tak ikut program reformasi ini agak-agaknya keluar duit minyak tak?
Nasib baik tol tidak naik, kalau tidak merungut kena bayar tol mahal pula. Yang pergi itu kenapa wahai orang yang tidak berapa cerdik pandai oiiiii.
Kalau dari KL dah turun ke Johor agak-agaknya berapa duit minyak yang digunakan? Lepas itu melalak kononnya kerajaan tidak prihatin masyarakat mahreen. Engkau sendiri yang membazir, salahkan orang lain pula bila sendiri pakai banyak minyak.
Ini nasihat saya. Kalau anda ikut juga, jangan melalak kalau bila kira-kira cukup bulan duit minyak anda berlebih dari budget. Salah anda. Siapa suruh anda membazir untuk AI. Kalau sudah sokong berkorbanlah duit minyak itu. Untuk perjuangan juga kan.
Kalau anda terpaksa tidur ditepi jalan kerana hotel penuh dan disebabkan jerubu anda sakit dan pening, pergi klinik swasta je. Bayar sendiri. Jangan penuhkan klinik kerajaan. Siapa suruh anda keluar dalam keadaan yang tidak sihat ini. Salah anda.
Saya juga ingin memberi cadangan kepada pengarah Strategi PKR, Mr R.
Kalau hendak buat sekalipun, tunggulah apabila segala-gaalanya reda. Tunggulah jerubu hilang. Tunggulah air sampai ke rumah setiap orang setiap hari. Tunggulah apabila MH370 dijumpai. Tunggulah PRK kajang itu selesai.
Kalau degil juga, buat sangatlah. Kalau yang ikut itu ada masalah nanti, tolong minta tolong dekat AI, Mr R dan PKR ye. Jangan hendak menyusahkan orang biasa yang menghadapi banyak masalah sekarang.
Lagipun anda-anda semua kaya raya seperti AI kan? ada banyak masa untuk pesta Reformasi 2.0 ini.
Kami rakyat biasa ini ada banyak kerja lain perlu dilakukan setiap hari. Jangan menyusahkan kami dengan kerja reformasi anda itu.
Cantik tak. Siap tarikh lagi. Perak, Serawak, Sabah, Johor, Kelantan dan Kedah akan mendapat perhatian istimewa daripada AI untuk jelajah Reformasi 2.0 nya.
Bagus sungguh lah buat kerja seperti ini. Disaat orang sedang menunggu berita tentang MH370, disaat pasukan keselamatan sibuk dengan SAR, dia sibuk nak buat reformasi.
Disaat keluarga mangsa MH370 menderita kerana tiada khabar berita tentang ahli keluarga mereka, dia sibuk hendak selamatkan dirinya sendiri.
Kenapa perlu ada reformasi? Kenapa sedang orang dilanda kesedihan dan kepayahan dengan MH370, jerubu dan kekurangan air, AI begitu sibuk memporak-perandakan Negara.
Itu belum dikira PRK Kajang yang diciptakan walaupun tidak perlu.
Lepas tangguh perbicaraan mahkamah sehingga 70 kali, dengan isu yang remeh temeh, hendak reformasi kerana dikatakan kerajaan tidak adil.
Habis itu adil sangatkah membazir duit rakyat dengan PRK yang tidak diperlukan?
Adilkah menghabiskan duit rakyat dengan penangguhan persidangan mahkamah sehingga 70 kali dengan isu yang remeh temeh?
Ingat persidangan mahkamah itu free ker? Hakim itu kena bayar gaji. Pendakwa raya kena bayar gaji. Masa yang dibazirkan oleh saksi yang berpangkat kakitangan kerajaan kena bayar gaji.
Kalau sudah 70 kali agak-agaknya berapa banyak masa yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk membuat kerja dibazirkan?
Lepas itu melalak sana sini kakitangan mahkamah tidak cekap. Habis kalau sudah kes itu sahaja mengambil masa bertahun-tahun, agak-agaknya berapa banyak kes mahkamah lain yang tertunggak disebabkan dia?
Untung betul menjadi orang yang kaya raya seperti ini. Boleh tangguh kes sesuka hati. Yang dibawah itu pula tidak buka mata lagi kah?
Kalau dia tidak bersalah, kenapa isu penangguhan itu semuanya isu teknikal sahaja. Kenapa isu penangguhan itu kerana seorang pendakwaraya? Kenapa isu penangguhan peguamnya yang dia sendiri pecat? Kenapa isu penangguhan dia kerana peguam dia sakit?
Kalau sudah mampu mengambil pakar dari luar negara, masakan peguam yang diambil tidak boleh hantar peguam lain yang sama hebat dengan peguam yang sakit itu?
Tidakkah peguam selalunya bekerja dalam kumpulan untuk sesuatu kes besar. Kalau seorang sakit sudah tentu ada peguam bersama yang memahami kesnya yang boleh membantu bukan?
Semua ini persoalan yang dia sendiri tidak boleh jawab.
Ini hendak bazirkan masa rakyat biasa pula? RAkyat yang tidak terlibat pun mesti akan terbabit sama.
Jalan sesak, masa balik kerja menjadi panjang, yang mana kena ambil anak di nurseri dan kalau lambat kena bayar overtime, kena bayar overtime sebab tersangkut dengan jem.
Tidakkah itu membebankan rakyat?
Itu belum dikira peniaga yang kena tutup kedai awal sebab naya kalau sudah berkumpul ramai-ramai ini. Mesti akan berlaku kes orang masuk kedai beramai-ramai dan kemudian keluar beramai-ramai. Terutama kedai runcit dan kedai 24 jam yang menjual makanan dan minuman.
Dah biasa sangat sampai tak masuk berita dah. Itu sebabnya bila dengar ada perhimpunan macam ni dari PR dia orang pakat-pakat tutup kedai ramai-ramai.
Kalau tidak naya tanggung kerugian. Sekali dua tidak apa. Ini sepanjang masa perhimpunan itu, ada sahaja group ramai-ramai masuk kedai ini datang.
Yang ramai-ramai ikut itu pula, tidak sedarkah bila anda menghabiskan masa orang lain, begitu ramai orang yang menyumpah anda.
Ingat semua rakyat dalam Malaysia ini suka bila dipaksa habiskan masa dijalan? Habiskan duit terpaksa bayar OT sebab terlambat ambil anak di nursery? Habiskan minyak dijalanan sebab tersangkut dalam jem yang teruk sampai lima enam jam?
Kata hendak tolong rakyat berjimat kerana kos sara hidup yang tinggi tetapi semua kerja yang dibuatnya hanya menghabiskan duit rakyat biasa?
Yang ikut itu pun menghabiskan duit petrol memandu jauh-jauh keranan kononnya ingin menyokong. Selepas itu merungut harga minyak naik. Walhal kalau tak ikut program reformasi ini agak-agaknya keluar duit minyak tak?
Nasib baik tol tidak naik, kalau tidak merungut kena bayar tol mahal pula. Yang pergi itu kenapa wahai orang yang tidak berapa cerdik pandai oiiiii.
Kalau dari KL dah turun ke Johor agak-agaknya berapa duit minyak yang digunakan? Lepas itu melalak kononnya kerajaan tidak prihatin masyarakat mahreen. Engkau sendiri yang membazir, salahkan orang lain pula bila sendiri pakai banyak minyak.
Ini nasihat saya. Kalau anda ikut juga, jangan melalak kalau bila kira-kira cukup bulan duit minyak anda berlebih dari budget. Salah anda. Siapa suruh anda membazir untuk AI. Kalau sudah sokong berkorbanlah duit minyak itu. Untuk perjuangan juga kan.
Kalau anda terpaksa tidur ditepi jalan kerana hotel penuh dan disebabkan jerubu anda sakit dan pening, pergi klinik swasta je. Bayar sendiri. Jangan penuhkan klinik kerajaan. Siapa suruh anda keluar dalam keadaan yang tidak sihat ini. Salah anda.
Saya juga ingin memberi cadangan kepada pengarah Strategi PKR, Mr R.
Kalau hendak buat sekalipun, tunggulah apabila segala-gaalanya reda. Tunggulah jerubu hilang. Tunggulah air sampai ke rumah setiap orang setiap hari. Tunggulah apabila MH370 dijumpai. Tunggulah PRK kajang itu selesai.
Kalau degil juga, buat sangatlah. Kalau yang ikut itu ada masalah nanti, tolong minta tolong dekat AI, Mr R dan PKR ye. Jangan hendak menyusahkan orang biasa yang menghadapi banyak masalah sekarang.
Lagipun anda-anda semua kaya raya seperti AI kan? ada banyak masa untuk pesta Reformasi 2.0 ini.
Kami rakyat biasa ini ada banyak kerja lain perlu dilakukan setiap hari. Jangan menyusahkan kami dengan kerja reformasi anda itu.
Monday, 17 March 2014
Translator For Chinese Malaysia To Understand Bahasa Malaysia????
I read Helen post Chinese Audiences Cannot Understand Minister Speaking In Malay two times already.
Just to makes sure I understand it fully, I read it for the third times.
Yup, my eyes don't decieved me. They need a translator to understand Bahasa Malaysia.
Okay, I try to justify it by saying this is for the old timer, right?
In the article it was stated that young Chines rejected Bahasa Malaysia
Do I surprised about this. Well maybe if I'm coming from SMK where there was no Chinese or Indian in it.
But, I'm coming from those school and doing a lots of extra co-curricular activities involving a lot of others school including SMJKC.
And let's me highlighted the problem that started taken root 27 years ago where for the first times I knew that Chinese who started their education from SJKC cannot speaked proper Bahasa Malaysia.
During my SMK, I 'm becoming aware that the SJKC and SJKT need to attended Kelas Peralihan in order to makes sure they understand their Bahasa Malaysia. This was due to SMK fully used Bahasa Malaysia as a teaching medium.
To makes sure that the Chinese who comes from this SJKC and SJKC didn't get left behind because of the language barrier, they must attend this Kelas Peralihan.
As I understand it , there is a few exceptional. Those who get an A in Bahasa Malaysia for their National Primary School examination or Penilaian Darjah lima or UPSR.
And in some school they interview this kids in Bahasa Malaysia if they wisheswanted to skip the Kelas Peralihan.
I have a few friends who comes from SJKC and SJKT who managed to skip this Kelas Peralihan due to they speak fluently in Bahasa Malaysia.
So, while joining this activities, there is a problem for those who comes from SMK to communicating with students who comes from SMJKC.
Usually they, the SMJKC students will refused to mixed up with others while some will only speak with my Chinese friendswhile and totally ignored me and my Indian GF.
Of coursed we just ignored them then but it's also surprised us when our Chinese Friends inform us that they don't know how to communicated in Bahasa Malaysia.
And this happen 27 years ago.
27 years ago, there's only a few SMJKC and the trend was, a lot of Chinese out of the options, will send their kids to SMK.
Just imagined how the problem evolved all this while where SJKC and SMJKC are everywhere.
They has been separated to joined the communities since they were a child's. They lives in the communities where the majorities of the peoples in their areas is their own races. They studies in the SJKC for primary and SMJKC for their secondary school.
Bahasa Malaysia is only one of the subjects they need to learn and pass. Just like English for the Malay. You pass the subject and it is all will be okay.It There is no need for you to understand or fluent in it.
So' I'm not surprised if they cannot understand a lot of words in Bahasa Malaysia. But what I find so abnormal is that they need a translator to understand Bahasa Malaysia.
They study it at least 11 years during their school days and they cannot understand it? It rised a questions on how they teachs the students how to understand Bahasa Malaysia in SJKC and SMJKC? HMMmm
Well, it is look like, the Chinese find out for the first times they reverted back to the times when their ancestor comes to Malaya.
Then comes a generations who can speak a little bahasa Melayu due to their mixed up with the Malays.
Years went by and comes a generation where half of them fluents in Bahasa Malaysia and some can become a writer and a poet in Bahasa Malaysia.
After that generation, it look like, the Chinese revert back to the old days. The days just after the Merdeka where the Chinese only understanding a little ofin how much the Chinese understanding Bahasa Malaysia.
How this problem emerges?
The Problem started when they started to isolated their children in all areas. Housing communities, Primary and Secondary Schools and now they requested University.
If this continue, I'm not surprise if comes another 10 to 15 years, the Chinese Malaysian will becomes just like their ancestor who come from China, who cannot speak a Malay when they comes to work inTanah Melayu.
Harsh right, but the process started long ago using the disguised of supporting the Chinese School. Now it getting worst and a generations of not understanding the Bahasa Malaysia started emerges.
Next generations will becomes worst unless of course the Chinese stated to mixed up with other races.
Of coursed if the Chinese leadership started to think that they don't need to mixed up with others as they were a truly Bangsa Malaysia, then I'm not surprising if there will be a group of Chinese Malaysia who cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia.
They continue confusing a lots of word. They will continue thinking that races and nationality is the same. BAngsa and warganegara when you translated it in Malay of course. And if this two words they started to confused, how do you suppost when they wanted to understand others complicated (???) words.
But then again, there is no "Di mana bumi di pijak, di situ langit di junjung" for them.
After all if they wanted to change Bahasa Malaysia to Bahasa Mandarin, they also need to change this country from Malaysia to Mandarin right????
Dare them to do it????? Hmmmm
Just to makes sure I understand it fully, I read it for the third times.
Yup, my eyes don't decieved me. They need a translator to understand Bahasa Malaysia.
Okay, I try to justify it by saying this is for the old timer, right?
In the article it was stated that young Chines rejected Bahasa Malaysia
Young Chinese reject Malay language
Usually those falling under the ‘Single Mothers’ category in government aid programmes are unwed mothers or women abandoned by the father of their child. More often than not, these are young mothers likely between the ages of 25 (or younger) and 35.
A 25-year-old is born in the year 1989. Her birth comes 32 years post-Merdeka. Is there a valid reason for these young Chinese women in Kajang not to be able to understand the national language? Remember, they needed Kurup’s speech to be translated into Mandarin for themDo I surprised about this. Well maybe if I'm coming from SMK where there was no Chinese or Indian in it.
But, I'm coming from those school and doing a lots of extra co-curricular activities involving a lot of others school including SMJKC.
And let's me highlighted the problem that started taken root 27 years ago where for the first times I knew that Chinese who started their education from SJKC cannot speaked proper Bahasa Malaysia.
During my SMK, I 'm becoming aware that the SJKC and SJKT need to attended Kelas Peralihan in order to makes sure they understand their Bahasa Malaysia. This was due to SMK fully used Bahasa Malaysia as a teaching medium.
To makes sure that the Chinese who comes from this SJKC and SJKC didn't get left behind because of the language barrier, they must attend this Kelas Peralihan.
As I understand it , there is a few exceptional. Those who get an A in Bahasa Malaysia for their National Primary School examination or Penilaian Darjah lima or UPSR.
And in some school they interview this kids in Bahasa Malaysia if they wishes
I have a few friends who comes from SJKC and SJKT who managed to skip this Kelas Peralihan due to they speak fluently in Bahasa Malaysia.
So, while joining this activities, there is a problem for those who comes from SMK to communicating with students who comes from SMJKC.
Usually they, the SMJKC students will refused to mixed up with others while some will only speak with my Chinese friends
Of coursed we just ignored them then but it's also surprised us when our Chinese Friends inform us that they don't know how to communicated in Bahasa Malaysia.
And this happen 27 years ago.
27 years ago, there's only a few SMJKC and the trend was, a lot of Chinese out of the options, will send their kids to SMK.
Just imagined how the problem evolved all this while where SJKC and SMJKC are everywhere.
They has been separated to joined the communities since they were a child's. They lives in the communities where the majorities of the peoples in their areas is their own races. They studies in the SJKC for primary and SMJKC for their secondary school.
Bahasa Malaysia is only one of the subjects they need to learn and pass. Just like English for the Malay. You pass the subject and it is all will be okay.
So' I'm not surprised if they cannot understand a lot of words in Bahasa Malaysia. But what I find so abnormal is that they need a translator to understand Bahasa Malaysia.
They study it at least 11 years during their school days and they cannot understand it? It rised a questions on how they teachs the students how to understand Bahasa Malaysia in SJKC and SMJKC? HMMmm
Well, it is look like, the Chinese find out for the first times they reverted back to the times when their ancestor comes to Malaya.
Then comes a generations who can speak a little bahasa Melayu due to their mixed up with the Malays.
Years went by and comes a generation where half of them fluents in Bahasa Malaysia and some can become a writer and a poet in Bahasa Malaysia.
After that generation, it look like, the Chinese revert back to the old days. The days just after the Merdeka where the Chinese only understanding a little of
How this problem emerges?
The Problem started when they started to isolated their children in all areas. Housing communities, Primary and Secondary Schools and now they requested University.
If this continue, I'm not surprise if comes another 10 to 15 years, the Chinese Malaysian will becomes just like their ancestor who come from China, who cannot speak a Malay when they comes to work inTanah Melayu.
Harsh right, but the process started long ago using the disguised of supporting the Chinese School. Now it getting worst and a generations of not understanding the Bahasa Malaysia started emerges.
Next generations will becomes worst unless of course the Chinese stated to mixed up with other races.
Of coursed if the Chinese leadership started to think that they don't need to mixed up with others as they were a truly Bangsa Malaysia, then I'm not surprising if there will be a group of Chinese Malaysia who cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia.
They continue confusing a lots of word. They will continue thinking that races and nationality is the same. BAngsa and warganegara when you translated it in Malay of course. And if this two words they started to confused, how do you suppost when they wanted to understand others complicated (???) words.
But then again, there is no "Di mana bumi di pijak, di situ langit di junjung" for them.
After all if they wanted to change Bahasa Malaysia to Bahasa Mandarin, they also need to change this country from Malaysia to Mandarin right????
Dare them to do it????? Hmmmm
Saturday, 15 March 2014
MH370 : Maklumat Terkini : Sidang Akhbar 2 18ptg
1. MH370 membuat air turn back
2. ACARS dimatikan sebelum pantai timur
3. transponder dimatikan sebelum menghampiri Vietnam
4. Hubungan MH370 dengan satelit terakhir adalah pada 8.11 pagi 8 Mac 2014
5. Tumpuan mencari di koridor utara dan koridor selatan
6. Koridor utara dari Thailand hingga ke Kazakhsthan & Turkmenistan
7. Koridor Selatan dari Utara Indonesia hingga Selatan Indonesia
8. Pencarian di Laut China Selatan akan dihentikan.
10. Pihak berkuasa akan menjuruskan penyiasatan ke atas anak kapal dan penumpang MH370.
Mari berdoa untuk MH370 semoga semuanya berada dalam keadaan selamat.
2. ACARS dimatikan sebelum pantai timur
3. transponder dimatikan sebelum menghampiri Vietnam
4. Hubungan MH370 dengan satelit terakhir adalah pada 8.11 pagi 8 Mac 2014
5. Tumpuan mencari di koridor utara dan koridor selatan
6. Koridor utara dari Thailand hingga ke Kazakhsthan & Turkmenistan
7. Koridor Selatan dari Utara Indonesia hingga Selatan Indonesia
8. Pencarian di Laut China Selatan akan dihentikan.
10. Pihak berkuasa akan menjuruskan penyiasatan ke atas anak kapal dan penumpang MH370.
Mari berdoa untuk MH370 semoga semuanya berada dalam keadaan selamat.
PRK Kajang vs Crocodile. The Winner Everyone????
It official. KJ and crocodile getting more popular than PRK Kajang.
It's started when KJ remarks something about the Dungus with coconuts.
And today he doing it again by posting this in the FB.

It's started when KJ remarks something about the Dungus with coconuts.
And today he doing it again by posting this in the FB.

Dijemput hadir ke Youth Collective di Publika, KL hari ini dan esok. Macam-macam ada kecuali buaya yang kena tampar.
Then he's tweeting this
You can read more HERE .
This Dunggus VIP Bomoh also stating that he know a lots of powerful people like Tan Sri Najib. TAN SRI NAJIB????? Why you push us to use Datuk Sri while all along the Bomoh said you actually a Tan Sri Mr PM hehhehheh
He said it himself guys.
It's so bizzar right now that it taken a lead as the top news rather than PRK Kajang.
Got to say that KJ know how to grabs people attentions especially the youth to support him.
Uhhh, by the way, I got the picture I think so funny about all this.
Got to say the winner in all of this war between KJ and Bomoh Dungus is The Crocodile.
All because without promoting itself the crocodile getting famous coz someone brave enough to slap the crocodile and someone unconsciously admit he is a crocodile and willing to get slap hehhehheh
Friday, 14 March 2014
MH370 : Why So Cruel? Please Lah, Be Human
I read and read those news relating to MH370. Yeah, I really wanted to know what did going on.
On the other hand I'm also know that there were 239 (Tq RD) victims on board of that flight and their family mamberw mustbe heart broken by now waiting for any news.
A little finding or clues will be valuables for them. They now in the stages of expecting the worst.
So why some people who don;t have anything to do in search and rescue or the family members just gleefully posting something that hurt those people.
Some opinions which was giving out of hate for the government. Some giving the indication that it is the government fault that the plain was lost.
Some if you read their posting saying a lot of nonsense and stupid remark (sorry need to used this word) and blaming UMNO. Yes they blaming UMNO for it.
And then this dungus performing the ritual in KLIA. Go and read Mr Syed, OutSyed The Box new posting HERE .
Those who surfing the net will immediately know this bomoh guy lah. He becomes famous when predicted that BN will lost GE#13. And because of his action the government getting a bad name and being reticules while there are a lot of people now searching day and night for MH370.
Go and read all those ridiculous posting in the FB. Some comment if read by the relatives of the victims will hurt their feeling. Their hoping against all the odd that the victims will survives and this people simply put down any hopes they have.
Some even badmouthing the crew of the plane or the victims. Shessh.
It is cruels and un-human to do it. they have No sympathy for the victims families.
The comment also indicated that the search and rescue teams all over the world who come to help was a failliur. They conveniently forgetting that the SAR involving a lots of first world country.
They forget that if this search and rescue fail, that indicated that the technologies from this known first world countries also fail. How do you supposed if their technologies fail that we the country who legged behind them in technologies achievement and owning can do better?
What is important right now is finding the plane. What is important right now is finding the clues.
Don't simply playing the blames games if you only good is as a keyboard warrior.
This is the times if you have a lot of times, to try to gives any useful ideas for search and rescue to used to find the plane. Give them the ideas of any technologies available that can be useful because sometimes the outside technologies was rapidly involving.
Those suggestions can be used as the alternatives for SAR if all those searching proves fruitless.
I read in the FB that someone suggesting that people start to use Sun Earth Tools applications to find the plane. I also read in one website that someone posting that when using this application that they can find the plane.
Just try to find any other application available that can be use and gives or post this kind of suggestions. This is the best and protectives way if you have so many free times.
Not hurting those who willing to hope against all odd by commenting a lot of rubbist.
You provocate them to act recklessly and at the end they the one who loose it all while you only satisfaction is thank god nobody know me.
Be human, and act like a human. Have a heart will you and try to pray for the best.
Don't be so cruels in this time of need. Think if this happen to you how do you supposed to act to those who is so cruels while you wallowing in the sadness.
Just shut up if you don't have any suggestions and takes a few minutes each times you hear or read or see MH370, to pray it will be found save and sound.
On the other hand I'm also know that there were 239 (Tq RD) victims on board of that flight and their family mamberw mustbe heart broken by now waiting for any news.
A little finding or clues will be valuables for them. They now in the stages of expecting the worst.
So why some people who don;t have anything to do in search and rescue or the family members just gleefully posting something that hurt those people.
Some opinions which was giving out of hate for the government. Some giving the indication that it is the government fault that the plain was lost.
Some if you read their posting saying a lot of nonsense and stupid remark (sorry need to used this word) and blaming UMNO. Yes they blaming UMNO for it.
And then this dungus performing the ritual in KLIA. Go and read Mr Syed, OutSyed The Box new posting HERE .
Those who surfing the net will immediately know this bomoh guy lah. He becomes famous when predicted that BN will lost GE#13. And because of his action the government getting a bad name and being reticules while there are a lot of people now searching day and night for MH370.
Go and read all those ridiculous posting in the FB. Some comment if read by the relatives of the victims will hurt their feeling. Their hoping against all the odd that the victims will survives and this people simply put down any hopes they have.
Some even badmouthing the crew of the plane or the victims. Shessh.
It is cruels and un-human to do it. they have No sympathy for the victims families.
The comment also indicated that the search and rescue teams all over the world who come to help was a failliur. They conveniently forgetting that the SAR involving a lots of first world country.
They forget that if this search and rescue fail, that indicated that the technologies from this known first world countries also fail. How do you supposed if their technologies fail that we the country who legged behind them in technologies achievement and owning can do better?
What is important right now is finding the plane. What is important right now is finding the clues.
Don't simply playing the blames games if you only good is as a keyboard warrior.
This is the times if you have a lot of times, to try to gives any useful ideas for search and rescue to used to find the plane. Give them the ideas of any technologies available that can be useful because sometimes the outside technologies was rapidly involving.
Those suggestions can be used as the alternatives for SAR if all those searching proves fruitless.
I read in the FB that someone suggesting that people start to use Sun Earth Tools applications to find the plane. I also read in one website that someone posting that when using this application that they can find the plane.
Just try to find any other application available that can be use and gives or post this kind of suggestions. This is the best and protectives way if you have so many free times.
Not hurting those who willing to hope against all odd by commenting a lot of rubbist.
You provocate them to act recklessly and at the end they the one who loose it all while you only satisfaction is thank god nobody know me.
Be human, and act like a human. Have a heart will you and try to pray for the best.
Don't be so cruels in this time of need. Think if this happen to you how do you supposed to act to those who is so cruels while you wallowing in the sadness.
Just shut up if you don't have any suggestions and takes a few minutes each times you hear or read or see MH370, to pray it will be found save and sound.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Wan Azizah For Kajang : Napotism Only If It Is UMNO
Picture from Tenggara is Southeast WA for AI
Funny right? Nopotism only applied to BN/UMNO.
No for UMNO or BN but it is okay for PR. It show that PR think that they were above the law. All law applied to us general public was not applied to them.
Don't asked my how it can be because I'm at lost on how to explained this situations.
When Anwar announced that his wife will replaced him as a candidate for Kajang PRK, the word cronies come in my mind but I'm also aware that facing the die hard fan of PR they will say otherwise.
They will say that WA is the best choice after Anwar. But if you aware of WA history you will realised that she only a proxy for AI.
Sad to say that in this case I agree that this women was not the best candidate to represented a women. She don't have a backbone. Her point of being a candidates was to makes sure people remember AI.
Her main cause is only to makes sure people will remember AI always. She will stay on and when it is time for her husband to make a comeback, she will gleefully handover her constituency to her dear husband.
Rakyat? There is no rakyat for WA. Her main point in life was to satisfied her husband wishes above all else.
If there is a need for her to be a crybaby, she will do it. Yup, this I'm sure of because I meet her during one of her 'ceramah" before AI released from ISA and let me tell you, when she talk about politic she become so awkward but if she talked about AI she will automatically cry.
Automatically cry and I've joint three of her so call "ceramah politik" and in all those "ceramah politik" the script was the same.
So when a friends asked me to joint for the fourth time, I declined saying that I already know what will happen.
Of coursed it become a jokes for us after I dared a friends to check if my predictions will come true. Giving her a list what to expected, she attended the "ceramah politik". When she come back, she scolded me by saying that I'm ruin the surprised for her. All my predictions come true, hehhehheh.
So those who asked me who I wanted to win this PRK, I will say CMF. Not that everybody will hear me but that is my personal choice. Given that I'm not a voter for Kajang constituacy, my personal choice will not effected everyone.
I'm not a voter for Kajang PRK okay. Don't get angry with my personal choice hehhehheh.
Why? Because of her history as a politician. She put integrity above everything and because of her history of walk the talk. And of course, because she is a women.
Hey, before you get angry because WA also a women let me remind you that for your information, if you asked me to choose between CMF, WA or Shahrizat, I will choose CMF. And that should tell you somethings lah hehhehheh
Oh by the way, just got a new posting by MIC Bidor Perak.
For MIC Bidor thank you for the initiatives to pray for MH 370. Let all regardless the religions pray for MH 370.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
MH370 : Pray Please
Yesterday I got the news from my daughter saying that one of her friend mom was on board.
"Your know her mom" she said.
"Is she alright?" I asked my daughter.
"Don't know. She didn't attend the school session today" she replied.
"Are you sure her mom was on board?"
"Yes mom. The HM made an announcement today" She inform me.
"Let's pray for the best will you" I said to my daughter and secretly hope it is not true..
Now I'm looking at the pictures of the victims and trying so hard to remembers. One of them do look familier. If she is the one, she and her husband have 5 kids and the youngest one study at SK KGV Ampangan.
It shock you to the core and heartbroken at the same times.
Without knowing anybody I asked for all off you to pray. Now I'm asking you from my humble heard to pray more. Please.
"Your know her mom" she said.
"Is she alright?" I asked my daughter.
"Don't know. She didn't attend the school session today" she replied.
"Are you sure her mom was on board?"
"Yes mom. The HM made an announcement today" She inform me.
"Let's pray for the best will you" I said to my daughter and secretly hope it is not true..
Now I'm looking at the pictures of the victims and trying so hard to remembers. One of them do look familier. If she is the one, she and her husband have 5 kids and the youngest one study at SK KGV Ampangan.
It shock you to the core and heartbroken at the same times.
Without knowing anybody I asked for all off you to pray. Now I'm asking you from my humble heard to pray more. Please.
Monday, 10 March 2014
Huh : FB Again YB????? Hmmm
Okay de javu right? Once upon a times this happen in Selangor states assembly.
Now this was happen in Parliamen. So, if the party who represented by this women win the next general election, this person who open the FB maybe will become the next speaker lor.
Well, who cares right. After all they will say you rakyat who choose them. Se be it.
Those who votes for her, good luck. Maybe next times when they own Putrajaya, they will increased their salaries, who know right? You who voted her, well you wont get anythings.
Oh by the way, where is you intergrity madam Kok???
If They not look like Asian, How Do They Look Like?
The questions the journalist asked. I means why do you asked such questions and in front of International and local media.
I don't know who asked this question just now, but from the laughs of other journalist should tell you all what they think to this journalist.
Please asked the right questions lor. It show what level of your thinking was.
And to tell you the truth, I maybe not very fluent in my English but as per now, I know what I wany to asked during the media conferences.
When people explained it to you that they do not look like Asian, you not asking how do they look like. Are you so out of this world that you never know how non Asian look like.
You lives inside your house that only today you go out for an assignment to cover press conference hmmm? That is why you don't know the different between Asian and non Asian.
Aiyoh....don't asked stupid questions lah. Tuan Syed on OutSyed The Box already told you so lor.
Read this ok.
Read both of this articles ok. Don't ever asked this types of questions again lor. Be prepared before coming to press conferences lor. Fill in and do your research while waiting for more news and some questions can be prepare earlier. Just read your questions lor.
You supposed to be better than I'm in English and in the art of asking the questions coz you were a journalist.
To all the editors, please lah. Send your star reporter lah. Don't send someone who just to fill in the blank because everyone else reporting this news.
Re assign your star reporter to this press conference. Just makes sure they're fluent in English also okay.
Adoi, each times I'm tune in to this press conference, I hear this un-intelligent questions which with a little reaserches you can find the answer.
For days, no one asked why it is early similar with flight Air France Flight and today finally someones asked the questions and it is look like the similarity was only due to both of this flight flew at night.
Gosh, three days for the journalist to find out what the similarity was.
So it is look like, if this 2nd or 3rd quality journalist cover this whole stories it will takes us more than 1 years before the right questions will be asked and we will get the right answer.
That is why I try to tune in into the Asian news right now. At least they asked the intelligent questions.
Adoi hai.
I don't know who asked this question just now, but from the laughs of other journalist should tell you all what they think to this journalist.
Please asked the right questions lor. It show what level of your thinking was.
And to tell you the truth, I maybe not very fluent in my English but as per now, I know what I wany to asked during the media conferences.
When people explained it to you that they do not look like Asian, you not asking how do they look like. Are you so out of this world that you never know how non Asian look like.
You lives inside your house that only today you go out for an assignment to cover press conference hmmm? That is why you don't know the different between Asian and non Asian.
Aiyoh....don't asked stupid questions lah. Tuan Syed on OutSyed The Box already told you so lor.
Read this ok.
Read both of this articles ok. Don't ever asked this types of questions again lor. Be prepared before coming to press conferences lor. Fill in and do your research while waiting for more news and some questions can be prepare earlier. Just read your questions lor.
You supposed to be better than I'm in English and in the art of asking the questions coz you were a journalist.
To all the editors, please lah. Send your star reporter lah. Don't send someone who just to fill in the blank because everyone else reporting this news.
Re assign your star reporter to this press conference. Just makes sure they're fluent in English also okay.
Adoi, each times I'm tune in to this press conference, I hear this un-intelligent questions which with a little reaserches you can find the answer.
For days, no one asked why it is early similar with flight Air France Flight and today finally someones asked the questions and it is look like the similarity was only due to both of this flight flew at night.
Gosh, three days for the journalist to find out what the similarity was.
So it is look like, if this 2nd or 3rd quality journalist cover this whole stories it will takes us more than 1 years before the right questions will be asked and we will get the right answer.
That is why I try to tune in into the Asian news right now. At least they asked the intelligent questions.
Adoi hai.
Teruskan Berdoa untuk Mangsa dan Keluarga MH370
Mari kita sama-sama berdoa agar segala yang terbaik untuk Keluarga dan Mangsa.
Mari kita memberi sokongan kepada mereka yang terlibat.
Tolonglah, janganlah sebarkan berita yang menyedihkan buat ahli keluarga yang terlibat. Ingatlah, ini masa mereka bersedih. Jangan tambahkan kesedihan mereka.
Tolong jangan juga sebarkan perkara yang tidak sahih lagi. Jangan beri harapan yang tidak pasti. Itu perkara yang paling kejam kerana memberikan harapan dan kemudian memusnahkannya.
Kepada ahli politik, janganlah buat statement yang menunjukkan betapa tidak bijaknya anda., Kalau tidak tahu diam dan doakan kesejahteraan kepada mangsa dan ahli keluarga. Doalah mengikut agama masing masing.
Tunjukkanlah kebijaksanaan anda dengan berdiam diri.
Fikirkan apa yang anda akan rasai sekiranya anda berada ditempat mereka. Tolonglah prihatin.
Biar pihak berkuasa selesaikan misi mencari dan menyelamat dahulu. Proses pencarian untuk kehilangan kapal terbang adalah sangat rumit. Protokol antarabangsa harus dipatuhi disamping mengimbangi emosi kemanusiaan.
Cari maklumat bagaimana kerajaan setiap negara yang menghadapi krisis kehilangan dan kemalangan kapalterbang ini menanganinya. Susah sangat buka National geografic dan tengok Air Crash Investigation.
Perkara yang diutamakan pada awalnya sebaik laporan kehilangan kapalterbang dilaporkan ialah operasi mencari dan menyelamat. Ia mungkin memakan masa terutama jika ia berlaku di lautan. Banyak contoh di dalam episod Air Crah Investigation itu.
Selepas Kemalangan disahkan, barulah penyiasatan boleh dilakukan. SELEPAS.
Itu juga mengambil masa yang lama.
Ia terlalu rumit dan melibatkan keseluruhan agensi antarabangsa. Bukan sahaja pengeluar kapalterbang itu tetapi juga pengeluar enjin dan pengeluar bahagian-bahagian yang membentuk kapalterbang itu sendiri.
Dari material membuat dinding kapalterbang sehinggalah sekecil-kecil screw dan setiap alatganti yang digunakan di periksa. Dari cara memeriksa sehingga cara pembaikan dilakukan perlu di periksa. Minyak enjin, hydrolic dan minyak yang digunakan untuk membuat pembaikan turut sama perlu di periksa.
Dari keadaan intrument yang ada di dalam sehingga system komputer termasuk program perlu dianalisis. Keadaan kepten, pembantunya, anak kapal, penumpang, krew pembaikan dan pemeriksa yang mengesahakn pembaikan perlu diperiksa. Juga setiap barang dan kontena yang dibawa perlu dianalisis juga.
Membacanya sahaja membuatkan separuh daripada anda akan pening bukan.
Oleh itu, biar pihak berkuasa lakukan operasi menyelamat dahulu. Ia mengambil masa tetapi ia perlu dilakukan. Ini melibatkan nyawa yang bukannya seidkit. Paling saya sedih bila memikitkan ialah terdapat dua orang bayi didalam kapal terbang tersebut.
Tolonglah, beri ruang untuk mereka yang terlibat melakukan tugas mereka.
Kasihani orang lain sebagaimana anda mengasihani diri anda. Insyaallah anda akan diberi kemudahan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.
Mari kita memberi sokongan kepada mereka yang terlibat.
Tolonglah, janganlah sebarkan berita yang menyedihkan buat ahli keluarga yang terlibat. Ingatlah, ini masa mereka bersedih. Jangan tambahkan kesedihan mereka.
Tolong jangan juga sebarkan perkara yang tidak sahih lagi. Jangan beri harapan yang tidak pasti. Itu perkara yang paling kejam kerana memberikan harapan dan kemudian memusnahkannya.
Kepada ahli politik, janganlah buat statement yang menunjukkan betapa tidak bijaknya anda., Kalau tidak tahu diam dan doakan kesejahteraan kepada mangsa dan ahli keluarga. Doalah mengikut agama masing masing.
Tunjukkanlah kebijaksanaan anda dengan berdiam diri.
Sebarkan gambar di atas banyak-banyak adalah lebih baik. Setiap kali ada yang membacanya bermakna sekali orang berdoa.
Sekali lagi, janganlah tambah kesedihan keluarga yang terlibat. Kehilangan orang yang tersayang dalam keadaan ini sudah cukup memberi tekanan emosi kepada mereka. Fikirkan apa yang anda akan rasai sekiranya anda berada ditempat mereka. Tolonglah prihatin.
Biar pihak berkuasa selesaikan misi mencari dan menyelamat dahulu. Proses pencarian untuk kehilangan kapal terbang adalah sangat rumit. Protokol antarabangsa harus dipatuhi disamping mengimbangi emosi kemanusiaan.
Cari maklumat bagaimana kerajaan setiap negara yang menghadapi krisis kehilangan dan kemalangan kapalterbang ini menanganinya. Susah sangat buka National geografic dan tengok Air Crash Investigation.
Perkara yang diutamakan pada awalnya sebaik laporan kehilangan kapalterbang dilaporkan ialah operasi mencari dan menyelamat. Ia mungkin memakan masa terutama jika ia berlaku di lautan. Banyak contoh di dalam episod Air Crah Investigation itu.
Selepas Kemalangan disahkan, barulah penyiasatan boleh dilakukan. SELEPAS.
Itu juga mengambil masa yang lama.
Ia terlalu rumit dan melibatkan keseluruhan agensi antarabangsa. Bukan sahaja pengeluar kapalterbang itu tetapi juga pengeluar enjin dan pengeluar bahagian-bahagian yang membentuk kapalterbang itu sendiri.
Dari material membuat dinding kapalterbang sehinggalah sekecil-kecil screw dan setiap alatganti yang digunakan di periksa. Dari cara memeriksa sehingga cara pembaikan dilakukan perlu di periksa. Minyak enjin, hydrolic dan minyak yang digunakan untuk membuat pembaikan turut sama perlu di periksa.
Dari keadaan intrument yang ada di dalam sehingga system komputer termasuk program perlu dianalisis. Keadaan kepten, pembantunya, anak kapal, penumpang, krew pembaikan dan pemeriksa yang mengesahakn pembaikan perlu diperiksa. Juga setiap barang dan kontena yang dibawa perlu dianalisis juga.
Membacanya sahaja membuatkan separuh daripada anda akan pening bukan.
Oleh itu, biar pihak berkuasa lakukan operasi menyelamat dahulu. Ia mengambil masa tetapi ia perlu dilakukan. Ini melibatkan nyawa yang bukannya seidkit. Paling saya sedih bila memikitkan ialah terdapat dua orang bayi didalam kapal terbang tersebut.
Tolonglah, beri ruang untuk mereka yang terlibat melakukan tugas mereka.
Kasihani orang lain sebagaimana anda mengasihani diri anda. Insyaallah anda akan diberi kemudahan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.
Saturday, 8 March 2014
MH370 Doa Dan Harapan Yang Terbaik
Pagi ini saya dikejutkan dengan kehilangan MH370.
Saya tidak pasti apa yang boleh saya katakan kepada ahli keluarga tetapi saya mendoakan agar yang terbaik buat penumpang dan ahli keluarga mereka.
Saya tidak mahu memikirkan worst case scenarios here. Saya hanya ingin berfikiran positif setakat ini.
Saya berharap agar semua ahli keluarga penumpang juga sedemikian.
Saya hanya boleh membayangkan apa yang mereka hadapi kini dan harap mereka bersabar.
Stay strong everyone.
Kepada mereka yang suka menyebarkan fitnah melalui laman sosial dan media, tolong prihatin dengan kesusahan ahli keluarga pada masa ini. Jangan sebarkan berita palsu. Tolong lah. Kasihani mereka.
To those who involves in this and fearing for the worst, our pray with you.
Saya tidak pasti apa yang boleh saya katakan kepada ahli keluarga tetapi saya mendoakan agar yang terbaik buat penumpang dan ahli keluarga mereka.
Saya tidak mahu memikirkan worst case scenarios here. Saya hanya ingin berfikiran positif setakat ini.
Saya berharap agar semua ahli keluarga penumpang juga sedemikian.
Saya hanya boleh membayangkan apa yang mereka hadapi kini dan harap mereka bersabar.
Stay strong everyone.
Kepada mereka yang suka menyebarkan fitnah melalui laman sosial dan media, tolong prihatin dengan kesusahan ahli keluarga pada masa ini. Jangan sebarkan berita palsu. Tolong lah. Kasihani mereka.
To those who involves in this and fearing for the worst, our pray with you.
Friday, 7 March 2014
PR The Capitalist
PR The Capitalist
I just read JMT how-pakatan-rakyat-aspire-to-finance-itself
It's look to me like PR getting deeper and deeper into the Capitalism. Politic is all about Biz to them now.
In order to do that, they must be in the power side.
Well that's explaining a lot about a few deals that somehow should be easy and straight forward, becoming complicated.
It also explaining how a few of government project becoming a political issue of alleged corruption or misused public finance.
It's hardly surprising when you think about it. Politic combining with money can corrupt the best man unless they understand the responsibility of becoming a leader.
What I saw that among the PR, they just left the job of servicing the peoples to others while they play the politic to the hilt. They have low responsibility to the peoples.
Their main job is to retain their power and milking as much as they can from rakyat. Sorry guys, the ways things going now, is that people was taking for the ride.
They know that in order to maintain their power, they must have a bad guys. The worst things now is that their bad guys is someone who keep servicing the peoples.
The only ways out for them is to portray that their bad guys is worst than they are. So makes peoples confused and using the baseless accusation was the way out.
I'm not sure how long or will they succeed in this play but I'm afraid in this games, the one who will lost in the end is us, the peoples.
It also makes me feel that what happen in PKNS as one of the examples of when power corrupt and each don't care who will do the jobs.
Each times I'm updating my PKNS posting (PKNS Enron In The Making ) I feel like seeing the capitalist in every player mention in it.
And guys, that also what happen with PR right now.
PKNS is a small scale but for a larger picture you also need to look deeper into Selangor and Penang States Management. Look at those three parties and you will understand what I mean
And I'm shudder to think what will happen if they takes over the Federal Government.
Think back peoples and I think this is the right times for us to makes our stand.
I wanted Government to be cleans of corruptions too, but at the same times I also want PR doing the same things.
So can both side can takes those stand of cleaning themselves from corruption?
I can see one sided doing it while the others, I don't have any hopes. They so busy cleaning up what they can get.
It's a shamed when you think about it. They supposed to be our alternative or our second choice should the existing man in power fail their jobs to serves us.
Instead of doing their jobs as an alternative when taking over the riches states, they becomes worst as times goes by.
I now wondering if this is the fates of us the Rakyat who must suffer when our oppositions now look like trying to achieved the status of becoming the capitalist.
I just read JMT how-pakatan-rakyat-aspire-to-finance-itself
It's look to me like PR getting deeper and deeper into the Capitalism. Politic is all about Biz to them now.
In order to do that, they must be in the power side.
Well that's explaining a lot about a few deals that somehow should be easy and straight forward, becoming complicated.
It also explaining how a few of government project becoming a political issue of alleged corruption or misused public finance.
It's hardly surprising when you think about it. Politic combining with money can corrupt the best man unless they understand the responsibility of becoming a leader.
What I saw that among the PR, they just left the job of servicing the peoples to others while they play the politic to the hilt. They have low responsibility to the peoples.
Their main job is to retain their power and milking as much as they can from rakyat. Sorry guys, the ways things going now, is that people was taking for the ride.
They know that in order to maintain their power, they must have a bad guys. The worst things now is that their bad guys is someone who keep servicing the peoples.
The only ways out for them is to portray that their bad guys is worst than they are. So makes peoples confused and using the baseless accusation was the way out.
I'm not sure how long or will they succeed in this play but I'm afraid in this games, the one who will lost in the end is us, the peoples.
It also makes me feel that what happen in PKNS as one of the examples of when power corrupt and each don't care who will do the jobs.
Each times I'm updating my PKNS posting (PKNS Enron In The Making ) I feel like seeing the capitalist in every player mention in it.
And guys, that also what happen with PR right now.
PKNS is a small scale but for a larger picture you also need to look deeper into Selangor and Penang States Management. Look at those three parties and you will understand what I mean
And I'm shudder to think what will happen if they takes over the Federal Government.
Think back peoples and I think this is the right times for us to makes our stand.
I wanted Government to be cleans of corruptions too, but at the same times I also want PR doing the same things.
So can both side can takes those stand of cleaning themselves from corruption?
I can see one sided doing it while the others, I don't have any hopes. They so busy cleaning up what they can get.
It's a shamed when you think about it. They supposed to be our alternative or our second choice should the existing man in power fail their jobs to serves us.
Instead of doing their jobs as an alternative when taking over the riches states, they becomes worst as times goes by.
I now wondering if this is the fates of us the Rakyat who must suffer when our oppositions now look like trying to achieved the status of becoming the capitalist.
For Annie : Stay Strong Girlz
I read two of Annie articles and feel like I wanted to hug her and reassured her that everything will get better.
Physically, I don't know her but I feel like I know her forever.
To cheer you up dearest Annie, A Little Lady Of The Valley, I'm preparing somethings for your dearest.
Read on okay.

Physically, I don't know her but I feel like I know her forever.
To cheer you up dearest Annie, A Little Lady Of The Valley, I'm preparing somethings for your dearest.
Read on okay.

And remember girlz
. By the way Annie please also remember that
And Annie for you I always pray,
All the best girlz and stay strong okay.
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