Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Craps : It's Crap Teaching It Kids To March :)

I don't know about all of you but my personal opinions of Rafizi PKR is teenagers getting his own money.

But hearing that he want to assemble ;) people due to GST base on his own fact give me a shudder. Read : Rafizi GST Protest .

Aiyoh, if you as a politician don't understand GST please get your fact right lor. You sitting in front of the GST information in Parliament. Why don't you research and study it and understand it. All the REAL information about GST is in front of your eyes and hand and body and ears and being.

If the government want to cheat, you are the first to know right? But, if your fact was already screwed with what people know, how do you supposed to think how brilliant you are as a politician.

If you cannot differentiate between less than RM500,000 with more than RM500,000, how do you supposed you can managed this country better lor.

Aiyoh, please lah all politician. Get your fact right okay. Than inform us. Don't get a few facts during the morning session, going out for lunch with your friends, missing your afternoon session and then the next morning when your pears have moved on to others points you still stuck in your previous morning modes.

Than when speaker told you to get the fact right, you said it was right. But the actual fact is you missing the afternoon discussion. If you don't know shut your mouth and try to check you fact okay.

Ohhh I forget. This Rafizi guys are busy right now to do any researches because he's trying to find TS Ghani Patail hidden money. But wait, Is that job is the jobs for journalist?. He already giving them an order to do that, right?

Oh! my head, my head. I need to find some penadol right now.

Is these guys ........ or what?

I got a really bad feeling that when these guys takes over, the police can totally resign or takes their pension because the journalist can do a better job than them. Why retain if someone else can do better right....Hehhehheh


  1. Sarah,

    Normally, with a government which is not corrupt, the money collected from the GST is re-distributed back into the community via improved social services and infrastructure.

    You have just been to Kuantan where the floods have ravaged the East Coast ever since anyone can remember.

    Did you see any flood-mitigation infrastructure projects there created from the billions of petro-dollars?

    I think Annie, your friend from "Life of Annie", saw one and mentioned the relative low-cost of one flood-preventing bund - RM7million. That is how cheap they are to build and they work. Yet, there does not seem to be enough of them despite the billions of petro-dollars.

    And now, we are getting a GST to raise, what, about RM6-RM7 billion? Are we running out of petro-dollars?

    What does UMNO/BN intend to do with the money collected from the GST?

    More over-priced wall clocks? More shopping trips for Rosmah and her friends? More nice cars to add to the ones they already have?

    If I was you, I would not worry too much about what Rafizi Ramli says about the GST because he is merely a politician and he will say what suits his political agenda.

    Instead, I suggest it is more important that you consider what will happen to the money collected from the GST.


    1. I'm considering it Gladiator and that is why I'm angry with this Rafizi guys. He spinning about GST so much that he makes a lot of people forget to qustioning how the fund will be proceed after the collection.

      For me, that is more important. If the gocvernment don't have a plan on how to used that money, than we can simply asked the government to reconsider it back. But if your busy discussing all this small and untrue facts, will you get the answer and the real blue print on how this money will be used.

      Further more, if government busy trying to explained this particular small mis-interpretation by this kind of politician, will they finish completing this blue print?

      That is why I'm fed-up with this kinds of politician. They suppost to know better and try to explained it to us and as opposition they need to tell the government how we rakyat feel after that explaination.

      Giving the wrong fact will generate the wrong feedback from rakyat and enought wrong feedback generate the wrong conclusion all around.

      Don't you hate it when it happen?


    2. Sarah,

      I don't have much time for hate in my life. I find it a rather useless emotion which doesn't really help me very much. As someone once told me - I hate hating :)

      Re Rafizi. Well, he is a Malaysian politician just like the rest of them so it is his job to do the things he does. He might be a bit smarter than a few others but he is a political animal, nonetheless.

      This is what I mean about UMNO/BN propagating some silly issue and Pakatan plays along. Then UMNO/BN responds and Pakatan counters and it goes around and around in circles. It just makes matters worse.

      In my opinion, more Malaysians should learn how to be swinging voters. We are the most dangerous of all because the politicians don't control us - we control the politicians.

      Why do you think I decided to supported Pakatan in GE13?

      Because the DAP guy was kissing my arse for my vote and promising to do better than the MCA guy.

      The MCA guy was so used to winning all the time and doing nothing for my kampung that he could not even be bothered to say "hello" to me or to discuss any of my concerns!

      Now, I will wait until GE14, and if that DAP guy doesn't do his job getting better services for my kampung, it just means I will vote for the MCA guy. Simple, eh? :)

      Either way, I suspect someone (DAP and/or MCA) is going to come around and kiss my arse again in GE14. It's a nice feeling to have an important person kissing my arse :)

      Unfortunately, for them, they will also have to had done something useful as well and after a few GEs, they will eventually learn that arse-kissing is not the only way to get my vote.

      Sadly, many Malaysians like the arse-kissing so much that they forget to look at what results have been achieved. Many politicians from BN and Pakatan get voted in this way.

      I am a community-orientated person, Sarah. I have little time for politics and politicians unless they can serve my community. That's what they are for, isn't it?

      I don't care who is in power unless they can fix the problems my community has.

      Right now, the problems I see in Malaysia are corruption, corruption, and more corruption.

      I don't see BN fixing that problem and Pakatan believes they can.

      To me, it makes sense that I support Pakatan for GE14 unless BN comes up with some concrete results in the battle against corruption.

      The difficulty BN has is that they cannot hide the facts from people like me. We don't behave like mindless robots believing everything they say. We use many different ways to evaluate performance, eg just looking around and talking to people is a very simple and powerful method of evaluation.

      Anyway, as far as the GST goes, I expect the money will just all go the same way as the petro-dollars - down the drain, vanity projects or into secret bank accounts overseas.

      And the floods will continue in the East Coast, the rubbish will continue to lie by the side of the roads, the longkangs will continue to be blocked and smelly, the poor and needy will continue to suffer like they always have, etc etc etc.

      It's a real shame because I am a great believer in the fairness of the GST.

