Monday, 16 December 2013

Turning Point?

I'm going to tell you about a remark from a Chinese friends today.

He is a Kristian Chinese, Chatholic to be exec and has been to Rome a couple of times to further his understanding in Kristian knowledge and for his Pilgrim.

If you follow my comment, I talk about him a couple of times. This is because, a lot of my sources in Kristian knowledge comes from him.

A few years ago he told me about the Kristian evangelist after his nephew getting con in giving his salaries to a certain Churches. So much so that he try to get his mother joining this churches and contributed her pensions to them.

His mother on the other hand referring to my friends and after contacting a few preaches he trust, he informing his sister that this was not a traditional church's but a new waves of Kristian Liberalism (his own word) who trying to get as many follower as they can and get the follower to donating (but actually Levi) their money to them.

Traditional churches, he said never asking for the donation. You need to make your own decision whether to donate or not. Some, until his dying day never donated a cent but visit the churches every Sunday for the rest of their lives.

He said to me on how he really afraid of what's going on right now. The young getting further away from traditional churches and going in a droves to evangelist churches. And they willing to pay to find God which he said, now, if this evangelist get their way will sharing the same name with a Muslim God.

For years that I know him, he never agree to refer his Father Of God as Allah. He said, if he willing to referring his Father as Allah, than it will demeaning the status of Jesus and Mary.

He said, is this continued, the clashing between Muslim who getting tired of rebutted by this evangelist and the Kristian is unavoidable. And the clashes will be instigated by the evangelist and not by the traditional Cristian's. Kristian's.

The one who will pay the prices, he said is the traditional Kristian Churches. This because, the traditional Kristian churches situated in the small town, like Mantin or Semenyih. The surrounding areas are a Malay Muslim areas and their follower usually a minority in this areas.

Now, he said, what do you thinks will happen to them if this things going to explode? Do you thinks the police and government can control the mob if the clashes happen?

Yeah, we ponder about this. You see, if The Clashes happen, this Traditional Churches will be vulnerable. If the mobs comes in droves in an areas like this, the police with limited manpower will be powerless.

Look around you and tell me, how many manpower the small Balai Police have compare the surrounding areas. Unlike bigs city where there are police and army camps in it, (the KL areas alone have a few police and army camps), The mobs can easily takes over the police stations if they want too. How much fire power this small Balai compares to firepower own by the license holder in the areas and how much bullet they have?

It is not pretty when you try to envision what will happen you know. I hope this will never happen. Let not making the innocent suffered because of the few who are not sensitives to others except for themselves.

Please retain your sensibility and logic and try to become me conscious in what you can and cannot do. In this worlds there are rules of sensibility. Try not to become superiors to others is one of it.

And please try to keep your mouth shut from trying to explain to others religions what they should or should not do. You know and understand your own religions and they know and understand theirs. Kept it that way.

My friends say, if they really want to tells others how to manages their religion's than convert to it. If you still in your own religions, you have no right to complains or say anythings.

Some how, not surprising I agree that in a lot of cases, the innocent will suffered the most. Hmmm


  1. Ms Sarah,
    The misspelt words, grammatical errors, erroneous sentance structure, wrong usage of words, were these done on purpose?

  2. Sarah,

    I give "D" for your English.But a "B" for contents.

    Keep blogging though.

    Tiada paksaan dalam agama.Just mind our own business.Be a good citizen.Abide by the laws.Allah knows best for each of us.

    1. Thank you canonkapit. I will improved my English. It's look like I must work harder and reads more.

      Thank you again.


  3. Salam, Sarah. I do read your blog and I first know your presence from Helen Ang's blog. Don't feel disheartened with your English, OK? It is good that you practise on improving your English, unlike others who give up easily. I can help you with your English, if you like.

    For example, when you use the future tense 'will', do not use a past tense verb as in the case for 'will improved'. When you use 'will', you use the present tense for the main verb 'improve'. So, it is 'will improve' and not 'will improved'. As another example, if you use 'going to', use the present tense for the main verb as well such as 'going to eat' and not 'going to ate' or 'going to eaten'. Just some tips. :)

    Keep on blogging and best wishes. :)
