Monday, 20 January 2014

Malay Boiling Point? Dare to Reach It?...

I'm busy for a couple of days. As some of you know, every Saturday from 9.00pm I will be at Pusat Belia Paroi for my weekly extreme exercises dosage.

It suit me well coz it comes with a catching music which my kids loved to follow even if it was rather unusual kind of exercises hehhehheh.

On the other notes, there was a lot of Malay following this programme and during before and after the exercises there was a lot of talks all around.

Some about the prices of goods, some about politic and some about kids or family. Well it is enlightening to hear it out.

So I'm quite exposed to many things that related to people sentiments around my areas. The Malay that is.

Those who willing to say that the majority of Malay don't get thick ticked off by a lot of thing and demanding by certain lots, think again.

It's look like, last Saturday, the talks was all about how the Chinese becoming more and more kurang ajar. It's a drastic changes from two weeks ago. There's an indians there but somehow they were not been bother with the talks.

When I asked about it to an Indian friends who joining the exercises, he just informed me that that is all about Chinese vs Malay.

He said and I quoted : The  Chinese provokes the Malay, the Chinese will pay the price.

A simple statement by him. It is Chinese vs Malay, that his reading.

And I understand it quited well. It is true you know. People starting to wonder if this power play between the ivory tower (note I said Ivory tower coz this people think they were so smart that their sentiment reading was correct) notices the emotional changing with the majority of Malay.

Helen was right. Day by day the Chinese started to be lump sum into the group of DAP supporter. Even if they were not, the majority Malay who saw this selected Chinese provoker attitudes as the reflection of all Chinese sentiments toward the Malay.

Look back please and tell me what race has their pictures circulated step on the pictures of Malay leaders, demeaning the national flags and much more.

Tell me, which race has been highlighted Derhaka to YDP Agong or commenting about YDP Agong Titah in the most unpleasant ways.

Tell me now, which races the leader who wanting to used Allah as a replacement of God look likes? Who up front and busily shouting that is their right?

Indian who luckily manages to get their pictures taken has now escaping the predicament due to people sentiments is that they were only the tools to be used by the Chinese.

Day by days the Chinese has been highlighted to be the kurang ajar types. No, they not saying Chinese DAP, PKR, Gerakan or MCA. They said 'CHINESE".

I'm reading this sentiments getting stronger and stronger. Come on, if two or three peoples talks about it, in one areas, I just take it as a local sentiments.

But I'm travelling in a few places and it looks like, the same things boiling everywhere. NS, Pahang, Johor and Selangor the same things reflecting over and over again.

How do you supposed I reads it if I finds this things over and over again.

I really thought that the sentiments of anti Chinese will died down after new year but it's look like it getting worst and worst every days.

So, this is what I asked to all of you.

To the Chinese, pleased stop all those provocation. You must stop it first. There is no other ways.

It is to late to stop the Malay sentiment who starting to look at The Chinese as the penderhaka. The Chinese leader who playing with these play it so well that all of you have been trap in the black hole.

It's now damn if you were and damned if you were not.

It PENDERHAKA guys. Not the things you can easily apologise. It is the worst sins you can committed in the Malay worlds.

Maybe you said, the Malay must stop first but how many times this coming months the Malay stop but the provocateur started another issue just to see the Malay come out with the warning?

The sentiments of Kurang Ajar and Menderhaka by the Chinese was started to circulating around the world of Malay sentiments now.

I'm not asking the Malay to stop it because it is too late to stop this sentiments. If the Chinese stop provoking by stop playing with the Malay sentiment right now, we still have a chance correcting the sentiments.

Otherwise, it will reach to a boiling point of no return.

This is how the majority of Malay see it.

First the Malay rights, then they playing with what the Malay consider a secrete, the Allah issues, then come the what a Malay started to see now as the ultimated backstabbing of Chinese, the totally outvoting the Malay.

Not UMNO or BN guys. Now it is Malay.

Then the issue of calling the Malay leaders racists and then the issue of Allah sprout out again and this times getting hotter. Then the issue of Comango requesting as I saw it the request for free of all.

Then this leaders and  people demeaning and making fun of TITAH SULTAN before YDM Agong.

On top of it, they also see how this PR leader and trust me the Malay and Indians in there suddenly been erased of their existing, increasing their salaries and in Penang LGE buying Merz after just a few month buying a Camry.

And looks around, a lots of times the Malay saw the Chinese driving a big car while majorities of Malay only drives Proton.

And the Chinese shouted that they were the second class citizen. The Malay also see how the majorities of top 10 riches people in Malaysia was a Chinese.

Then comes those new year eve Perhimpunan Menurunkan Harga barang. You know what some Malay said to me?

Looks, how the Malay being played by the Chinese again. Look like the Chinese spend their times enjoying their holiday while the Malay doing the dirty jobs.

If you were a Malay, how do you read it? Think okay. I hope my reading was wrong. I really hope this guys.

The provocateur overplaying this sentiments games and guys, it backfire right now. The emotion of distrust among the Malay towards the Chinese is getting hotter and hotter.

Please, please I bag beg you, don't throw more oils into it.


  1. It's already too late. I'm an ULTRA Malay. Proud of it, actually. Didn't know I had it in me all these while. I guess with all kurang ajar CHINESE did help in bringing out the best of me.


  2. bakarlah sampai hangus...sometimes you need another blood bath crises to make the country grounded.

  3. any of them reading this blog will tell the author to improve his/her english and fix the spelling mistakes :P

    we shouldn't let them off so easily though, if not they will continue to hound us. they must be put in their place and learn the hard way like their ancestors that we are no pushovers.

    1. Anon,

      Thank you and I will improved it. It's a daily struggle but I will make it work for me as this blog is a learning process in improving my English.

      By the way I'm not publishing anymore comment that only asked me to improved my grammer or spelling without noted which para or what mistakes that I've done. It seems they stop harassing me on that kind of mistakes hehhehheh


    2. Correction:1. "will improved" should be "will impoved".No past tense after "will".2."to improved" is not correct too.No past tense after "to".

      Dare to right the wrongs eh?

      Sarah, go on blogging though.

    3. Cannonkapit

      Noted. Thanks a lot


  4. kita rakyat melaysia21 January 2014 at 13:17

    well said..bak kata pepatah melayu, "terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya"

  5. I agree with your posting. The Chinese are getting more kurang ajar by the day. Malays may not be vocal but in our silence we are very judgemental.

    You don't have to publish this but let me give you some English pointers:

    "Please, please I bag you, don't throw more oils in it."
    It is beg not bag. Throw more oils into it.

    "First the Malay right, then they playing with what the Malay consider a secrete."
    It is Malay rights not right. It is not secrete but sacred.

    "Those who willing to say that the majority of Malay don't get thick off "
    I think you meant to say ticked off..

    "I really thought that the sentiments of anti Chinese will died down after new years but it's look like it getting worst and worst every days."
    Will die not died. New year not years. Getting worse and worse every day not days. Bad, worse, worst..

    "It's now dam if you were and dam if you were not."
    Not dam.. it is damn and in this sentence .. it should be damned

    That's all for now. There are plenty of sentence structure errors but that one you can only improve if you read a lot of English books. So do read more books and keep on writing in English .. the more you write the better you will be. I will try to give you some pointers once in awhile :) Fighting!!

    1. Thank you anon. I published you comment because I want to share it with everybody who want to learn and improve their English like me. By inform me about my mistakes, I can learn and improved.

      Thanks a lot.

      :D sarah

  6. During my school years, i had many Chinese friends and i admitted that i'm more comfortable to be friend with the Chinese rather than the Malays.....The Chinese i met were better in study than the Malays and i admired them a lot....however, day by day, their true identities were make it SHORT, i dare to categorize MAJORITY of them as a bunch of LAZY groups...beside study, sly and will do anything to get what they want either by hook or by crook.....don't ask me what they did...too many of it, makes my sentiments change bit by bit.

    Those were my sentiments during my secondary and tertiary education. As of current time, the sentiment become worse when the Chinese showing their TRUE COLOR before, during and after GE13. I can't hold my self to hate Chinese yg ingrate, biaDAP n tak sedar diri....what can i say to the Chinese is...please be prepared to face the wrath of the Malays.....honestly, i can't hold it any longer.....n not me alone...UMNO, PAS, PKR n the fence sitter also....mark my word....n i knew, u Chinese feel the same right?.......u are impatient for second 13 May.....continuously provoke the Malays and 13 May will eventually come to u without thou realize

  7. A very thought-provoking piece. Thanks Sarah.


  9. "Then comes those new year eve Perhimpunan Menurunkan Harga barang. You know what some Malay said to me?

    Looks, how the Malay being played by the Chinese again. Look like the Chinese spend their times enjoying their holiday while the Malay doing the dirty jobs."

    As a point of interest only how did said person come to the conclusion that it was the Chinese who were playing the Malays on this issue? Is he/she saying that Malays do not feel upset with the increase in prices etc and are alright with the whole situation and loving it?

    Malays are not homogenous and neither are Chinese, Indians etc.

    1. Anon

      I relate what a Malay guy I meet during a biz meeting tell me. He once a hardcore PR supporter until come GE#13 when he makes a U turn upon seeing the Chinese almost 95% in his area votes for PR. He was one of the PR representatives for votes counting.

      How he get to that conclusion, I don't know and I will gladly informed you and all the readers what he answer it after I ask him when I meet him again. okay.

      Of Malay effected by the rising prices cost, let me inform you, everyone effected by it. Only when they have to choose between rising pricing goods and the what they see as The Treat of Malay and Muslim right, they will rather be "Biar mati Anak Jangan Mati Adat".

      I read a sentiments of semi urbant and the villages people feelings. I know some urbanite will say differently but faces it, different areas required different needs and somehow as far as I can see, the prices of some goods in pasar tani where a lots of Malay frequently visit still maintains while the prices in some mini-market in my sister areas (Klang) has been increased.

      Noted pucuk paku, kangkung (hehhehheh), pucuk ubi, pucuk kayu manis and a few local ulam likes ulam raja still maintaining their prices. While sawi, choi sam, kubis , bunga kobis, which I call the modern vegi have their ups and down.

