Monday, 14 October 2013

What Wrong If Malay have a Caucasion Name?

There is a question that make me ponder? Is it wrong to give your child name a Caucasian name if you're a Malay?

You see, my two oldest have a Malay/Arabic name. Actually my son have an Arabic names.With Mohammad  in front, his middle name has Din at the end, it is Arabic alright.  Now, my second, have Afiqah as the first name and the Rah by the end of her name, it seal the Malay + Arabic in her name.

Has anyone ever question me given my son An Arabic name? No. People Accepted it as a Malay name.  I know it is an Arabic words as I make a point researching the name. Generally, people accepted the Arabic name as a Malay name.

Now, two of my youngest have a Caucasian name. Why? I really love the flower during my pregnancy with this two. I loved it so much that I even dream of going to the flower garden nearly half the time of pregnancy.

Those who in flower biz know that certain flower don't have a Malay name. Like lily type of flower or the four season or the Siberian  flower. Tulip is tulip everywhere in the world right?

So, because I love this type of Lily flower so much, I decided to give my daughter her name base on this flower. It appropriate as the girls should have a beautiful name and what is not beautiful then a flower. Follow the theme, the youngest conclude the flowery name.

So, their name become Caucasian as the flower only existed in Caucasian countries. Mind you, I try to google the Arabic name for this flower but even in Arabic this flower name maintaining it words.

So, that is my reasons giving the Caucasian/flower name to my daughter. To tell you the truth, I think I still maintaining a Malay tradition giving a beautiful name to a daughter.

Once upon a time, a Malay loves to gives a name like, Ayu, Melati, Kemboja, mawar or Manis to the girls. All before the Arabic name like Khadijah, Aminah, Aisyah or Rahmah,come when the Arabs come with Islam.

So, what is wrong  with giving the Caucasian name for your  child if the meaning was beautiful across the  languages. Especially a flower name which I think is suitable to a girls.

Ros (Malay) is Rose (English) and everybody will pronounce it Rose. The different maybe with the way  you spell it. But Question remain, is Ros/Rose a Malay or English words? 

Hmmm I wonder........


  1. Di dalam Islam, kita dianjurkan supaya memilih nama-nama yang baik untuk dinamakan kepada anak-anak kita. Ini kerana nama itu akan menjadi pengenalan dan panggilan kepada anak kita seterusnya melambangkan dan membezakan antara kita dengan orang lain lebih-lebih lagi antara Muslim dengan bukan Muslim. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda bermaksud:

    "Sesungguhnya kamu akan diseru pada hari qiamat dengan nama-nama kamu, dan nama-nama bapa kamu, maka perindahkanlah nama-nama kamu itu."
    (Riwayat Abu Daud)

    Dalam menamakan anak ini syarak telah menetapkan beberapa panduan untuk memilih nama anak sebagai berikut:

    1. Hendaklah nama yang dipilih itu memberi pengertian dan maksud yang baik. Sehubungan dengan itu kita dilarang untuk menamakan anak-anak kita dengan nama yang buruk yang boleh menjejaskan kehormatan dan mungkin menjadi sendaan dan memalukan anak tersebut

    2. Jangan namakan anak dengan nama-nama yang khusus kepada nama Allah seperti Ahad, Ar-Rahman, AL-Khalid dan sebagainya. Sekiranya nama ini hendak diberikan kepada anak kita maka hendaklah disertai dengan nama lain di hadapannya seperti Abdul Rahman, Abdul Khalid dan sebagainya.

    3. Jangan menggunakan nama yang dikaitkan dengan Abdul (hamba kepada lain dari Allah seperti Abdul Uzza (hamba berhala Uzza), Abdul Nabi (hamba kepada nabi) dan sebagainya.Ulama bersepakat mengatakan bahawa menamakan sedemikian adalah haram.

    4. Elakkan dari menamakan anak dengan nama-nama orang kafir atau nama-nama yang menyerupai nama bukan Islam seperti Jon, Sally, sebagainya.

    Wallahu 'aqlam

    * dipetik dari

  2. i know someone by the name of Indah Hening that's a REAL melayu name.

    1. Lily Azalea Wardina ;D nama anak seorang teman bunyi dan maksudnya juga cantik.macam puisi kan:P

  3. It is not wrong for a Malay or Muslim to have a Caucasian name - that is my opinion. The Prophet [PBUH] said: On the Day of Resurrection you will be called by your names and by your father's names, so give yourselves good names. (Bukhari). Other flower names in Arabic are Yasmeen (Jasmine), Warda (Rose) and Zahra (flower). So there is nothing wrong with naming a child Melati, Mawar (Malay) or Dahlia, Iris, Orchid, Violet (English); but not Bunga tahi ayam. On another note, a Muslim should be given a name that others can immediately identify the person is a Muslim.

  4. mine
    Nur Alya, Amir Sufi, Amir katuri and Nur Ayu Melati
