Monday, 28 October 2013

Gerakan : When A Friend Become Enemy You'll Lost Everythings

I expected this. Now perkasa exploded. Read Perkasa Declares WarTo Gerakan  for details. That is  why I post the question who is Gerakan enemy?

I know, Perkasa will never shut up and take everything like typical Malay. They  will voice up whatever or whoever they think trying to disturb Malay right. And they will speak up no matter what every other race would say.

The mistake Gerakan has done was thinking of this stunt when Perkasa still fighting for the banns on ritual slaughter in the school from what they see as an Indian community trying  to detected how Malay should act in Malaysia. Read Perkasa Warns Deputy Minister .

Now a friends who willingly help them to win Malay voter without condition only just because  they are BN, declaring war to them. By doing this stunt, they make Perkasa their enemy. And at this time, making Perkasa your enemy is the worst decision ever.

Perkasa gaining strong support day by day and combining with BN, PAS and PKR attitude, they are the choice of younger Malay generation. DAP also contributed to the rising of Perkasa supporter with their arrogant attitude towards a Malay after GE13.

The louder DAP is the more support Perkasa get from a Malay. If they decided to become political party, they can become the force to reckoned with, for Umno or PAS or DAP or PKR, whomever they see as Malay enemy.

Umno getting the advantage right now because Perkasa supported them. If Perkasa swing and support opposition, half of younger Malay vote will swing together with them.

What I highlighted yesterday also has been voice up by Perkasa President, Ibrahim Ali on how Gerakan blaming others of  their problem rather than solving it.

And a friends inform me after reading my blog yesterday, that is typical of Chinese, blaming others when they fail but when they succeed, they said it was their hard work. And my friend is Chinese true and true. An Apek who always say to everyone I'm his  daughter and remind me constantly do not trust Chinese 100%.

So, Gerakan, please choose your enemy wisely. Please do not  turn  Perkasa to your enemy. otherwise  you  will regret the choice you make and with Perkasa, they will never satisfied with a simple half hearted apology, they will do everything until  they are satisfied you won't do it again. And to satisfy Perkasa is harder than you think.

Think carefully Gerakan or next GE you will loose a Malay vote. you don't want that when currently all areas you win during GE13 the majority is a Malay.

I remind you again. Retain the Malay vote you get. It is the smart moved right now. find other ways to get back the support  from the Chinese.

Do not blame others for your failure. Try to look at your losing support from different angle. You already have the right base to become the multicultural party. Try to retain that identity. If you loose your way, DAP will gain because as per now, in BN component, you are the only party which open your door to other races. It also  a treat to DAP.

Used that point to gain more support lah. Don't just blame other races or party. It is a childish moved.

Own your mistake and realising it. Then try find the solution on how to solved it.  Be a man not a wimp because only a wimp will blames other for every mistake he make because he is too afraid to admit that he is making a mistake. Got it..

ps: take note this is not a warning, just and advised for you that right now it is not the best time to stir a lot of issue especially related to races. . Careful when choosing who you want to take as a friends and who you want   to turn into an enemy.

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