Saturday, 12 October 2013

UMNO Election : Why Non Malay So Kepoh....

I hear a lot about Umno Election. But it is a given that I hear about it because I'm a Malay and a lot of people around me either from my husband and my side have a lot of Umno members in it.

Well it also a given we discuss about Umno as we are a Malay. I come strictly from a branch call Kerinchi. Some confuse us with Minang but we are a little bit different as our ancestor come from mountain. While Minang near the sea.

Yup, we are a mountain peoples, with fair skin that some so fair, that we also call the beauty of the mountain. My brother who inherited that kind of skin (of course make his friends call him pretty boy during his school day), perplexed when people even a Malay mistaken him to be Chinese.

Back to Umno election. I for one will follow it closely but what I find it funny was when a non Malay decided to joint the hocus pokus. No, not as absover but acting like the election is so important to them, like life and death to them that they need to joint the furor.

Some was so obsess with it, it shameful to look.Geezzz

OK. To this people, Hello!. Which parts of Umno you do not understand? Umno is United Malay right? Not United  Chinese or United Indian. Not even United Malaysia for that ,matter. It is United Malay. That's means folks it is the right of Malay to choose whom ever their like.

What's more it is an organisation, so that only a member can choose who they want to be a leaders, not non member like you or me/. Got it.

Why so kepoh to want your chosen one to be Umno Leader? If you really loves this people, how about register another organisation and invited them to be your leader. Call it United whatever.

Know what irked me more, when this people call the Malay stupid because their chosen one was not even among the favourite and calling the Umno member who want to choose a Malay who openly support a Malay  right as stupid.

Want to know what I think of this people? LEMBAB.  They are the one who don't understand and lembab. Hello? Umno is for Malay/Bumiputra, so thats means no Chinese or Indian in it. Of course they will choose a Malay who fight for Malay. Why must they so stupidly must choose a Malay who fight for other races lah
Question, but mamak in it? Hello again, a lot of Malay man, when they getting old look like mamak ok. My father for instant, look like mamak now but when he is younger, he look like Chinese with his fair skin. But after years of sunburn, it is no wonder he is getting darker and added with moustache, he really look like mamak. So dare call my father mamak, he Will pull out his old younger picture and like a lot of people your jaw will drop out. Careful with whom you call mamak.

Aiyoo! You don't have enough quality leaders ke that you need people in Umno to fight for you ker?
 Haiya! why must Umno follow what other races need while there is a lot of others Malay agenda they need to address.

 For Malay now, Umno must work for them first. If others want to share Umno, prove that you are more Malay than a Malay. That why Umno can accepted Ridhuan Tee. Be more like Ridhuan Tee and then you can claim to share Umno. Otherwise shut the h@*# up. Even with that tendency, Ridhuan Tee not an Umno. He can only be FRIENDLY.

Your are the one who is lembab when you asked Umno leaders must be other races friendly but remain amendment that all of your leader must fight for your races and your races alone. If Umno leader need to fight for your races, your leader fight for your races, who will fight for Malay?

Don't be greedy lah. It is one of big sin. lets Umno fight for  Malay and Bumi lah,.

Why must you ask Umno to do more? Coz they in government? Cannot used that reasons anymore friends. You choose to be outside the government so lives with it. After all you can get what ever you want right?    Without the support from the government hehhehheh....

Or AK47 a regular commenter from Helen Blog was right.No quality leader from your race anymore???? hehhehheh


  1. You are naive. Your statement "Why must you ask Umno to do more? Coz they in government? Cannot used that reasons anymore friends. You choose to be outside the government so lives with it. After all you can get what ever you want right? Without the support from the government hehhehheh...." is not logical.

    The Government of the day has to work for ALL the population irrespective of whether they vote for it or not. If the Government of the day only works for its supporters than all those who vote for the Opposition and who will not receive any service should not be required to pay taxes.

    I don't understand why until today you (and many others) do not understand the meaning of democracy. Like this might as well state that those states run by the Opposition need not pay Federal Taxes but keep all the money for themselves?

    Secondly the results of the UMNO elections affects the whole population of Malaysia not just the Malays (or only those Malays who are members of UMNO). This is because the policies established by the 'winning' party will ultimately affect the whole country.

    1. Kawan;

      that is why I used hehhehheh at the end of it. It is a poking statement for sensitive people like you lah. Of course government have to work for all.It is their job to serves all.

      By the way, Umno cannot make decision for chinese or Indian. They can only effected they Malay as a lot of Umno stand reflected the malay stand. It only effected to other races when people think that it stand reflected others.

      But think deep and you will realise, Malay need was different from others races. It needed entwined with Islam as religious. Thus make Umno stand sometimes cannot be taken as to solves others races problem. Unless you are a muslim, then a lot of Umno stand didn't effected you. To take one or two stand and then howling Umno is not fare to others race is like asking a Malay to stand out and forget about their SOP as a muslim. It is un-matured and show how un-inform those people are about the Malay and their relegious.

      That why I write, Umno stand and whom they choose only effected Umno and Malay generally regardless the minestry post. Don't be to sensitive lah...Aiyoh....What ever the result you have to work this coming monday what...hehhehheh

    2. Sarah, you are wrong - there is a big rift in UMNO itself between the liberals and the conservatives. And the end result will see how the country moves forward.

    3. Nah, what ever the rift you mention, when needed arise, they can work together. It proved again and again. In Umno you wil always see team A B and C but at the end of the day you wil end up seeing only one team. mark my word, when needed and necessary they wil bound together. That Umno for you.

  2. Sarah's response is true. Itu 'kawan' should know that one of the features of democracy is to align his own belief within its own boundry. Don;t go beyond that just to avoid being called busy body.
