Tuesday 13 August 2013

Feeling...Hmmm Ok

I'm getting better and better day by days.

Well, it's look like, I will begin my Raya later than usual, and for the first time I can remember celebrating Raya that is.

Never before I am celebrating Raya this late, but then that is life I guess. It will throw something unexpected to you every now and then.

I take it like this. Just go with the flow and accepted it. Don't regret it.

That's my friends, is how I always rationalised everything that comes in my way.

Well, my fever was well known by now by a lot of children in my housing area. A few comes in front of my house and asked when they can come to my house. Tell them to look at my front door, when it's open, I officially start open my house hahahahaha.

I know few of this kids quite sometimes now. Some already grown up but still comes to my house for a nice visit. I will enjoying their visit.

A few of this kids jokes that my Raya this time will be until Aidiladha. You kids.......Hahahaha

 My plan is to start opening my house tomorrow and today, I already start preparing for Kuah Kacang. I'm planing to start simmering my Nasi Impit after this. It will take 3 hours to finish.

This Friday I will start preparing for rendang. I expect the flow of relatives starting  this weekend. They already call.  After all it the last weekend before school break ends.

Time to continue my raya preparation. Considering my health condition right now, Slowwwwly hahahahahaha......

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you have recovered. Now for your Raya favourites: lidah buaya and pisang tanduk ... yummy hehehe. Do have a wonderful time with your family and friends maam!

