Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Allah : Understanding The Language Is The First Rule In Translation

Allah  Is a Speacial Name Reserved to Muslim God. No Translation to speacial names in Bahasa Malaysia.

First of all, answer these questions.

How long all of you as a Malaysian study Bahasa Malaysia? 11 years or 14 years or or 16 years (and that's including up to local university where some lecturers demanding you to write you essay in perfect BAhasa Malaysia)?

Others question will be, how fluent are you in Bahasa Malaysia? I'm not saying bahasa Melayu Okay, I'm asking you about your Bahasa Malaysia standard. How do you rate your BAhasa Malaysia? Weak, Fair or Fluent?

Now, after asking this questions, asked yourself, what language do you used daily? Bahasa Malaysia, Melayu, Negri, Kelantan, Kantonese, Manderin, Tamil, Urdu, Hakka, Iban, Dayak, Kadazan, Minang etc? How do you rate your daily usage language?

Now, if you want to translate this daily use language or slang or whatever you call it to Bahasa Malaysia, how do you think you perform? 

If you want to translate this daily usage language or slang to English can you do it better than you translate Bahasa Malaysia or vs versa?

A lot of people think they can translate batter than other people but for me the prove otherwise was shown to us every day in Astro, TV3, HippTV, RTM or movie in cinema.

Look carefully and you will realise that even the translation from English to Bahasa Malaysia, a lots of times was wrong. The grammar was soo out of the world you sometimes think the translation was for Indonesian. And when you asked the Indonesian, they don't even recognise the words.

And these people want to translate their English bible to Bahasa Malaysia. I'm not using Latin Bible as an example because how many of these guys who shouting on top of the roof know Latin, be able to translate the Bible from Latin to Bahasa Malaysia.

Comes to think of it, there is a believe of some priest and churches saying that to translate the real Bible you must used the Latin Bible as a reference.

But how many people in these world who understand old Latin and Bahasa Malaysia at the same times? WORLD okay world.

But, as the English version was commonly used today, so the translation must be base using English if you want to translate it to Bahasa Malaysia right?

Now, saying you really want to translate The Bible from English to Bahasa Malaysia, are you sure you want to use ALLAH as the replacement for GOD in your translation?

Let me put it these way, If the sentence in the bible that using LORD GOD how do you want to translate it? ALLAH ALLAH or Banyak ALLAH, TUAN ALLAH, RAJA ALLAH, KETUA ALLAH?

How about, Father of GOD? Ayah Kepada ALLAH or Ayah Allah or Allah Ayah? How about these paragraph taken from King James Bible, Genesis, Chapter 2:4

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.

Direct translation according to your fight will be

Ini adalah Generasi daripada syurga dan daripada bumi apabila mereka dicipta, pada hari dimana Tuan/Raja Allah mencipta bumi dan Syurga.

RAja Allah or Tuan Allah will be used?

If you used Raja Allah, the meaning will be in Bahasa Malaysia, there is others Allah and one of them becoming Raja or Lord.

Now if you used Tuan Allah it will means that Allah have a master with a different names all together. So Allah cannot be a God anymore. So who do you served. And the question will remain to your follower, who is GOD?

Lets look at TUAN means in Bahasa Malaysia. Tuan means Encik or Mr or Master. Tuan also the first names using by certain Kerabat of Sultan Pahang.

And Tuan or Raja  using with speacial name always a reference to human being in Bahasa Malaysia. Are Christian's GOD is HUMAN?

See there is a lot more in BAhasa Malaysia translation than meet the eyes. It is complicated with just a word  and combining  using the wrong word, capital letter or comma or double upper bracket will lead to different meaning.

How do you makes sure your translation was really what you want to preach because your parish will refering the Bible you provide when you are not around.

How do you suppost they interprete word if in the beginning the translation is already wrong. How do you answer to you GOD.

How confusing for your follower will be. But if you used Tuhan in translation, it will given more meaning and understanding with these word. Look at these paragraph when translate without using Allah,

Ini adalah Generasi daripada langit/syurga dan daripada bumi apabila mereka dicipta dimana Tuan/Raja Tuhan mencipta bumi dan langit/syurga.

It making more sense for your follower to understad the Bible word. EAsier for you to preach as Tuan or Raja is master and MASTER of GOD refering to superior position right? So LORD GOD aka Master Of  GOD.

Just with that paragraph a lot of confusing can happen when you want to translate and using Allah as a replacement for GOD.

How about other paragraph? More and more confusion until your follower will deserted you because once people realising it, they will started comparing Al Quran with The Bible.

And trust me, translation of Al Quran to Bahasa Malaysia makes more sense than the English translation.

Remember, in the Bahasa Malaysia translation, Allah is a special names. No translation to it. God is Tuhan. No other ways of it in Malay translation.

Don't believed me Try read Surah 110 An Nasr. These translation in English taken from Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali Publish by Wordsworth Edition limited (2000)  UK. ISBN 1-85326-782-1:

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
1. When comes the Help Of Allah and Victory
2. And thou dost see the People enter Allah's Relegion in crowds
3. Celebrate the Prises of they Lord and pray for His Forgiveness: For He is Oft-Returning (in Grace and Mercy)

Now In Bahasa Malaysia translation taken from Tafsir Pimpinan AR Rahman Kepada pengertian Al-Quran by Bahagian Hal Ehwal Islam Jabatan Perdana Menteri,  Terjemahan oleh Sheikh Abdullah Basmeih dan disahkan oleh Muhammad Noor bin Haji Ibrahim. ISBN 983-042-013-2 :

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengetahui.
1. Apabila datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan (semasa engkau wahai Muhammad berjaya menguasai negeri Mekah)
2. Dan engkau melihat manusia masuk dalam ugama Allah beramai-ramai
3. Maka ucapkanlah tasbih dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan mintalah ampun kepadaNya, sesungguhnya Ia sangat-sangat menerima taubah.

Look at translation of English and Bahasa everyone. There's a lot of words in Bahasa Malaysia to makes people understand Al Quran more.

Look at the word Tuhan in Malay translation. It's in capital letter. When using a capital letter it refer as special name. Tuhan here refer to Allah and using capital letter will inforcing it.

Same as "Nya" in the word like "FirmanNya" in some sentenses. The "Nya" refering back to Allah. "N" using a capital letter.

Even in English translation of Al Quran, it  was a liitle bluring but in Bahasa Malaysia it is clearer. That is why, it is dangerous to simply try to change the word GOD to ALLAH.

If  Allah is accepted as a translation to the word GOD in bible, each paragraph translate will create more confusion to your parish. And remember you print those word.

That is way, a lot of Kristian's overseas especially in Europe didn't want to used the word Allah. It is a speacial names which universally always referring to a Muslim GOD.

If you started to used it, means that you started believing that Muhammad is the last messiah. He's the one who insisted that the GOD names is Allah the one and only.

Can you accept that? This confusion is dangerous to the Kristian, according to my friends. People who searching in the end will accepted that if the names of God really Allah, that's means according to logic then the last and true religions is Islam.

Islam is the youngest of  the religions who believed that GOD will send a messenger to enlighten the people. The last Messiah is and will be Muhammad for the Muslim. His God is Allah.

Do you prepare to accept that conclusion? Following this logic will end up converting to Islam.

Wrong translation will bring the wrong impresion and meaning. Do you want that to happen to your Bible? Think again and again how do you want to translate the word GOD.

Do you want to push it so far that at the end everyone in your parish will be confusing the AL-Quran and The Bible?

Grammer and word arrangement in English and Bahasa Malaysia is different. Wrong using the term from english to Bahasa Malaysia will makes the translation usesless as the meaning will change.

What my friends afraid is, when people confius, they will start searching. The nearest available Al Kitab in Malaysia to the BIble will be Al-Quran.

What will happen guys if the translation of Al-Quran in Bahasa Malaysia giving them more meaning than the translation of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia?

Need to mention that in Sabah and Serawak, the confusion was eliminated due to a lot of surmon was using a local dielect. It similar to Indonesian language as it also base on Malay dielect but different structure from Bahasa Melayu Peninsular.

Don't mis understand  that all Bahasa Melayu is the same as Bahasa Malaysia. There's a lot of dielect in Bangsa Melayu. There're also a lot of language structure.

Standard Bahasa Malaysia was base on restructuring Bahasa Melayu Semenanjung by Za'ba. Same word may have a lot of meaning to other Malay even in Semenanjung.

The word Betina in Bahasa Malaysia will means a female versions of animals but for Kelantanese, Betina or tino was refering generally to a female.

Using it in Negeri Sembilan as reference to a women will be considered kurang ajar while it is accepted to be used in Kelantan.

Kecek in Kelantan refering to talking while in Negeri Sembilan it's means asking gently for something. Same word but different meanings.

It the same as Sabah and Serawak. Different word means different things. "Bah" was considered a polite and gentle way to end the word but in Peninsular the word "Bah" generally refering to flood.

Please understand this different stucture of language.

Come to think of it, please study more malay language structure before trying to inforcing your wanting of using the word Allah.

Think carefully okay. Think and used your brain and not you ego.

Me think, that is why I need to improved my English writting as the sturcture of word sometimes confusing me. I need to adjust my way of thinking when structuring the word in English which always confusing me when I write it out.

I accepted it as part of learning the language because if I can accept the different in Malay language than it a given for me to understand and appreciated the English language as well.

If I can accept the different and beauty of multiple language, why don't you all?

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