Hari ini beberapa pemimpin DAP ditahan kerana memperjuangkan hak penduduk Kg Hakka di Mantin Negeri Sembilan. Baca DAP-arrests-at-kg-hakka.
Kg Hakka Mantin, dikatakan wujud lebih daripada 100 tahun. Pada tahun 2005 tanah di kampung tersebut telah diserahkan oleh kerajaan negeri kepada pemaju Mega 9. Dari sinilah masalah bermula.
Setelah disiasat didapati Kg Hakka Mantin mengalami masaah yang sama dengan masalah yang dialami oleh penduduk di kg Buah Pala Pulau Pinang. Mereka membina Kampung di atas tanah asalnya tanah Negeri.
Apa yang berbeza, penduduk Kg Hakka Mantin hanya mempunyai lesen Pendudukan Sementara (TOL = Temporary-Occupation-Licence-TOL ) yang diberikan kepada mereka pada tahun 60'an.
Dari sini isu bermula. Pada tahun 1987 ada ura ura kerajaan Negeri Sembilan akan mengambil alih tanah di Kampung tersebut atas tujuan pembangunan. Tetapi pengambil alihan tersebut hanya berlaku secara rasminya pada tahun 2005.
Namun begitu, penduduk kampung telah membawa kes ini ke Mahkamah dan pengakhirannya pada 26 August 2013 apabila Mahkamah membuat keputusan memihak kepada kerajaan Negeri. Penduduk mengemukakan rayuan dan pada Khamis lepas Mahkamah Tinggi menolak rayuan penduduk.
Kemuncak daripada itulah pada hari ini beberapa pemimpin DAP telah ditahan antaranya ialah orang kuat LGE Anthony Loke.
Nampak gayanya Anthony Loke telah mendapat gelaran wira daripada LGE apabila LGE sendiri mengucapkan syabas atas penahanannya itu. (TQ APANAMA untuk gambar dibawah)
Kenapa ya dalam isu Kg Hakka ini pemimpin DAP sanggup kena tahan tetapi untuk Kg Buah Pala, bayang pun tak nampak? Adakah kerana Kg Hakka adalah Kg orang Cina dan dibawah pemerintahan BN?
Sebaik sahaja saya dapat tahu isu Kg Hakka dimonopoli oleh DAP saya sudah bayangkan masalah yang bakal dihadapi oleh penduduk Kampung ini. Perasaan tidak sedap hati itu ada kerana saya tahu beberapa kes yang diterajui oleh Anthony Loke di negeri Sembilan ini selalunya akan menemui jalan buntu semenjak dia belum menjadi MP lagi.
Kes juga akan berpanjangan dan mereka yang terlibat akan terus membayar upah guaman sehinggalah keputusan akhir dibuat dan selalunya tidak memihak kepada pihak yang diwakilinya.
Akhirnya mereka akan berkata yang semua ini berlaku atas kesilapan kerajaan yang menerima rasuah dan dibayar untuk merampas atau menginaya rakyat kerana yang terlibatialah kroni kerajaan.
Persoalan yang bermain difikiran saya ialah apa tujuan mereka? Sekiranya mereka memperjuangkan untuk mempertahankan kewujutan Kg Hakka atas dasar ia telah wujud lebih dari seratus tahun, rasanya perjuangan penduduk Kg Buah Pala lebih kritikal lagi kerana Kg Buah Pala wujud lebih dari 200 tahun.
Sedar atau tidak, dari tweet diatas, LGE sebagai wakil DAP telah menunjukkan sikap berat sebelahnya dalam menangani masalah seperti ini. Agaknya kalau Kg Hakka ini di Pulau Pinang, adakah Anthony Loke sanggup mengambil tindakan seperti ini dan ditahan oleh polis?
Megahnya DAP wakilnya ditahan. Agak-agaknya lepas ini penduduk Kg Hakka akan dilupakan atau tidak kerana wakil-wakil DAP ini dah dapat point untuk kutuk kerajaan negeri, betul tak? Adalah harapan untuk ambil alih satu lagi negeri yang semakin maju kan...... hmmmm
Where you can be who you are. Looks around you and see yourself as part of colour of the world. Take it easy because there's always a funny side in everythings.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
GST, Gula Dan PRK Sg Limau
Sengaja letakkan tajuk diatas kerana itulah yang banyak saya diskusi dengan rakan rakan sejak semalam. Kerana terlebih diskusi, saya tidak sempat untuk mengemas-kini blog sendiri.
Perkara pokok yang banyak dibincangkan adalah ketakutan luar biasa tentang GST. SAya bukanlah amat pandai atau amat faham dalam GST ini tetapi pemahaman saya GST bermakna barangan hanya dikenakan cukai sekali sahaja. Du ulang sekali lagi, sekali sahaja.
SEkarang, kadang kala anda dikenakan cukai beberapa kali. Pertama cukai yang dikenakan kepada pengeluar. Kemudian cukai yang perlu anda serap pada pehak pengedar. Seterusnya peniaga dan pada peniaga ini juga kadang-kala anda juga akan dikenakan cukai perkhidmatan.
Contoh diatas adalah mengapa GST perlu dilaksanakan. Soalan mengapa dengan adanya GST kutipan cukai bertambah, sebenarnya,dengan GST membolehkan kerajaan mengawal cukai dengan lebih cekap. Sebarang abnormaliti akan dapat dikesan lebih awal. Melalui dokumentasi penipuan dapat dikesan dan diambil tindakan sewajarnya.
Cuma jika saya boleh beri cadangan lagi, saya harapkan agar pihak kerajaan, boleh jika sekiranya ingin membantu golongan pertengahan, dengan menjadikan GST boleh ditolakkan di dalam income tax orang persendirian. Terutama barangan keperluan bukan asas yang dikenakan GST. Untuk memudahkan urusan penyemakan, letakkan syarat seperti tolakan untuk buku/majalah/jurnal. Mengikut resit yang mereka ada.
Gula mengambil tempat walaupun perbincangannya tidaklah sehebat mana. Kebanyakkannya dalam lingkungan teman-teman saya, merasakan kenaikan gula tidak memberi impak kepada mereka. Setiap satu daripada lingkungan teman-teman saya mempunyai ahli keluarga atau sahabat handai yang sudah disahkan mengidap diabitis.
Dua tahun lepas kami semua dikejutkan dengan berita salah seorang dari anak sahabat saya meninggal dunia akibat diabitis. Anak sahabat itu baru berumur 11 tahun.
Mengejutkan saya dan menyedarkan saya bahawa diabitis kini bukan ekslusif untuk golongan tua atau pertengahan umur. Ia menular kepada kanak-kanak juga.
Mungkin kerana itulah kami tidak terasa dengan kenaikan gula. Teman saya, ibu kepada allayarham selalu mengingatkan kami agar sentiasa hidup secara sihat. kurangkan penggunaan gula. Jangan jadi sepertinya yang kini hanya mampu menangisi pemergian anaknya. Dua orang anaknya lagi juga mengalami masalah yang sama tetapi masih lagi terkawal walaupun salah seorang daripada anaknya itu mengambil suntikan insulin.
Ada seorang teman yang merungut dan berkata bahawa kenaikan gula akan menyebabkan Syed Mokhtar bertambah kaya. Hehhehheh memanglah dia tak faham apa maksud subsidi tu.
Subsidi tu maksudnya kerajaan membayar perbezaan harga terus kepada pengeluar. Penghapusan subsidi menyebabkan kerajaan memberhentikan pembayaran kepada pengeluar.
Kalau dahulu pengeluar akan mendapat pendahuluan mengikut jumlah pengeluaran sebelum diedarkan kepada pengguna, kini pengeluar terpaksa menjual dahulu barulah boleh mendapat keuntungan.
Jumlah keuntungan masih sama cuma tak dapat duit subsidi yang juga boleh dianggap sebagai duit pendahuluan walaupun gula tersebut belum sampai ke tangan pengguna lagi. Boleh dikira seperti keuntungan awal sebab samada gula itu dijual atau tidak kerajaan perlu membayar subsidi.. Pemansuhan subsidi bernakna tiada lagi keuntungan awal.
Itu lebih baik bukan. Menggalakkan persaingan yang lebih telus. Apahal lah bising-bising. Makanan dan minuman dikedai naik? Kurangkanlah makan dan minum di kedai. Kalau tak boleh mana kedai yang naikkan harga itu, report je kat persatuan pengguna. Gunakanlah kuasa pengguna itu. Lagi ramai lagi bagus.
Tidak dapat dielak, perbincangan tentang PRK Sg Limau kerana salah seorang kenalan adalah ahli Pemuda PAS Sg Limau. Walaupun telah lama tidak berjumpa tetapi sesekali terdengar jugalah berita tentang pembangkang daripadanya.
Kali ini memang agak negetif. Berlainan sewaktu TS Azizan dahulu, beliau memang bersemangat, tetapi kali ini tidak. Dia ada juga menceritakan tentang perpecahan dalam PAS Kedah. Ada ura-ura sesetengah ahli PAS ingin mengundi BN kerana Mukhriz dan kerana apa yang telah berlaku antara PAS pusat dengan TS Azizan.
Kata teman itu, kalau calon PAS anak kepada arwah, mungkin PAS tiada masalah. Sekarang katanya PAS cuma bergantung harap kepada kesetiaan pengundi PAS di Sg Limau. Dia sendiri mengakui kepada kami akan mengundi BN kerana alasan diatas.
Benar atau tidak apa yang diperkatanya itu, saya hanya menunggu keputusan PRK nanti.
Perkara pokok yang banyak dibincangkan adalah ketakutan luar biasa tentang GST. SAya bukanlah amat pandai atau amat faham dalam GST ini tetapi pemahaman saya GST bermakna barangan hanya dikenakan cukai sekali sahaja. Du ulang sekali lagi, sekali sahaja.
SEkarang, kadang kala anda dikenakan cukai beberapa kali. Pertama cukai yang dikenakan kepada pengeluar. Kemudian cukai yang perlu anda serap pada pehak pengedar. Seterusnya peniaga dan pada peniaga ini juga kadang-kala anda juga akan dikenakan cukai perkhidmatan.
Contoh diatas adalah mengapa GST perlu dilaksanakan. Soalan mengapa dengan adanya GST kutipan cukai bertambah, sebenarnya,dengan GST membolehkan kerajaan mengawal cukai dengan lebih cekap. Sebarang abnormaliti akan dapat dikesan lebih awal. Melalui dokumentasi penipuan dapat dikesan dan diambil tindakan sewajarnya.
Cuma jika saya boleh beri cadangan lagi, saya harapkan agar pihak kerajaan, boleh jika sekiranya ingin membantu golongan pertengahan, dengan menjadikan GST boleh ditolakkan di dalam income tax orang persendirian. Terutama barangan keperluan bukan asas yang dikenakan GST. Untuk memudahkan urusan penyemakan, letakkan syarat seperti tolakan untuk buku/majalah/jurnal. Mengikut resit yang mereka ada.
Gula mengambil tempat walaupun perbincangannya tidaklah sehebat mana. Kebanyakkannya dalam lingkungan teman-teman saya, merasakan kenaikan gula tidak memberi impak kepada mereka. Setiap satu daripada lingkungan teman-teman saya mempunyai ahli keluarga atau sahabat handai yang sudah disahkan mengidap diabitis.
Dua tahun lepas kami semua dikejutkan dengan berita salah seorang dari anak sahabat saya meninggal dunia akibat diabitis. Anak sahabat itu baru berumur 11 tahun.
Mengejutkan saya dan menyedarkan saya bahawa diabitis kini bukan ekslusif untuk golongan tua atau pertengahan umur. Ia menular kepada kanak-kanak juga.
Mungkin kerana itulah kami tidak terasa dengan kenaikan gula. Teman saya, ibu kepada allayarham selalu mengingatkan kami agar sentiasa hidup secara sihat. kurangkan penggunaan gula. Jangan jadi sepertinya yang kini hanya mampu menangisi pemergian anaknya. Dua orang anaknya lagi juga mengalami masalah yang sama tetapi masih lagi terkawal walaupun salah seorang daripada anaknya itu mengambil suntikan insulin.
Ada seorang teman yang merungut dan berkata bahawa kenaikan gula akan menyebabkan Syed Mokhtar bertambah kaya. Hehhehheh memanglah dia tak faham apa maksud subsidi tu.
Subsidi tu maksudnya kerajaan membayar perbezaan harga terus kepada pengeluar. Penghapusan subsidi menyebabkan kerajaan memberhentikan pembayaran kepada pengeluar.
Kalau dahulu pengeluar akan mendapat pendahuluan mengikut jumlah pengeluaran sebelum diedarkan kepada pengguna, kini pengeluar terpaksa menjual dahulu barulah boleh mendapat keuntungan.
Jumlah keuntungan masih sama cuma tak dapat duit subsidi yang juga boleh dianggap sebagai duit pendahuluan walaupun gula tersebut belum sampai ke tangan pengguna lagi. Boleh dikira seperti keuntungan awal sebab samada gula itu dijual atau tidak kerajaan perlu membayar subsidi.. Pemansuhan subsidi bernakna tiada lagi keuntungan awal.
Itu lebih baik bukan. Menggalakkan persaingan yang lebih telus. Apahal lah bising-bising. Makanan dan minuman dikedai naik? Kurangkanlah makan dan minum di kedai. Kalau tak boleh mana kedai yang naikkan harga itu, report je kat persatuan pengguna. Gunakanlah kuasa pengguna itu. Lagi ramai lagi bagus.
Tidak dapat dielak, perbincangan tentang PRK Sg Limau kerana salah seorang kenalan adalah ahli Pemuda PAS Sg Limau. Walaupun telah lama tidak berjumpa tetapi sesekali terdengar jugalah berita tentang pembangkang daripadanya.
Kali ini memang agak negetif. Berlainan sewaktu TS Azizan dahulu, beliau memang bersemangat, tetapi kali ini tidak. Dia ada juga menceritakan tentang perpecahan dalam PAS Kedah. Ada ura-ura sesetengah ahli PAS ingin mengundi BN kerana Mukhriz dan kerana apa yang telah berlaku antara PAS pusat dengan TS Azizan.
Kata teman itu, kalau calon PAS anak kepada arwah, mungkin PAS tiada masalah. Sekarang katanya PAS cuma bergantung harap kepada kesetiaan pengundi PAS di Sg Limau. Dia sendiri mengakui kepada kami akan mengundi BN kerana alasan diatas.
Benar atau tidak apa yang diperkatanya itu, saya hanya menunggu keputusan PRK nanti.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Gerakan : When A Friend Become Enemy You'll Lost Everythings
I expected this. Now perkasa exploded. Read Perkasa Declares WarTo Gerakan for details. That is why I post the question who is Gerakan enemy?
I know, Perkasa will never shut up and take everything like typical Malay. They will voice up whatever or whoever they think trying to disturb Malay right. And they will speak up no matter what every other race would say.
The mistake Gerakan has done was thinking of this stunt when Perkasa still fighting for the banns on ritual slaughter in the school from what they see as an Indian community trying to detected how Malay should act in Malaysia. Read Perkasa Warns Deputy Minister .
Now a friends who willingly help them to win Malay voter without condition only just because they are BN, declaring war to them. By doing this stunt, they make Perkasa their enemy. And at this time, making Perkasa your enemy is the worst decision ever.
Perkasa gaining strong support day by day and combining with BN, PAS and PKR attitude, they are the choice of younger Malay generation. DAP also contributed to the rising of Perkasa supporter with their arrogant attitude towards a Malay after GE13.
The louder DAP is the more support Perkasa get from a Malay. If they decided to become political party, they can become the force to reckoned with, for Umno or PAS or DAP or PKR, whomever they see as Malay enemy.
Umno getting the advantage right now because Perkasa supported them. If Perkasa swing and support opposition, half of younger Malay vote will swing together with them.
What I highlighted yesterday also has been voice up by Perkasa President, Ibrahim Ali on how Gerakan blaming others of their problem rather than solving it.
And a friends inform me after reading my blog yesterday, that is typical of Chinese, blaming others when they fail but when they succeed, they said it was their hard work. And my friend is Chinese true and true. An Apek who always say to everyone I'm his daughter and remind me constantly do not trust Chinese 100%.
So, Gerakan, please choose your enemy wisely. Please do not turn Perkasa to your enemy. otherwise you will regret the choice you make and with Perkasa, they will never satisfied with a simple half hearted apology, they will do everything until they are satisfied you won't do it again. And to satisfy Perkasa is harder than you think.
Think carefully Gerakan or next GE you will loose a Malay vote. you don't want that when currently all areas you win during GE13 the majority is a Malay.
I remind you again. Retain the Malay vote you get. It is the smart moved right now. find other ways to get back the support from the Chinese.
Do not blame others for your failure. Try to look at your losing support from different angle. You already have the right base to become the multicultural party. Try to retain that identity. If you loose your way, DAP will gain because as per now, in BN component, you are the only party which open your door to other races. It also a treat to DAP.
Used that point to gain more support lah. Don't just blame other races or party. It is a childish moved.
Own your mistake and realising it. Then try find the solution on how to solved it. Be a man not a wimp because only a wimp will blames other for every mistake he make because he is too afraid to admit that he is making a mistake. Got it..
ps: take note this is not a warning, just and advised for you that right now it is not the best time to stir a lot of issue especially related to races. . Careful when choosing who you want to take as a friends and who you want to turn into an enemy.
I know, Perkasa will never shut up and take everything like typical Malay. They will voice up whatever or whoever they think trying to disturb Malay right. And they will speak up no matter what every other race would say.
The mistake Gerakan has done was thinking of this stunt when Perkasa still fighting for the banns on ritual slaughter in the school from what they see as an Indian community trying to detected how Malay should act in Malaysia. Read Perkasa Warns Deputy Minister .
Now a friends who willingly help them to win Malay voter without condition only just because they are BN, declaring war to them. By doing this stunt, they make Perkasa their enemy. And at this time, making Perkasa your enemy is the worst decision ever.
Perkasa gaining strong support day by day and combining with BN, PAS and PKR attitude, they are the choice of younger Malay generation. DAP also contributed to the rising of Perkasa supporter with their arrogant attitude towards a Malay after GE13.
The louder DAP is the more support Perkasa get from a Malay. If they decided to become political party, they can become the force to reckoned with, for Umno or PAS or DAP or PKR, whomever they see as Malay enemy.
Umno getting the advantage right now because Perkasa supported them. If Perkasa swing and support opposition, half of younger Malay vote will swing together with them.
What I highlighted yesterday also has been voice up by Perkasa President, Ibrahim Ali on how Gerakan blaming others of their problem rather than solving it.
And a friends inform me after reading my blog yesterday, that is typical of Chinese, blaming others when they fail but when they succeed, they said it was their hard work. And my friend is Chinese true and true. An Apek who always say to everyone I'm his daughter and remind me constantly do not trust Chinese 100%.
So, Gerakan, please choose your enemy wisely. Please do not turn Perkasa to your enemy. otherwise you will regret the choice you make and with Perkasa, they will never satisfied with a simple half hearted apology, they will do everything until they are satisfied you won't do it again. And to satisfy Perkasa is harder than you think.
Think carefully Gerakan or next GE you will loose a Malay vote. you don't want that when currently all areas you win during GE13 the majority is a Malay.
I remind you again. Retain the Malay vote you get. It is the smart moved right now. find other ways to get back the support from the Chinese.
Do not blame others for your failure. Try to look at your losing support from different angle. You already have the right base to become the multicultural party. Try to retain that identity. If you loose your way, DAP will gain because as per now, in BN component, you are the only party which open your door to other races. It also a treat to DAP.
Used that point to gain more support lah. Don't just blame other races or party. It is a childish moved.
Own your mistake and realising it. Then try find the solution on how to solved it. Be a man not a wimp because only a wimp will blames other for every mistake he make because he is too afraid to admit that he is making a mistake. Got it..
ps: take note this is not a warning, just and advised for you that right now it is not the best time to stir a lot of issue especially related to races. . Careful when choosing who you want to take as a friends and who you want to turn into an enemy.
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Question : Who's Gerakan Enemy. Perkasa or DAP?
Who is your real enemy Gerakan? Perkasa or DAP? This is the question I would like to ask Gerakan right now?
After reading Helen Gerakan Bashing PERKASA But Says Nothing About DAP and Annie The Gerakan Ingrates around 2 am today, I realised something going on in Gerakan escaping my monitoring.
Well that is what happen after being busy with a lot of personal stuff to take care of.
Taking from both of this blogs, I decided to do a little checking for my selves. Guess what, my finding is similar to what they write in their blog.
I though Gerakan will act more gentleman then MCA. Well there goes another Chinese political party to the drain. By openly voicing the need to get out from BN after PM just exit the building digested that all Chinese was alike after all.
What Gerakan done was throwing the last straw the Chinese have in the government. That is it then.
The Chinese still have their hope when Gerakan do not act aggressively like some of MCA leader after GE13. After yesterday stunts, it is look like Chinese was better forgetting any hope of being inside the government.
They also full filling the the prediction of ultra Malay saying all along. Chinese in Malaysia is Kacang Lupakan Kulit. Better forget about them now and concentrate on Malay agenda.
They, Gerakan forgetting who is really their friends right now. Losing power make them crazy. Now they think only Chinese vote they have lost.
Rather then thinking on how to solved this problem, they are taking the easy way out. They blame someone else for their failure.
Rather than retain the vote they have got, they alienated those who vote for them,
Terlajak Perahu Boleh Diundur, Gerakan. From now on everybody will talk about what has happen.
If you still don't know who really is your real friend and who is your enemy. then prepare for the same fate as MCA.
Interesting enough, a regular commenter from Helen blog has comment about Who Chinese politician is and it look like Mr AK47 was right after all. Hmmmmmm
After reading Helen Gerakan Bashing PERKASA But Says Nothing About DAP and Annie The Gerakan Ingrates around 2 am today, I realised something going on in Gerakan escaping my monitoring.
Well that is what happen after being busy with a lot of personal stuff to take care of.
Taking from both of this blogs, I decided to do a little checking for my selves. Guess what, my finding is similar to what they write in their blog.
I though Gerakan will act more gentleman then MCA. Well there goes another Chinese political party to the drain. By openly voicing the need to get out from BN after PM just exit the building digested that all Chinese was alike after all.
What Gerakan done was throwing the last straw the Chinese have in the government. That is it then.
The Chinese still have their hope when Gerakan do not act aggressively like some of MCA leader after GE13. After yesterday stunts, it is look like Chinese was better forgetting any hope of being inside the government.
They also full filling the the prediction of ultra Malay saying all along. Chinese in Malaysia is Kacang Lupakan Kulit. Better forget about them now and concentrate on Malay agenda.
They, Gerakan forgetting who is really their friends right now. Losing power make them crazy. Now they think only Chinese vote they have lost.
Rather then thinking on how to solved this problem, they are taking the easy way out. They blame someone else for their failure.
Rather than retain the vote they have got, they alienated those who vote for them,
Terlajak Perahu Boleh Diundur, Gerakan. From now on everybody will talk about what has happen.
If you still don't know who really is your real friend and who is your enemy. then prepare for the same fate as MCA.
Interesting enough, a regular commenter from Helen blog has comment about Who Chinese politician is and it look like Mr AK47 was right after all. Hmmmmmm
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Income Tax : Anda Isytihar Atau Tidak?
Ada rahsia tentang income tax yang ramai tidak tahu. Bila sebut pasal income tax sahaja ramai yang mengeluh, merungut dan ada yang kata Kerajaan tak adil kerana kenakan mereka dengan Income tax.
Selalunya rungutan ini bertambah parah taktala mereka mahu menggunakan wang tetapi kerana potongan PCB membuatkan duit tersebut agak berkurangan.
Tahukah anda bahawa anda selalunya membayar lebih cukai pendapatan? Saya tahu ramai yang marah selepas baca statement ini kan? Sabar dulu kawan. Baca lagi.
Tahukah anda bahawa lebihan itu berpunca dari kesilapan anda sendiri? Kenapa?
Dibawah adalah senarai perkara yang boleh mengurangkan cukai pendapatan tetapi ramai yang tidak menyedarinya.
Sepatutnya kerajaan tahu? Hello, kecuali anda setuju untuk kerajaan tanam microship yang membolehkan kerajaan tahu setiap perbuatan anda (kalau sudah wujudlah), maka tiada kerajaan dalam dunia ini yang boleh mengetahui perbuatan setiap individu di negara mereka.
Jadi andalah yang perlu memberitahu kerajaan apa yang anda telah lakukan dengan duit anda dengan mengisytiharkannya. REsit pembelian dan pembayaran perkara-perkara yang boleh ditolak cukai, simpan baik-baik.
Cukup tahun, isytiharkan semua pembelian dan pembayaran tersebut.
Biar saya kongsi satu rahsia. Selepas mengisytiharkan dan mengemas kini fail saya di LHDN, saya menikmati pulangan untuk PCB saya. Dan saya anggap penolakkan PCB sebagai simpanan yang akan diperolehi setiap bulan Mei/Jun/Julai sebaik sahaja pengisytiharan income tax saya selesai.
Untuk mendapat tolakkan maksimum, kepada keluarga yang mempunyai anak lebih dari lima, suami isteri tidak akan berkongsi fail income tax. Pengasingan membolehkan mereka mendapat tolakkan dua kali ganda untuk satu keluarga.
Jadi, fikirkanlah samada anda ingin mengisytiharkan atau tidak pendapatan dan perbelanjaan anda kepada kerajaan. Kalau tidak, tak guna merungut. Salah anda pun. Tak isytihar, tiada penolakkan diatas. Kalau penolakkan itu melebihi jumlah PCB yang anda bayar, yang rugi anda bukan orang lain pun.
Tahun lepas, selepas saya terangkan kepada seorang teman yang selama sepuluh tahun telah bekerja tetapi tidak pernah menjejakkan kaki ke LHDN untuk perisytiharan income tax, dia membuat keputusan untuk mengisytiharkan pendapatan sepuluh tahun tersebut.
Selama dua minggu proses untuk dia mencari dan memohon kembali semua EA form yang hilang @ tidak dapat dikesan, selepas berbincang dengan pegawai LHDN dan disebabkan banyak resit yang telah hilang, maka untuk kebanyakkan tahun hanya anggaran yang boleh dibuat, beliau terkejut apabila pulangan cukai beliau berjumlah RM5000 plus.
Dia kini menyesal kerana tidak bertindak awal. Sekiranya dia mengisytiharkan income tax lebih awal, anggaran pulangan adalah lebih tinggi. Ini kerana anggaran akan dibuat oleh LHDN apabila dokumen kurang atau tidak lengkap terutama jika anda tidak pernah mengisytiharkan income tax.
Berapa ramai agaknya dikalangan anda rugi seperti teman saya? Fikir-fikirkan ya.....
Tetapi waktu anda berfikir, saya sudah lima tahun menikmati tolakkan dan pulangan wang dari LHDN atas keterlebihan pembayaran kerana PCB dan dalam lima tahun itu ada ketikanya LHDN memulangkan kembali semua PCB yang ditolak. Anda????? hehhehheh
Jadi suka hati andalah samada untuk isytiharkan atau tidak. Lagi pun itu duit anda. Kalau tidak mahu isytihar, redha dan sedekah sahajalah duit tersebut. Jangan merungut kerajaan tak adil dan sebagainya, sebab kena bayar penolakan PCB atau income tax. Terima sajalah. Anda yang dot dot dot dot dot hehhehheh
Selalunya rungutan ini bertambah parah taktala mereka mahu menggunakan wang tetapi kerana potongan PCB membuatkan duit tersebut agak berkurangan.
Tahukah anda bahawa anda selalunya membayar lebih cukai pendapatan? Saya tahu ramai yang marah selepas baca statement ini kan? Sabar dulu kawan. Baca lagi.
Tahukah anda bahawa lebihan itu berpunca dari kesilapan anda sendiri? Kenapa?
Dibawah adalah senarai perkara yang boleh mengurangkan cukai pendapatan tetapi ramai yang tidak menyedarinya.
- Tidak isytihar jumlah pendapatan anda. Dapat EA form simpan dalam laci.
- Tolakkan pembelian buku, majalah, jurnal.
- Insurans
- Pembelian Komputer, setiap 3 tahun boleh ditolak.
- Zakat pendapatan bagi yang Islam
- Rawatan perubatan keluarga dan ibubapa (mak RM5000)
- Yuran pendidikan sendiri(mak :RM5000)
- Peralatan sokongan asas keluarga dan ibubapa kurang upaya ( >RM5000)
- Bayaran perubatan penyakit sukar diubati (>RM5000)
- Simpanan SSPN (>RM6000)
- Pembelian peralatan sukan (>RM300)
- Yuran langganan Jalur Lebar (>RM500)
- Faedah pinjaman perumahan - yg ini ada syarat (>RM10,000)
- Bayaran Alimoni kepada bekas suami/isteri (>RM3000)
- Suami/isteri kurang upaya (>RM3500)
- Insuran nyawa dan KWSP (>RM6000)
- Skim persaraan & Anuiti tertunda (>RM3000)
- Insuran pendidikan dan perubatan (>RM3000)
Sepatutnya kerajaan tahu? Hello, kecuali anda setuju untuk kerajaan tanam microship yang membolehkan kerajaan tahu setiap perbuatan anda (kalau sudah wujudlah), maka tiada kerajaan dalam dunia ini yang boleh mengetahui perbuatan setiap individu di negara mereka.
Jadi andalah yang perlu memberitahu kerajaan apa yang anda telah lakukan dengan duit anda dengan mengisytiharkannya. REsit pembelian dan pembayaran perkara-perkara yang boleh ditolak cukai, simpan baik-baik.
Cukup tahun, isytiharkan semua pembelian dan pembayaran tersebut.
Biar saya kongsi satu rahsia. Selepas mengisytiharkan dan mengemas kini fail saya di LHDN, saya menikmati pulangan untuk PCB saya. Dan saya anggap penolakkan PCB sebagai simpanan yang akan diperolehi setiap bulan Mei/Jun/Julai sebaik sahaja pengisytiharan income tax saya selesai.
Untuk mendapat tolakkan maksimum, kepada keluarga yang mempunyai anak lebih dari lima, suami isteri tidak akan berkongsi fail income tax. Pengasingan membolehkan mereka mendapat tolakkan dua kali ganda untuk satu keluarga.
Jadi, fikirkanlah samada anda ingin mengisytiharkan atau tidak pendapatan dan perbelanjaan anda kepada kerajaan. Kalau tidak, tak guna merungut. Salah anda pun. Tak isytihar, tiada penolakkan diatas. Kalau penolakkan itu melebihi jumlah PCB yang anda bayar, yang rugi anda bukan orang lain pun.
Tahun lepas, selepas saya terangkan kepada seorang teman yang selama sepuluh tahun telah bekerja tetapi tidak pernah menjejakkan kaki ke LHDN untuk perisytiharan income tax, dia membuat keputusan untuk mengisytiharkan pendapatan sepuluh tahun tersebut.
Selama dua minggu proses untuk dia mencari dan memohon kembali semua EA form yang hilang @ tidak dapat dikesan, selepas berbincang dengan pegawai LHDN dan disebabkan banyak resit yang telah hilang, maka untuk kebanyakkan tahun hanya anggaran yang boleh dibuat, beliau terkejut apabila pulangan cukai beliau berjumlah RM5000 plus.
Dia kini menyesal kerana tidak bertindak awal. Sekiranya dia mengisytiharkan income tax lebih awal, anggaran pulangan adalah lebih tinggi. Ini kerana anggaran akan dibuat oleh LHDN apabila dokumen kurang atau tidak lengkap terutama jika anda tidak pernah mengisytiharkan income tax.
Berapa ramai agaknya dikalangan anda rugi seperti teman saya? Fikir-fikirkan ya.....
Tetapi waktu anda berfikir, saya sudah lima tahun menikmati tolakkan dan pulangan wang dari LHDN atas keterlebihan pembayaran kerana PCB dan dalam lima tahun itu ada ketikanya LHDN memulangkan kembali semua PCB yang ditolak. Anda????? hehhehheh
Jadi suka hati andalah samada untuk isytiharkan atau tidak. Lagi pun itu duit anda. Kalau tidak mahu isytihar, redha dan sedekah sahajalah duit tersebut. Jangan merungut kerajaan tak adil dan sebagainya, sebab kena bayar penolakan PCB atau income tax. Terima sajalah. Anda yang dot dot dot dot dot hehhehheh
Friday, 25 October 2013
Importand Of Politic
Important of politic is at second place for me at this time.Why? coz I have far more important things to do then look at what happen to Umno, DAP, PKR or PAS.
As such, a couple of days has past since I update my blog.
First, I need to call one sdn bhd company regarding my claim. It turn up they mis-understanding my claim. They return my month of october subscription payment not my september payment. So another report case has been issued. As per now, it was number 4 since the date I made a claim. Boy oh boy, there's go their rate from C- to D now.
Secondly, I need to do a stock-take for my sundries and dry foods item. To count how much it left and how long it will last. The estimated will make sure that I have enough as my big spending month is coming up (that means december) and I need to have a lots of stock to cover for for that month.
Thirdly, I need to plan for family holiday this coming november. I need to know everyone schedules for november to choose the convinience date for every one. So I'm a little busy body and that is what my kids complaining right now Hehhehheh.
Fourthly, I need to plan for december spending as my son will be going for secondary school while my daughter will facing UPSR. Basic preparation is needed. So proper planning will make sure that I will have enough spending money for december. It is also means that any spare money need to be carry forward to january.
So, busy, busy, busy. hehhehheh.....
As such, a couple of days has past since I update my blog.
First, I need to call one sdn bhd company regarding my claim. It turn up they mis-understanding my claim. They return my month of october subscription payment not my september payment. So another report case has been issued. As per now, it was number 4 since the date I made a claim. Boy oh boy, there's go their rate from C- to D now.
Secondly, I need to do a stock-take for my sundries and dry foods item. To count how much it left and how long it will last. The estimated will make sure that I have enough as my big spending month is coming up (that means december) and I need to have a lots of stock to cover for for that month.
Thirdly, I need to plan for family holiday this coming november. I need to know everyone schedules for november to choose the convinience date for every one. So I'm a little busy body and that is what my kids complaining right now Hehhehheh.
Fourthly, I need to plan for december spending as my son will be going for secondary school while my daughter will facing UPSR. Basic preparation is needed. So proper planning will make sure that I will have enough spending money for december. It is also means that any spare money need to be carry forward to january.
So, busy, busy, busy. hehhehheh.....
Monday, 21 October 2013
Umno Election : Hope And Reality
After the dust settling down, the one that I hope for a place in VP and MT, some of them have make it, while others lost in a smaller majority.
Yup, Mukhriz lost in the race title of VP but Dr Zahid Hamidi was there. I'm ok with that. I'm not a fan of Hishamuddin but I hope his winning with a small majority wil shake him up a little to be aware what his priority is.
Not, for MT position, I really hope that Azalina and Rosnah Abdul Rashid make it and they did it. I'll also hoping Negri MB Mohd Hassan make it too because he has a way to shut the opposition mouth up if they talk rubbish. It the same with Abd Rahman Dahlan and Idris Jusoh.Well my hope came true.
A ding dong in my hope is Bung Moktar. I really don't know my feeling towards this guy. Sometimes I like him while others times he really a trial to my patience. But I think Umno need people like him. If not, they will become a dull lot like Republican in America hehhehheh.
As per now I put DAP as a party who act like Republican in America now, hehhehheh. Well they wish for two parties right, it is look like they wish will come true hehhehheh.
So, guys, if you ask me how I feel about this line up, well my answer will be you lose some and you win some. My hopeful for VP , two of them fail to make it while a lot of my hopeful for MT make it.
That is life I guess coz reality is different. Well as I write before, if I really want to make a change, I joint Umno. Because of not, I only can hope and face the reality that I cannot control the outcome.
Can I lives with this result, sure why not. In my case, loose in VP but gaining a lot in MT. Loose some but win bigger hehhehheh
Yup, Mukhriz lost in the race title of VP but Dr Zahid Hamidi was there. I'm ok with that. I'm not a fan of Hishamuddin but I hope his winning with a small majority wil shake him up a little to be aware what his priority is.
Not, for MT position, I really hope that Azalina and Rosnah Abdul Rashid make it and they did it. I'll also hoping Negri MB Mohd Hassan make it too because he has a way to shut the opposition mouth up if they talk rubbish. It the same with Abd Rahman Dahlan and Idris Jusoh.Well my hope came true.
A ding dong in my hope is Bung Moktar. I really don't know my feeling towards this guy. Sometimes I like him while others times he really a trial to my patience. But I think Umno need people like him. If not, they will become a dull lot like Republican in America hehhehheh.
As per now I put DAP as a party who act like Republican in America now, hehhehheh. Well they wish for two parties right, it is look like they wish will come true hehhehheh.
So, guys, if you ask me how I feel about this line up, well my answer will be you lose some and you win some. My hopeful for VP , two of them fail to make it while a lot of my hopeful for MT make it.
That is life I guess coz reality is different. Well as I write before, if I really want to make a change, I joint Umno. Because of not, I only can hope and face the reality that I cannot control the outcome.
Can I lives with this result, sure why not. In my case, loose in VP but gaining a lot in MT. Loose some but win bigger hehhehheh
Friday, 18 October 2013
Government Service Is Lousy?
Have you ever go to Government Agency and find out that you have to wait a couple of hours just for your turn and then inform that your documentation was not complete? You then complaining to your friends how there was a few counter available and no one mending it? How do you rate this government agency then.
Now, go to service centre of any service/entertainment provider during the peak time. Don't you face a similar problem especially if you want a refund or terminated their service?
Look at both of the above situation. Can we simply claim that both had a lousy service?
I find it hard to swallow when people saying this and that to Government servant while facing with similar problem with non government agency a lot of us keep quite. We simply said because at that times, there is a lot of customer around with few staff to attend.
Now, why there is no same treatment given to government agency. Face it, usually at the government counter, it is a peak time all the times. Five days a week from 8am to 4pm. Are those who grace the Government counter not a customer?
We ask Government staff to smile but how many non government service/entertainment/sdn bhd staff smiling at us?
We ask government staff to settle our problem on the spot and get angry when they say it will take a few days to settle it out. But think. Do we get angry if your service or entertainment /provider/sdn bhd say three or five working days to settle everything? And if you not so lucky, it will take a lot of phone call to customer service calling centre just to be told to go back to the centre you lodge the report?
Face it. We are doubles standard when dealing with Government servant. It is because we paid taxes? Then, only our tax money was valuable but what about the rest of our money? And because of that We can used it to pay a crappy service?
So next time you want to complain how terrible the government counter service is, please look at your other counter service experience. It might surprise you that the service of government counter was improving while non government still at the same level as three or five years ago.
Why I write about this? Because I request a refund for my overly paid service from government agency and got a cheque within two weeks while it almost a month now dealing with sdn bhd company and after three report case they created for me, I still didn't see my refund yet.
If you say the amount is bigger, think again. The government refund was only RM45.75 while sdn bhd claim was RM120.00.
And my conclusion, Ketidak-cekapan terjadi kerana manusia not company or government. If lazy people mending the counter, you will get the lousy service regardless from what company or government agency.
As per now, my rate for government counter service is better then sdn bhd counter considering their counter always at peak time all the time. Of course there's a hick up sometimes but overall performance average is B.
But sdn bhd/bhd company, together with my experience as a mystery shopper, I rate them as B- to C especially during the peak time or requesting for refund.
So,government service is lousy? I don't think so. Considering with others, my experience saying they are better.
Now, go to service centre of any service/entertainment provider during the peak time. Don't you face a similar problem especially if you want a refund or terminated their service?
Look at both of the above situation. Can we simply claim that both had a lousy service?
I find it hard to swallow when people saying this and that to Government servant while facing with similar problem with non government agency a lot of us keep quite. We simply said because at that times, there is a lot of customer around with few staff to attend.
Now, why there is no same treatment given to government agency. Face it, usually at the government counter, it is a peak time all the times. Five days a week from 8am to 4pm. Are those who grace the Government counter not a customer?
We ask Government staff to smile but how many non government service/entertainment/sdn bhd staff smiling at us?
We ask government staff to settle our problem on the spot and get angry when they say it will take a few days to settle it out. But think. Do we get angry if your service or entertainment /provider/sdn bhd say three or five working days to settle everything? And if you not so lucky, it will take a lot of phone call to customer service calling centre just to be told to go back to the centre you lodge the report?
Face it. We are doubles standard when dealing with Government servant. It is because we paid taxes? Then, only our tax money was valuable but what about the rest of our money? And because of that We can used it to pay a crappy service?
So next time you want to complain how terrible the government counter service is, please look at your other counter service experience. It might surprise you that the service of government counter was improving while non government still at the same level as three or five years ago.
Why I write about this? Because I request a refund for my overly paid service from government agency and got a cheque within two weeks while it almost a month now dealing with sdn bhd company and after three report case they created for me, I still didn't see my refund yet.
If you say the amount is bigger, think again. The government refund was only RM45.75 while sdn bhd claim was RM120.00.
And my conclusion, Ketidak-cekapan terjadi kerana manusia not company or government. If lazy people mending the counter, you will get the lousy service regardless from what company or government agency.
As per now, my rate for government counter service is better then sdn bhd counter considering their counter always at peak time all the time. Of course there's a hick up sometimes but overall performance average is B.
But sdn bhd/bhd company, together with my experience as a mystery shopper, I rate them as B- to C especially during the peak time or requesting for refund.
So,government service is lousy? I don't think so. Considering with others, my experience saying they are better.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Reading Too Much In An Issue
Today, I read NST and one article, a comment from a reader on Learn From the Poor those with-less-put-us-to-shame-with-their-gratefulness that catch my eyes. I think, all of you should read this article.
It is an eyes opener and also touch your heart.
Sometimes we forget that there are more in lives then us.We loves to talks about issue and people likes we know and understand them but the truth is a lot of times we only write about it base on our assumptions.
It is a sad day when we created a hoo haa and then realised that we not write the truth.
Our assumption is that poor people are a sad lot if we read a lot of writing in the blogs or newspaper. For a lot of us, happiness means having an Astro, credit card, hendphone, big house, big car, can go for vacation, eating at the restoran and much more.
Those who don't have all or some of that is not a happy man. But do all of our requirement to judge happiness applied to others?
It sometimes makes me wonder. We always say the poor was a sad lot. How arrogant of us to assume they are not happy. Do without our requirement for happiness makes them less happy? Sometimes they do have more then us. They have more patience and understanding.
Look at us, we have everything and some have more then everything, but we become an ungrateful bunch. We want people to follow and bow to our need. We assume that what we need is what everyone need. But do they?
So, we are the sad lot. We become arrogant and ungrateful. As I'm writing this, I'm wonder, if I'm including in this bunch. I hope not.
After reading that article, I'm wondering how do I rate the happiness.
So today, poke bythose article I asked my office lady cleaner if she is happy with her lives until now.
She said to me, in lives, we have up and down. When her children was little, there is a lot of things she need to thinks of. She was not happy all the time but she not sad all the time too. Even during those time she was soo poor,and they only have enough to eat once a day.
That is why she become a cleaner. Poor people cannot choose, they can only do the best in lives, she said.
But today, she is happy. Happy because her child's turn up to be happy , healthy and success. She grateful for what happen to her. Having see her grandchild when they come for a visit is a bonus in her happiness. During sad time and during a happy times, she prevail.
One of her daughter become a doctor and one become an engineer. One of her son is a lecturer and another a Business consultant.
And for the first times, I envy her. For me, she has a lot now. Her closed family was closed than ever. Her children call her everyday and once in a while a BMW or myvi or Polo or Saga, come and pick her up for lunch break. How many of us can claim that? How many of parents can claim that and how many of us as a child can do that?
Now I think we read a lot in some issue without knowing the reality of it. And in the issue of the poor goes, I wonder what standard we use when we write about their need. Base of our own or them? Hmmmmm
It is an eyes opener and also touch your heart.
Sometimes we forget that there are more in lives then us.We loves to talks about issue and people likes we know and understand them but the truth is a lot of times we only write about it base on our assumptions.
It is a sad day when we created a hoo haa and then realised that we not write the truth.
Our assumption is that poor people are a sad lot if we read a lot of writing in the blogs or newspaper. For a lot of us, happiness means having an Astro, credit card, hendphone, big house, big car, can go for vacation, eating at the restoran and much more.
Those who don't have all or some of that is not a happy man. But do all of our requirement to judge happiness applied to others?
It sometimes makes me wonder. We always say the poor was a sad lot. How arrogant of us to assume they are not happy. Do without our requirement for happiness makes them less happy? Sometimes they do have more then us. They have more patience and understanding.
Look at us, we have everything and some have more then everything, but we become an ungrateful bunch. We want people to follow and bow to our need. We assume that what we need is what everyone need. But do they?
So, we are the sad lot. We become arrogant and ungrateful. As I'm writing this, I'm wonder, if I'm including in this bunch. I hope not.
After reading that article, I'm wondering how do I rate the happiness.
So today, poke bythose article I asked my office lady cleaner if she is happy with her lives until now.
She said to me, in lives, we have up and down. When her children was little, there is a lot of things she need to thinks of. She was not happy all the time but she not sad all the time too. Even during those time she was soo poor,and they only have enough to eat once a day.
That is why she become a cleaner. Poor people cannot choose, they can only do the best in lives, she said.
But today, she is happy. Happy because her child's turn up to be happy , healthy and success. She grateful for what happen to her. Having see her grandchild when they come for a visit is a bonus in her happiness. During sad time and during a happy times, she prevail.
One of her daughter become a doctor and one become an engineer. One of her son is a lecturer and another a Business consultant.
And for the first times, I envy her. For me, she has a lot now. Her closed family was closed than ever. Her children call her everyday and once in a while a BMW or myvi or Polo or Saga, come and pick her up for lunch break. How many of us can claim that? How many of parents can claim that and how many of us as a child can do that?
Now I think we read a lot in some issue without knowing the reality of it. And in the issue of the poor goes, I wonder what standard we use when we write about their need. Base of our own or them? Hmmmmm
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
If Akhramshah Is DAP He Will.....
If Akhramshah is DAP, he will be sack coz he dare to challenge the Dear Leader.
If Akhramshah is DAP, he now will be given press conference one after another coz he getting sack without proper document.
If Akhramshah is DAP, he will getting bully from all side to shut up.
If Akhramshah is DAP, his political carrier will be over as soon as he said he want to challenge his dear leader.
So Akhramshah, you should thank God you're in Umno coz if you lost you still Umno member.In three or five years time you can challenge your dear leader again without losing your membership.
If you a DAP, right now you cry and everybody outside DAP will say Padan Muka, who ask you to joint DAP. hehhehheh
So, Akhramshah, don't be sad you lose, win or lose you still an Umno members and no one will sack you because you dare to challenge your dear leader. Joint DAP and dare doing what you do in Umno, you are history man hakhakhak.
And that's goes to all the Challenger who lost yesterday. Be grateful you're in Umno, not DAP....hikhikhik......
If Akhramshah is DAP, he now will be given press conference one after another coz he getting sack without proper document.
If Akhramshah is DAP, he will getting bully from all side to shut up.
If Akhramshah is DAP, his political carrier will be over as soon as he said he want to challenge his dear leader.
So Akhramshah, you should thank God you're in Umno coz if you lost you still Umno member.In three or five years time you can challenge your dear leader again without losing your membership.
If you a DAP, right now you cry and everybody outside DAP will say Padan Muka, who ask you to joint DAP. hehhehheh
So, Akhramshah, don't be sad you lose, win or lose you still an Umno members and no one will sack you because you dare to challenge your dear leader. Joint DAP and dare doing what you do in Umno, you are history man hakhakhak.
And that's goes to all the Challenger who lost yesterday. Be grateful you're in Umno, not DAP....hikhikhik......
Monday, 14 October 2013
What Wrong If Malay have a Caucasion Name?
There is a question that make me ponder? Is it wrong to give your child name a Caucasian name if you're a Malay?
You see, my two oldest have a Malay/Arabic name. Actually my son have an Arabic names.With Mohammad in front, his middle name has Din at the end, it is Arabic alright. Now, my second, have Afiqah as the first name and the Rah by the end of her name, it seal the Malay + Arabic in her name.
Has anyone ever question me given my son An Arabic name? No. People Accepted it as a Malay name. I know it is an Arabic words as I make a point researching the name. Generally, people accepted the Arabic name as a Malay name.
Now, two of my youngest have a Caucasian name. Why? I really love the flower during my pregnancy with this two. I loved it so much that I even dream of going to the flower garden nearly half the time of pregnancy.
Those who in flower biz know that certain flower don't have a Malay name. Like lily type of flower or the four season or the Siberian flower. Tulip is tulip everywhere in the world right?
So, because I love this type of Lily flower so much, I decided to give my daughter her name base on this flower. It appropriate as the girls should have a beautiful name and what is not beautiful then a flower. Follow the theme, the youngest conclude the flowery name.
So, their name become Caucasian as the flower only existed in Caucasian countries. Mind you, I try to google the Arabic name for this flower but even in Arabic this flower name maintaining it words.
So, that is my reasons giving the Caucasian/flower name to my daughter. To tell you the truth, I think I still maintaining a Malay tradition giving a beautiful name to a daughter.
Once upon a time, a Malay loves to gives a name like, Ayu, Melati, Kemboja, mawar or Manis to the girls. All before the Arabic name like Khadijah, Aminah, Aisyah or Rahmah,come when the Arabs come with Islam.
So, what is wrong with giving the Caucasian name for your child if the meaning was beautiful across the languages. Especially a flower name which I think is suitable to a girls.
Ros (Malay) is Rose (English) and everybody will pronounce it Rose. The different maybe with the way you spell it. But Question remain, is Ros/Rose a Malay or English words?
Hmmm I wonder........
You see, my two oldest have a Malay/Arabic name. Actually my son have an Arabic names.With Mohammad in front, his middle name has Din at the end, it is Arabic alright. Now, my second, have Afiqah as the first name and the Rah by the end of her name, it seal the Malay + Arabic in her name.
Has anyone ever question me given my son An Arabic name? No. People Accepted it as a Malay name. I know it is an Arabic words as I make a point researching the name. Generally, people accepted the Arabic name as a Malay name.
Now, two of my youngest have a Caucasian name. Why? I really love the flower during my pregnancy with this two. I loved it so much that I even dream of going to the flower garden nearly half the time of pregnancy.
Those who in flower biz know that certain flower don't have a Malay name. Like lily type of flower or the four season or the Siberian flower. Tulip is tulip everywhere in the world right?
So, because I love this type of Lily flower so much, I decided to give my daughter her name base on this flower. It appropriate as the girls should have a beautiful name and what is not beautiful then a flower. Follow the theme, the youngest conclude the flowery name.
So, their name become Caucasian as the flower only existed in Caucasian countries. Mind you, I try to google the Arabic name for this flower but even in Arabic this flower name maintaining it words.
So, that is my reasons giving the Caucasian/flower name to my daughter. To tell you the truth, I think I still maintaining a Malay tradition giving a beautiful name to a daughter.
Once upon a time, a Malay loves to gives a name like, Ayu, Melati, Kemboja, mawar or Manis to the girls. All before the Arabic name like Khadijah, Aminah, Aisyah or Rahmah,come when the Arabs come with Islam.
So, what is wrong with giving the Caucasian name for your child if the meaning was beautiful across the languages. Especially a flower name which I think is suitable to a girls.
Ros (Malay) is Rose (English) and everybody will pronounce it Rose. The different maybe with the way you spell it. But Question remain, is Ros/Rose a Malay or English words?
Hmmm I wonder........
Sunday, 13 October 2013
KJ For Pemuda And Shahrizat For Wanita
Well folks it is look like what I'm hoping for was not been granted.KJ and Shahrizat win.
But then again, like my comment in Annie blog, if I want it hard enough, I will register to be an Umno member and fight tooth and nails for others then KJ and Shahrizat.
And as my opinion before, at the end of the days, it is Umno members who make a decision.
Well the tribe has spoken. On monday no public holiday regardless who win. If this is third election like J-star said, government must announce Public Holiday but because this is only party election, go back to work on monday ok. Unless of course you take a holiday for Day before AidilAdha. Then enjoy your break for two days then hehhehheh
But then again, like my comment in Annie blog, if I want it hard enough, I will register to be an Umno member and fight tooth and nails for others then KJ and Shahrizat.
And as my opinion before, at the end of the days, it is Umno members who make a decision.
Well the tribe has spoken. On monday no public holiday regardless who win. If this is third election like J-star said, government must announce Public Holiday but because this is only party election, go back to work on monday ok. Unless of course you take a holiday for Day before AidilAdha. Then enjoy your break for two days then hehhehheh
Saturday, 12 October 2013
UMNO Election : Why Non Malay So Kepoh....
I hear a lot about Umno Election. But it is a given that I hear about it because I'm a Malay and a lot of people around me either from my husband and my side have a lot of Umno members in it.
Well it also a given we discuss about Umno as we are a Malay. I come strictly from a branch call Kerinchi. Some confuse us with Minang but we are a little bit different as our ancestor come from mountain. While Minang near the sea.
Yup, we are a mountain peoples, with fair skin that some so fair, that we also call the beauty of the mountain. My brother who inherited that kind of skin (of course make his friends call him pretty boy during his school day), perplexed when people even a Malay mistaken him to be Chinese.
Back to Umno election. I for one will follow it closely but what I find it funny was when a non Malay decided to joint the hocus pokus. No, not as absover but acting like the election is so important to them, like life and death to them that they need to joint the furor.
Some was so obsess with it, it shameful to look.Geezzz
OK. To this people, Hello!. Which parts of Umno you do not understand? Umno is United Malay right? Not United Chinese or United Indian. Not even United Malaysia for that ,matter. It is United Malay. That's means folks it is the right of Malay to choose whom ever their like.
What's more it is an organisation, so that only a member can choose who they want to be a leaders, not non member like you or me/. Got it.
Why so kepoh to want your chosen one to be Umno Leader? If you really loves this people, how about register another organisation and invited them to be your leader. Call it United whatever.
Know what irked me more, when this people call the Malay stupid because their chosen one was not even among the favourite and calling the Umno member who want to choose a Malay who openly support a Malay right as stupid.
Want to know what I think of this people? LEMBAB. They are the one who don't understand and lembab. Hello? Umno is for Malay/Bumiputra, so thats means no Chinese or Indian in it. Of course they will choose a Malay who fight for Malay. Why must they so stupidly must choose a Malay who fight for other races lah
Question, but mamak in it? Hello again, a lot of Malay man, when they getting old look like mamak ok. My father for instant, look like mamak now but when he is younger, he look like Chinese with his fair skin. But after years of sunburn, it is no wonder he is getting darker and added with moustache, he really look like mamak. So dare call my father mamak, he Will pull out his old younger picture and like a lot of people your jaw will drop out. Careful with whom you call mamak.
Aiyoo! You don't have enough quality leaders ke that you need people in Umno to fight for you ker?
Haiya! why must Umno follow what other races need while there is a lot of others Malay agenda they need to address.
For Malay now, Umno must work for them first. If others want to share Umno, prove that you are more Malay than a Malay. That why Umno can accepted Ridhuan Tee. Be more like Ridhuan Tee and then you can claim to share Umno. Otherwise shut the h@*# up. Even with that tendency, Ridhuan Tee not an Umno. He can only be FRIENDLY.
Your are the one who is lembab when you asked Umno leaders must be other races friendly but remain amendment that all of your leader must fight for your races and your races alone. If Umno leader need to fight for your races, your leader fight for your races, who will fight for Malay?
Don't be greedy lah. It is one of big sin. lets Umno fight for Malay and Bumi lah,.
Why must you ask Umno to do more? Coz they in government? Cannot used that reasons anymore friends. You choose to be outside the government so lives with it. After all you can get what ever you want right? Without the support from the government hehhehheh....
Or AK47 a regular commenter from Helen Blog was right.No quality leader from your race anymore???? hehhehheh
Well it also a given we discuss about Umno as we are a Malay. I come strictly from a branch call Kerinchi. Some confuse us with Minang but we are a little bit different as our ancestor come from mountain. While Minang near the sea.
Yup, we are a mountain peoples, with fair skin that some so fair, that we also call the beauty of the mountain. My brother who inherited that kind of skin (of course make his friends call him pretty boy during his school day), perplexed when people even a Malay mistaken him to be Chinese.
Back to Umno election. I for one will follow it closely but what I find it funny was when a non Malay decided to joint the hocus pokus. No, not as absover but acting like the election is so important to them, like life and death to them that they need to joint the furor.
Some was so obsess with it, it shameful to look.Geezzz
OK. To this people, Hello!. Which parts of Umno you do not understand? Umno is United Malay right? Not United Chinese or United Indian. Not even United Malaysia for that ,matter. It is United Malay. That's means folks it is the right of Malay to choose whom ever their like.
What's more it is an organisation, so that only a member can choose who they want to be a leaders, not non member like you or me/. Got it.
Why so kepoh to want your chosen one to be Umno Leader? If you really loves this people, how about register another organisation and invited them to be your leader. Call it United whatever.
Know what irked me more, when this people call the Malay stupid because their chosen one was not even among the favourite and calling the Umno member who want to choose a Malay who openly support a Malay right as stupid.
Want to know what I think of this people? LEMBAB. They are the one who don't understand and lembab. Hello? Umno is for Malay/Bumiputra, so thats means no Chinese or Indian in it. Of course they will choose a Malay who fight for Malay. Why must they so stupidly must choose a Malay who fight for other races lah
Question, but mamak in it? Hello again, a lot of Malay man, when they getting old look like mamak ok. My father for instant, look like mamak now but when he is younger, he look like Chinese with his fair skin. But after years of sunburn, it is no wonder he is getting darker and added with moustache, he really look like mamak. So dare call my father mamak, he Will pull out his old younger picture and like a lot of people your jaw will drop out. Careful with whom you call mamak.
Aiyoo! You don't have enough quality leaders ke that you need people in Umno to fight for you ker?
Haiya! why must Umno follow what other races need while there is a lot of others Malay agenda they need to address.
For Malay now, Umno must work for them first. If others want to share Umno, prove that you are more Malay than a Malay. That why Umno can accepted Ridhuan Tee. Be more like Ridhuan Tee and then you can claim to share Umno. Otherwise shut the h@*# up. Even with that tendency, Ridhuan Tee not an Umno. He can only be FRIENDLY.
Your are the one who is lembab when you asked Umno leaders must be other races friendly but remain amendment that all of your leader must fight for your races and your races alone. If Umno leader need to fight for your races, your leader fight for your races, who will fight for Malay?
Don't be greedy lah. It is one of big sin. lets Umno fight for Malay and Bumi lah,.
Why must you ask Umno to do more? Coz they in government? Cannot used that reasons anymore friends. You choose to be outside the government so lives with it. After all you can get what ever you want right? Without the support from the government hehhehheh....
Or AK47 a regular commenter from Helen Blog was right.No quality leader from your race anymore???? hehhehheh
Friday, 11 October 2013
For Pemuda : New Leader Needed
Let face it. I'm compile to write this because I think it is the right times to change Pemuda leadership.
Situation to change Pemuda Leadership : AMBER
No, I don't have anythings against KJ but just thinking that he is Lembik and have no visions to bring Pemuda to a new height. Pemuda supposed to act and have a strong voice.Pemuda need to be aggressive. As per now,this is not pemuda Umno everyone know of.
I think, if you a Pemuda, it is the right time to change the leadership. Nothing wrong for Pemuda to change. Pemuda need new leadership. Period.
Who I think can brings Pemuda to a new way? Akhramshah got my support.No, I don't know the guy, but as per now,he is the only candidate I say was relevant for Pemuda.
On wanita, I would like to see Maznah win. Not saying something wrong with Shahrizat, I think for time being, it is batter for Shahrizat to lay low for a while.
Situation to change Wanita Leadership : AMBER
So, Wanita need a new leadership right now. Shahrizat have a lot of baggage around her. Right now,it is not the right times for her to push forward her agenda. let clear the baggage first and then clear your name Shahrizat.
Prove to the world that you are innocent. That way you can come stronger and better. By the way Shahrizat, you then can rub to their face with the dirt they smeared at you. Won't that be priceless.
Who I think can take Shahrizat place, Maznah. As per now, she a new face and projected the right verb as Shahrizat replacement. She also can fill in the big shoes Shahrizat left.
VP position, I like to see Zahid, Mukhriz and Ali Rustam in it. I don't care about the minestry position, that is for nation. For UMNO this three are suitable. They can bring UMNO to different direction.
So that is guy. My choices to represented UMNO. But mind you, what ever happen at the end of the day, it is not my say that metter, it is Umno.
Can wait to see the result.......
Situation to change Pemuda Leadership : AMBER
No, I don't have anythings against KJ but just thinking that he is Lembik and have no visions to bring Pemuda to a new height. Pemuda supposed to act and have a strong voice.Pemuda need to be aggressive. As per now,this is not pemuda Umno everyone know of.
I think, if you a Pemuda, it is the right time to change the leadership. Nothing wrong for Pemuda to change. Pemuda need new leadership. Period.
Who I think can brings Pemuda to a new way? Akhramshah got my support.No, I don't know the guy, but as per now,he is the only candidate I say was relevant for Pemuda.
On wanita, I would like to see Maznah win. Not saying something wrong with Shahrizat, I think for time being, it is batter for Shahrizat to lay low for a while.
Situation to change Wanita Leadership : AMBER
So, Wanita need a new leadership right now. Shahrizat have a lot of baggage around her. Right now,it is not the right times for her to push forward her agenda. let clear the baggage first and then clear your name Shahrizat.
Prove to the world that you are innocent. That way you can come stronger and better. By the way Shahrizat, you then can rub to their face with the dirt they smeared at you. Won't that be priceless.
Who I think can take Shahrizat place, Maznah. As per now, she a new face and projected the right verb as Shahrizat replacement. She also can fill in the big shoes Shahrizat left.
VP position, I like to see Zahid, Mukhriz and Ali Rustam in it. I don't care about the minestry position, that is for nation. For UMNO this three are suitable. They can bring UMNO to different direction.
So that is guy. My choices to represented UMNO. But mind you, what ever happen at the end of the day, it is not my say that metter, it is Umno.
Can wait to see the result.......
DAP Takeover DAP
Before GE13, I hear about the tiny little problem inside Melaka DAP. I brush it out as, well party agains party rumours. After all, it is nearer the GE 13 and for all of us know, sometimes rumours was created for a certain reasons. To win the G13.
Then, a little crack started to emerged during the nomination process. A few member, the Otai I like to call them started to leaves or decided to become indipendence candidates. It make me wonder was there somethings happening inside DAP during that time?
Do you know when I really sure that something really not right in DAP? When one of DAP hardcore supporter Tan Tuan Tat, started voicing something was not right. OK, I have a pleasure of meeting him and it is not what you can say official, just a meeting inside the bank, waiting for our turn and have a little chit chat.
During that chit chat, I deduced him as a polite and a learning type of people. He didn't even introduce himself to me but to the end I decided to ask him out right, is he the Tan Tuan Tat? He seems surprise that I know him.
I just inform him, as a Selangorian, of course I know him. Especially he come from SG Pelek. Everybody knew everybody in this area and I'm familiar with this area.
Now everybody know that,in Selangor everybody knew that Tan Tuan Tat was a hardcore DAP supporter. He was doing everythings to support DAP. Lets just said, his loyalty was with DAP
until his dying breath. That is the picture I got.
But if Tan Tuan Tat being sacked, the loyal hardcore, it must be somethings wrong inside DAP.
Now it is official. After Kedah, Malacca become the victim of DAP takeover DAP. It is like a big banner saying that, yes, whatever you hear before, during and after GE13 about the problem inside the DAP is true.
Want to know my deduction? Don't want to? Well sorry to disappointed you but as this is my blog, I want to give my opinion wheater you like it or not. hahahaha
My opinions was, DAP leaders got the taste of power and like it a lot. With power, come riches and it is the best tonic to achieve absolute control. Now it is hard for them to let go.
UMNO doing it for a long time? Hey, I don't believed that if your friends jump into the lombong, you need to follow him too.
If it is wrong,what make you follow it. If what UMNO been doing was wrong, don't follow them lah. Using the weak and lame excuse didn't support your theories saying PR is better then UMNO. It only prove that PR was worst then UMNO. At least, it take UMNO 50 years to get rich plundering the nation weath, but PR taking 5 years only. See, who is more corrupted when you used that reasons?
Back to DAP, I suspected you will hear more and more problem will emerge from other states. DAP, Lim cronies, try to achieved the power absolute. That means controlling everythings. They started becoming new PKR but more control and powerful then original PKR.
The otai in NS already leaves DAP. What left was the Indian, some like David Dass and Frenandanze already been disillusions. What left was Loke supporter.Well loke after all was LKS and LGE BFF.
It make me wonder, if they can do this to their loyalist, what make you think they don't do somethings worst to ordinary people hmmmm?
Then, a little crack started to emerged during the nomination process. A few member, the Otai I like to call them started to leaves or decided to become indipendence candidates. It make me wonder was there somethings happening inside DAP during that time?
Do you know when I really sure that something really not right in DAP? When one of DAP hardcore supporter Tan Tuan Tat, started voicing something was not right. OK, I have a pleasure of meeting him and it is not what you can say official, just a meeting inside the bank, waiting for our turn and have a little chit chat.
During that chit chat, I deduced him as a polite and a learning type of people. He didn't even introduce himself to me but to the end I decided to ask him out right, is he the Tan Tuan Tat? He seems surprise that I know him.
I just inform him, as a Selangorian, of course I know him. Especially he come from SG Pelek. Everybody knew everybody in this area and I'm familiar with this area.
Now everybody know that,in Selangor everybody knew that Tan Tuan Tat was a hardcore DAP supporter. He was doing everythings to support DAP. Lets just said, his loyalty was with DAP
until his dying breath. That is the picture I got.
But if Tan Tuan Tat being sacked, the loyal hardcore, it must be somethings wrong inside DAP.
Now it is official. After Kedah, Malacca become the victim of DAP takeover DAP. It is like a big banner saying that, yes, whatever you hear before, during and after GE13 about the problem inside the DAP is true.
Want to know my deduction? Don't want to? Well sorry to disappointed you but as this is my blog, I want to give my opinion wheater you like it or not. hahahaha
My opinions was, DAP leaders got the taste of power and like it a lot. With power, come riches and it is the best tonic to achieve absolute control. Now it is hard for them to let go.
UMNO doing it for a long time? Hey, I don't believed that if your friends jump into the lombong, you need to follow him too.
If it is wrong,what make you follow it. If what UMNO been doing was wrong, don't follow them lah. Using the weak and lame excuse didn't support your theories saying PR is better then UMNO. It only prove that PR was worst then UMNO. At least, it take UMNO 50 years to get rich plundering the nation weath, but PR taking 5 years only. See, who is more corrupted when you used that reasons?
Back to DAP, I suspected you will hear more and more problem will emerge from other states. DAP, Lim cronies, try to achieved the power absolute. That means controlling everythings. They started becoming new PKR but more control and powerful then original PKR.
The otai in NS already leaves DAP. What left was the Indian, some like David Dass and Frenandanze already been disillusions. What left was Loke supporter.Well loke after all was LKS and LGE BFF.
It make me wonder, if they can do this to their loyalist, what make you think they don't do somethings worst to ordinary people hmmmm?
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
My View : Capitol Hill Shutdown
I'm not an economist nor do I involving in anything similar to world economies. My involving in economy only stricted to household economy only.
As such, I am only reallying on whatever I read, to deducted to what happen over there.
And base on my reading as per now, it all happen because Republican just want to block Obama medical policy. That it.
As far as my reading goes on Obama medical policy, it is quiet similar to Malaysia medical worker get now with a few amendment. It also taking care of the homeless and less fortunate that cannot buy medical insurances. It is good for Americans but not on the business standpoint especially for insurance provider.
So, what Republican, as a lot of you may know, a business people majority of them, try to block this by blackmailing the President. The ugliness of the two parties system rear it head. When two party cannot agree with certain things, people will surfer and that is what happen in the US.
I'm not a US citizen, hence I will never know what the US citizen think. But this shutdown can effected their daily life in the long term.
In the business world, the economy still resilience because, I think other parts of the world starting the programme for their economy recovery even though it is not as fast as they like, but it is there. Look at the small data and you will see it. Even Japan show the right sign and that is good .
With China as a buffer, US shutdown will not effect world economy in the big way unless the world economy collapse all together.
Hey, it is my point of view. Don't used my point of view as a scientific data. I'm not even minorin economy in my studies.This deducted only from my own understanding of my reading on Amarican economy and shutdown so far. If you want to make your own deduction, do your own reading ok. Don't be lazy lah.....hehhehheh
Well, that is my view as base on my understanding.
So, what will my action on this Capitol Hill Shutdown, I will monitor it because I have nearly US 100 in my purse right now. As it is going, I stand to lost RM30. If this going on, I better keep it until the US value climbing again. Geezzz why don't I sell it last week.....huhuhuhu.
That is the main reasons why I monitor what happen in Capitol Hill. A US100 reasons hehhehheh
As such, I am only reallying on whatever I read, to deducted to what happen over there.
And base on my reading as per now, it all happen because Republican just want to block Obama medical policy. That it.
As far as my reading goes on Obama medical policy, it is quiet similar to Malaysia medical worker get now with a few amendment. It also taking care of the homeless and less fortunate that cannot buy medical insurances. It is good for Americans but not on the business standpoint especially for insurance provider.
So, what Republican, as a lot of you may know, a business people majority of them, try to block this by blackmailing the President. The ugliness of the two parties system rear it head. When two party cannot agree with certain things, people will surfer and that is what happen in the US.
I'm not a US citizen, hence I will never know what the US citizen think. But this shutdown can effected their daily life in the long term.
In the business world, the economy still resilience because, I think other parts of the world starting the programme for their economy recovery even though it is not as fast as they like, but it is there. Look at the small data and you will see it. Even Japan show the right sign and that is good .
With China as a buffer, US shutdown will not effect world economy in the big way unless the world economy collapse all together.
Hey, it is my point of view. Don't used my point of view as a scientific data. I'm not even minorin economy in my studies.This deducted only from my own understanding of my reading on Amarican economy and shutdown so far. If you want to make your own deduction, do your own reading ok. Don't be lazy lah.....hehhehheh
Well, that is my view as base on my understanding.
So, what will my action on this Capitol Hill Shutdown, I will monitor it because I have nearly US 100 in my purse right now. As it is going, I stand to lost RM30. If this going on, I better keep it until the US value climbing again. Geezzz why don't I sell it last week.....huhuhuhu.
That is the main reasons why I monitor what happen in Capitol Hill. A US100 reasons hehhehheh
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Looking Into Tiny Hole
ref : bull-bashing/g-spot-igp-sea-. by Kee Thuan Chye the writer of No More Bullshit book launch by Tokong LGE. Because he has been bless by tokong, he can write anythings using his own assessment and term it the truth.
In it he write "
The report revealed that between 2010 and 2012, the police lost assets worth over RM1.33 million. Among them were 44 loaded firearms. And the police don’t seem to have retrieved them. Holy gunsmoke! Did these guns go to those gangsters who have been shooting people dead in the streets the last few months?"
So I do the math.
2010 to 2012 = 36 month = 44 loaded firearms lost.
44 divided by 36 month = 1.22 firearms lost per months
1.22 firearms from thousand of firearms. That a lot missing per month. So, I'm counting the statistic of loses vs total asset, assuming that there are 200,000 thousand firearms. The results, 0.0000061 chances the firearms will be missing per month.
Wow, that a lot of chances. 0.0000061 probability. Assuming that all police personal was a robot after joining in, that is a lot man. Robot makes no mistake, human is.
So, how do you rationalise now IGP? Hmmmm Lost at sea? Come on, police don't do raid at the sea.
Have? Let me rephrase, robot don't lost firearms during the raid regardless on land or sea. In the heat of the moment kind of things were everything was heated up, robot remaining cool and keeping everything in check and order including all the government asset they bring along.
And that only for firearms. Others items, well, it what I highlight before, robot don;t lost a government asset. Lets do the math shall we. Assuming all item total in the police forces was 200,000.Some maybe more while other less.
I'm looking in small perspective? Oh! come on. I'm using my logic to understand it Mine. Not yours. I;m entitle to thinks for myself and it is unacceptable for a robot to make that high probability mistake.
So IGP, please answer this, how come out of 200,000 firearms you have the probability of 0.0000061 chances of losing it? It must be zero lost. And others items too. How can you lost it? It's inspector gadget/robocop we talking here not a human. Answer me please. I demand it....
No wonder KTC nearly fall into the drain with so much loses average and chances per month. No, I'm not kidding, he inform me himself "What? Fallen into the sea? Reading that, I nearly fell into a nearby drain". hehhehhehheh.......
In it he write "
The report revealed that between 2010 and 2012, the police lost assets worth over RM1.33 million. Among them were 44 loaded firearms. And the police don’t seem to have retrieved them. Holy gunsmoke! Did these guns go to those gangsters who have been shooting people dead in the streets the last few months?"
So I do the math.
2010 to 2012 = 36 month = 44 loaded firearms lost.
44 divided by 36 month = 1.22 firearms lost per months
1.22 firearms from thousand of firearms. That a lot missing per month. So, I'm counting the statistic of loses vs total asset, assuming that there are 200,000 thousand firearms. The results, 0.0000061 chances the firearms will be missing per month.
Wow, that a lot of chances. 0.0000061 probability. Assuming that all police personal was a robot after joining in, that is a lot man. Robot makes no mistake, human is.
So, how do you rationalise now IGP? Hmmmm Lost at sea? Come on, police don't do raid at the sea.
Have? Let me rephrase, robot don't lost firearms during the raid regardless on land or sea. In the heat of the moment kind of things were everything was heated up, robot remaining cool and keeping everything in check and order including all the government asset they bring along.
And that only for firearms. Others items, well, it what I highlight before, robot don;t lost a government asset. Lets do the math shall we. Assuming all item total in the police forces was 200,000.Some maybe more while other less.
Total Missing
Average missing
per month
Chances Lost
per item
walkies talkie
That also assuming that the vehicle not including others like motorcycle, land rover and lorries. There is no such things existing in police force. Only cars.I'm looking in small perspective? Oh! come on. I'm using my logic to understand it Mine. Not yours. I;m entitle to thinks for myself and it is unacceptable for a robot to make that high probability mistake.
So IGP, please answer this, how come out of 200,000 firearms you have the probability of 0.0000061 chances of losing it? It must be zero lost. And others items too. How can you lost it? It's inspector gadget/robocop we talking here not a human. Answer me please. I demand it....
No wonder KTC nearly fall into the drain with so much loses average and chances per month. No, I'm not kidding, he inform me himself "What? Fallen into the sea? Reading that, I nearly fell into a nearby drain". hehhehhehheh.......
Friday, 4 October 2013
Why Obama Cencelling His KL Visit....Hehhehheh...
Ok guys, this is my own theory only, okay, on why Obama only visiting Indonesia and Brunei but cancelling his schedule to meet Najib in KL.
No this is not an official reason and to tell you the truth, I don't know why. But for fun, let me give you my conspiracy theories why.Take it easy and enjoy it ok, hehhehheh
No, not because of TPP. It is far from it. Not because of the shutdown of Capitol Hill also.
He don't want to visit because he cannot stand a Chinese. Not Malaysian Chinese but the Chinese who come from China.
Why? Because if he come now after the arriving of China President Xi Jinping he will forever sharing the news with Xi in Malaysia.. It is not acceptable. Obama must become the biggest news to where ever he come for visit.
Obama know people will compare him with Xi Jinping and it didn't look good on him. So, cancellation is the only option for him.
Why he visit Indonesia? Because his school was there and it still the biggest news if he visit his old school right? It will become the biggest highlight in Indonesia, US President Visit His Old School.
See, biggest news. He searching for it.
Why Brunei? Because the same old stories. The biggest news and come on, Brunei one of the riches country in the world. Only a fools will pass the opportunity to visit Brunei and Obama is no fools.
So there it goes why I think Obama don't visit Malaysia. He cannot stomach to share the highlight with China President Xi Jianping, hehehehehe
Just Kidding guys.....
No this is not an official reason and to tell you the truth, I don't know why. But for fun, let me give you my conspiracy theories why.Take it easy and enjoy it ok, hehhehheh
No, not because of TPP. It is far from it. Not because of the shutdown of Capitol Hill also.
He don't want to visit because he cannot stand a Chinese. Not Malaysian Chinese but the Chinese who come from China.
Why? Because if he come now after the arriving of China President Xi Jinping he will forever sharing the news with Xi in Malaysia.. It is not acceptable. Obama must become the biggest news to where ever he come for visit.
Obama know people will compare him with Xi Jinping and it didn't look good on him. So, cancellation is the only option for him.
Why he visit Indonesia? Because his school was there and it still the biggest news if he visit his old school right? It will become the biggest highlight in Indonesia, US President Visit His Old School.
See, biggest news. He searching for it.
Why Brunei? Because the same old stories. The biggest news and come on, Brunei one of the riches country in the world. Only a fools will pass the opportunity to visit Brunei and Obama is no fools.
So there it goes why I think Obama don't visit Malaysia. He cannot stomach to share the highlight with China President Xi Jianping, hehehehehe
Just Kidding guys.....
Thursday, 3 October 2013
First : Hmmm, Then : Geezzzz, Later : Not Unfamiliar What.....
Have you read OutSyed The Box : 40% X rm900-mil = rm360-mi
Then You must read Another Brick In The Wall: driving-to-disaster
Let me tell you about my reaction. I read both of this post after reading some of the Government Audit 2012.
My first reaction after reading mr syed posting was Hmmm. I knew something wrong in Pemandu but this getting weird. How can those SO SMART people can lets this happen. Why Najib fail to monitor this when everybody in the web talking rampantly about this?
He projected himself as a Internet savvy PM but he fail to monitor this? After all a lot of blogger commenting about the weird things in Pemandu,right? don't he read all those comment??? Hmmmmm
Then, I read Another Brick In The Wall, then I understand it more. The reaction Geezzz come to mind. With millions involving, I thought that the scheme was complicated, But really, what this folks doing was applied KISS system (those who don't know, KISS means Keep It Simple Stupid).
It is like a pyramid scheme. There's a leader to coordinate. He got his percentage. Then his helper who will rake another percentage. Then come a front where the money will be whitewash, they also get a percentage. Then after the money been whitewash, the money will go to the right person, service,manufacturer or who/what ever involved.
To make sure their activities can go on without a red alert, they reduce the programme budget to below the limit of higher approval In this case under RM100K. Sound familiar everyone?
Let me share you a secret. A office working secret. A lot of people who working in the office and involving in finance work know this secret. It has been done a lot of times in a lot of companies.
Every company have a limit expenses approval for certain level. Example, Section Manager RM 10K, Department Manager RM30K, General Manager RM50K and CEO RM 100K. This system has been put there to control the excess expenses. This system also been used, usually to make sure that the higher level will come to aware every times extra expenses has been made.
But this system easier to manipulated.
If department head don't want to report their big expenses project, they will simply divided the project to their limited approval portion. Then the big project will divided into stages. Some will cost a delayed to the project, but the department head will get away from meeting with their CEO or COO or VP or President to present this big project for budget or payment approval.
They will get away with it a lot of times too. If this has been done by Department Head then GM or CEO will never aware of this. Unless of course, major audit has been done for the whole company.
Back 1Azam. So, what this IAzam been doing is not something extra ordinary. It has been done before. They just doing it in a bigger scale. They take it a step further by taking a percentage for their own gain. They used the weakness in the system to manipulated it.
It so simple and easy to understand and it all come down to greed. GREED. So it is Geezzz, here goes another people who will using the weakness in system for their own gain. With a lot of money changing hand, they think they also have the share in it. So they manipulated the system.
They manipulating the system. Period.
Then after understanding how they got away for that long,my reaction was it not so unfamiliar what. It has been done before only the money involving was variance. Sophisticated? Nah....
You don't get angry ahh Sarah? Someone asked me. I just tell him, When greed come knocking, some people can resist it but some won't. In this case, greed get the upper hand. So they manipulating the system to enrich themself.
The system existing to control people mis-used the fund existing, but when it involving the money, some people always try to manipulating it.They don't want to follow the rules. And sometimes it creating a waste while sometimes it creating the corruption.
Do the system at fault? No. But how to prevent this kind of things from happening again?
Should we abolish the system and create a new system and in this case all budget and payment must be approved by top management only, as a solution? No. It will create a backlog.
What we can do is improved the system. From now on, let's make a point for each section, department, Sr manager or what ever level to submitting their approval budget summary every month to their respective leader.
This leader also need to do the same to their leader. By doing this,they don't have a reasons to say they don't know it as it is below their approval limit.After all every month they received the report.
This actually can reducing the mis-used of expenses or budget.It also reducing the tendency to manipulating the system.
The government should use this practises.
As for 1Azam guys case with MRCC, I will monitor this case carefully. After all my personal though is the corrupted Government Servant should be punished harshly as they work for government to served us not taking advantage on us for their own gain.
By the way, I think it is funny that he given the money to his girlfriends for makeover and she end up still looking ordinary. Hmmmm LOL....
But then again this has a tendency blow out. After all, if he is smart he didn't take the advantage of the system in the first place. Because he not so smart that he manipulated the system and end up getting cought.
Another not so smart people thinking he is smarter then anyone else, hehhehheh
Then You must read Another Brick In The Wall: driving-to-disaster
Let me tell you about my reaction. I read both of this post after reading some of the Government Audit 2012.
My first reaction after reading mr syed posting was Hmmm. I knew something wrong in Pemandu but this getting weird. How can those SO SMART people can lets this happen. Why Najib fail to monitor this when everybody in the web talking rampantly about this?
He projected himself as a Internet savvy PM but he fail to monitor this? After all a lot of blogger commenting about the weird things in Pemandu,right? don't he read all those comment??? Hmmmmm
Then, I read Another Brick In The Wall, then I understand it more. The reaction Geezzz come to mind. With millions involving, I thought that the scheme was complicated, But really, what this folks doing was applied KISS system (those who don't know, KISS means Keep It Simple Stupid).
It is like a pyramid scheme. There's a leader to coordinate. He got his percentage. Then his helper who will rake another percentage. Then come a front where the money will be whitewash, they also get a percentage. Then after the money been whitewash, the money will go to the right person, service,manufacturer or who/what ever involved.
To make sure their activities can go on without a red alert, they reduce the programme budget to below the limit of higher approval In this case under RM100K. Sound familiar everyone?
Let me share you a secret. A office working secret. A lot of people who working in the office and involving in finance work know this secret. It has been done a lot of times in a lot of companies.
Every company have a limit expenses approval for certain level. Example, Section Manager RM 10K, Department Manager RM30K, General Manager RM50K and CEO RM 100K. This system has been put there to control the excess expenses. This system also been used, usually to make sure that the higher level will come to aware every times extra expenses has been made.
But this system easier to manipulated.
If department head don't want to report their big expenses project, they will simply divided the project to their limited approval portion. Then the big project will divided into stages. Some will cost a delayed to the project, but the department head will get away from meeting with their CEO or COO or VP or President to present this big project for budget or payment approval.
They will get away with it a lot of times too. If this has been done by Department Head then GM or CEO will never aware of this. Unless of course, major audit has been done for the whole company.
Back 1Azam. So, what this IAzam been doing is not something extra ordinary. It has been done before. They just doing it in a bigger scale. They take it a step further by taking a percentage for their own gain. They used the weakness in the system to manipulated it.
It so simple and easy to understand and it all come down to greed. GREED. So it is Geezzz, here goes another people who will using the weakness in system for their own gain. With a lot of money changing hand, they think they also have the share in it. So they manipulated the system.
They manipulating the system. Period.
Then after understanding how they got away for that long,my reaction was it not so unfamiliar what. It has been done before only the money involving was variance. Sophisticated? Nah....
You don't get angry ahh Sarah? Someone asked me. I just tell him, When greed come knocking, some people can resist it but some won't. In this case, greed get the upper hand. So they manipulating the system to enrich themself.
The system existing to control people mis-used the fund existing, but when it involving the money, some people always try to manipulating it.They don't want to follow the rules. And sometimes it creating a waste while sometimes it creating the corruption.
Do the system at fault? No. But how to prevent this kind of things from happening again?
Should we abolish the system and create a new system and in this case all budget and payment must be approved by top management only, as a solution? No. It will create a backlog.
What we can do is improved the system. From now on, let's make a point for each section, department, Sr manager or what ever level to submitting their approval budget summary every month to their respective leader.
This leader also need to do the same to their leader. By doing this,they don't have a reasons to say they don't know it as it is below their approval limit.After all every month they received the report.
This actually can reducing the mis-used of expenses or budget.It also reducing the tendency to manipulating the system.
The government should use this practises.
As for 1Azam guys case with MRCC, I will monitor this case carefully. After all my personal though is the corrupted Government Servant should be punished harshly as they work for government to served us not taking advantage on us for their own gain.
By the way, I think it is funny that he given the money to his girlfriends for makeover and she end up still looking ordinary. Hmmmm LOL....
But then again this has a tendency blow out. After all, if he is smart he didn't take the advantage of the system in the first place. Because he not so smart that he manipulated the system and end up getting cought.
Another not so smart people thinking he is smarter then anyone else, hehhehheh
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