Saturday, 19 April 2014

4 out of 5 Aduns in S’gor are Pakatan: Why Selangor Still Have A Problems?

Read my title above and please read Helen Ang's  HERE 

My questions will be, why with so many Pakatan's in the Dewan, the States of Selangor still continues to grip with a lots of problems.
4 out of 5 are a lots. It spell a majorities to me. Why can with this majorities and with a lot's of brain behind it, they fail to manages one state like Selangor.

If you think Penang faring better think again. Penang also facing the same problem just like Selangor.

First with a flash flood. Yup, if you fallow the problems that grips the States of Selangor it's started with a flash flood. They still failling to settle it until now.

Then, comes the rubbish problems. The Pakatan politicians complaining about the rubbish systems especially in Melaka and NS, but in the States of Selangor, they're faring the worst.

Of course the rubbish problem still happening and what comes next, almost a text books.

Dengue epidemic. I call it epidemic when almost everyday you will hear someone you know was admitted and for the mild cases, they were just send home and comes for the next day for blood test.

The wards was full with dengue patients that for the mild cases they decided to send them home.

The newest problem's that the Selangor States facing is water problems. While other states only facing a minimum problem when water recede, Selangor face it the hardest. Suddenly, we saw the peoples in the riches states line up like waiting for their turn to collected the water from a water tank.

It just so sure real that it remind me of the news I saw once. About the Africans who walks for miles just to get into the water sources and then they will takes a turns just to get some waters. Then they will walks back homes.

At that times, I'm crying just because for me, I just can imagine a peoples who have to live like that.

But this year, it almost sad seeing people in Malaysian line up for water. Yes, the third world picture that supposed not to be happen in Malaysia, happen. What worst, it happen in the states that for years known to be the riches state in Malaysia.

Why they fearing the worst then others states? Because their river water was full of poisions. They have no alternatives. If this is not happening, at least the rakyat can used this river as an alternative.

It was so humiliating for me. Maybe I'm now living in NS, but I;m a Selangorian. My mom and dad is living in Selangor. To watch something like this happen, makes you wonder what going on here.

I means, if it is happen to NS or Pahang or Kelantan, I can justify it. But it is Selangor we taking about. Everything must be perfects in Selangor.

What's more, Selangor is leading by the best mind in the county. The PR people shouting on the rooftop almost everyday that they were the best peoples to lead.

But, I wonder. If PR is the best mind to lead the country, managing the states is a small matter.

But what happen was almost opposites. The States under PR beginning to declines while others states under the BN getting better and better. Worst of all, Melaka becoming the first state to pass Selangor in everything.

Then comes Serawak and Terengganu. My opinions saying that if this is continuing  Johor, NS and Sabah will be next. Kedah after that and Pahang I think is not far behind.

Let me freshen your mind again.

1.  Flash Flood
2. Rubbish collection
3.  Dengue
4. Water rationing
5. River water poisoning

My next questions will be, what's next. I means it's like the Selangor is facing a curse and like many believed the curse will comes in seven. Just like bad luck will comes in three, the curse always happen in seven.

Me, I believe that what happen in Selangor happen due to neglected by the one who suppose to manage it.  Thus make what happen in Selangor is no brainy to figure it out.

As the best politicians all around, why don't they tackle this problems as a proves that they are better than BN?

Or because they were to many of them, it becomes a problems. After all to many hands will mess the things out, isn't?

Or just a simple deductions, that once an oppositions always be an oppositions. They cannot be trust to manage anything because they will mess it out.

And mess it out they do....Oh God, by the end of 2017, I fears all the 7 curse will happen and the rakyat will suffers.

May God have a mercy. Please God don't let's that happen to Selangor. For better or worst, I was born in Selangor and I will love Selangor forever.

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