Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Spinning Gasing : Hudud By Umno MP Not PAS

Am I dizzy right now or this is the spinning gasing story all over again.

And this times it involving Hudud.

All over Malaysia, people know that the party which always push for Hudud law is PAS. They have insisted for so long, that this agenda will always be number one in PAS camp.

Why oh why the UMNO MP should shoulder the responsibility to present it in Parliament oh dear Khalid Samad?

It sound so crazy to me that I read this post by myKMU.net twice. Yeap it's there. Please read it HERE

Gosh, you all in PAS only capable of giving the ideas and not the solution aaaa. That explained everything lor.

No? Okay got it, you only know how to recycle the idea which presented by PAS fore father without any ideas how to proceed with it.

Aiyoh, if you really push this agenda for so long, why you still need others as your representative. 

And brilliantly you use your opposition as a representative to do your jobs.  "Makan Gaji Buta ka?"

Since the beginning of PAS in Malaysia, when you said HUDUD people always associated it with PAS.

How come, it fall in UMNO shoulder right now? Or are you in PAS is so unprepared that if PAS forward the motions it will be rejected out of the door?

Or the truth is that your PR partner rejected Hudud and for the love of unity in PR, you cannot file in the motion of Hudud Law or they will chase you out.

Well if that is the case, accept it oh the follower of PAS.

PAS is not the partner in PR. PAS is slaves  or the higher one only as a cheap labour.

Perggghhhh, the highest status in PR so far hehhehheh.


  1. Umno should not masuk campur

  2. As a rule of thumb, those schooled in religious institutions can talk but can't walk the talk. They are poor managers. I'd eat my words if anyone could prove me wrong.
