Tuesday 29 April 2014

Spinning Gasing : Hudud By Umno MP Not PAS

Am I dizzy right now or this is the spinning gasing story all over again.

And this times it involving Hudud.

All over Malaysia, people know that the party which always push for Hudud law is PAS. They have insisted for so long, that this agenda will always be number one in PAS camp.

Why oh why the UMNO MP should shoulder the responsibility to present it in Parliament oh dear Khalid Samad?

It sound so crazy to me that I read this post by myKMU.net twice. Yeap it's there. Please read it HERE

Gosh, you all in PAS only capable of giving the ideas and not the solution aaaa. That explained everything lor.

No? Okay got it, you only know how to recycle the idea which presented by PAS fore father without any ideas how to proceed with it.

Aiyoh, if you really push this agenda for so long, why you still need others as your representative. 

And brilliantly you use your opposition as a representative to do your jobs.  "Makan Gaji Buta ka?"

Since the beginning of PAS in Malaysia, when you said HUDUD people always associated it with PAS.

How come, it fall in UMNO shoulder right now? Or are you in PAS is so unprepared that if PAS forward the motions it will be rejected out of the door?

Or the truth is that your PR partner rejected Hudud and for the love of unity in PR, you cannot file in the motion of Hudud Law or they will chase you out.

Well if that is the case, accept it oh the follower of PAS.

PAS is not the partner in PR. PAS is slaves  or the higher one only as a cheap labour.

Perggghhhh, the highest status in PR so far hehhehheh.

RBF Online: Hari Ini Khalid Ibrahim Terima Pembalasan Akibat M...

Rasanya tidak perlu saya ulas panjang panjang. Baca sahajalah disini.

RBF Online: Hari Ini Khalid Ibrahim Terima Pembalasan Akibat M...: Tahun ini telah masuk tahun ke 6 kerajaan yang diketuai PKR memerintah Selangor. Manakala bulan ini pula adalah bulan ke 2 rakyat Sela...

Menarik pada saya ialah, perumpamaan bahawa PR adalah penjual ubat tepi jalan dan BN adalah penjual ubat di farmasi. Seorang pandai bercakap berdegar-degar dan seorang duduk diam di kedai farmasi menjual ubat kepada orang ramai. Tepat sangat.



Saturday 26 April 2014

The Evangelist Mindset : Mine Mine yours mine

I come across this statement today

"You cannot negotiate with people who say what's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable.” - John F. Kennedy

and somehow when I read about it I've a vision that this statement was aptly referring to The Evangelist in Malaysia.

Yeah, it is true right. For this people, they wanted to own everything. But they always forget to share.

They asked everyone to share but hold dearly to what they own.

Come to think about it, they will always looking for their own benefit before thinking of others. They will willing to help if it will benefited them more.

It's really a movement far from what the traditional Kristian's been doing all this while. The traditional Church usually, the one who will give and give and rarely take and take.

The Evangelist Kristian's is the one who take and take and rarely give and give. Their Church getting bigger and bigger. The hall becoming larger with a lot of new facility each year.

Look at the traditional churches, they always stay the same with their size or their hall year after year. Come to think about it, some churches don't have any hall at all.

So, when I come across this statement from J.F Kennedy my mind zero in to Evangelist. When I think of the evangelist I think of one races.

I stop to that because I wanted to follow what Islam always teaches me, and that is to think the goodness in people.

But with all those thing happen around us, it getting harder and harder to think the goodness of others.

They make it harder for us, the moderate thinker to become a moderate..

We have learned that all religions demanding us to become a good human being. Demand people to respect one another. But how do you supposed we can do it if this people always poked and provoked everyone day in and day out.

I think it is times for us to ponder, how far is to far because in the end going to far will resulting us to loose everything. Think about it okay.

Friday 25 April 2014

GST : What The Kg Folks Told Me

Yesterday, I went to a Bank. Well, there's a lot of pension man and women lining up to collected their pension.

The Bank was full and I'm one of the unlucky one who didn't manage to get a sit. Actually I got a sit but gave it up to an older women with a cane.

Some older men then try to give a sit to me after that but then I decided to stand up. After a thank you of course.

Now after a while, an older man who stand beside me asked a questions about my number. I reply in kind saying that my number will take a while to get a call.

He smile at me and then we started a discussion about this and that situations.

On how the cost of living becoming quite high in the Urban's while it still lower in the Kampung. That makes me asked him did he live in Kampung. And of course he said yes.

So, I decided to become someone who don't know anything. When he explain something to me I just asked for clarifications.

Well at one point he's talking about GST. So I asked him that someone inform me that if GST is implemented the prices of a lot of thing will increased.

He just laugh and said that in one way that statement is right and in other way that statement is wrong.

So I asked him in what way that statement will be right and in what condition that statement was wrong?

This was his explanations.

If GST is implemented, some items will see the reduction in prices. This is due to all taxes will be explained in the label.

So, others cannot impose other taxes to the items. Last time, no one will explained those taxes that they impose to the customer. This makes the items has been charges to multiple taxes.

This multiple taxes that increase the prices which sometimes almost 100 to 150% from the factory prices.

GST is really quite fair to the customer but not to those involved in the business of distributions. They the one who usually increasing the prices.

GST will stop them from charging the higher prices for the items.

So the statement that saying the prices of the items will increasing because of the GST proving wrong.

So, I asked about when the statement proving true. His explanation is this.

When the items is tax during the factory stages, this makes the government collecting the taxes early. The manufacturing factory need to factoring the items prices and pay the taxes according to how much they manufacturing in a day.

Unlike last times, they can just manufactured what ever quantity they wanted and by end of the year they just pay the lump sum taxes.

With GST they need to count the taxes per items. This never effect the manufacturer but it will effected the end customer.

What happen is, if this items cost plus taxes is RM10, those who use one item only pay 60 cents but those who use 2 items need to pay RM1.20. So the prices will be increase to some especially the one who used a lot of items.

I said , it this is true that the government taxes revernue's will remain the sames as the manufacturing still paying the same amount of taxes, right?

His explainations was,

The revenues will increasing because manufacturing company need to pay the prices according to the quantities they produces.

Last times they only declare how much their manufacturing cost and how much their gainning. Who know how much they can produce with the quantities they declared.

This actually increasing the govornment revenue's because the manufacturing company usually can get a much higher quantity than what they projected.

It becomes efficient because the manufacturing companies now need to declare their productions quantities because the taxes base on quantities. The more they produce, the more taxes they need to pay.

My oh my, this guy know more than most University graduates that I know. Right or wrong, it is his opinions.

My takes is, this guy is smart even thought he said  he finished school before taking his MCE.

Those who don't know about LCE, it was an examination equalisation to SRP now. Each student need to pass Lower Certificate Examination in order to continued to form 4.

Just like SRP/PMR once upon a times before the act that required student need to finish form 5 was implemented.

Yeah it was a lot harder to pass than older SRP or new SRP or PMR.

And if this old guy understand the way of GST, how will it reflect to the younger generations that majority of them having a degree in their certification storage's hehhehheh.

Oh! Maybe it is because those who manage to study in middle school during LCE and MCE era's was more brilliant than the younger generation right now? hehehehe

But then It will not explained LKS or KS or WA, hmmm

But then they were special in their own classes right? The class of the special elites hehhehheh

Thursday 24 April 2014

Bila FAkta Di Sebenar Dan Auta PR

Saya baca blog Tun Faizal.com Tentang hutang negara. Baca di SINI

Anda faham atau tidak apa yang Tun Faizal cuba huraikan?

Kalau tidak, berhentilah sahaja bercerita tentang politik semasa.


Sebab anda masih tidak layak memperkatakan tentang bagaimana seseorang itu perlu menguruskan negara.

Jika artikel Tun Faizal ini memeningkan kepala anda, sudah-sudahlah mempertikaikan itu dan ini.

Sebabnya, inilah penerangan yang paling ringkas tentang hutang negara. Paling ringkas.

Teruslah dengan cita-cita anda supaya orang itu memerintah kerana setahu saya, orang itu juga tidak faham apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh Tun Faizal.

Maklumlah kan hehhehheh. Maklum sendiri ya.

Perrrrnasihattt dia Jambu pink pun sama juga. blurrrrr tahap gaban hehhehheh.

Oh, kenapa saya tulis dalam bahasa Malaysia? Sebab kalau saya tulis dalam BI takut ada yang tak faham bahawa saya sebenarnya ingin menyindir.

Sesiapa yang tidak faham bahasa Malaysia sila abaikan artikel ini ya. SEbabnya nanti salah faham lagi. Al-maklum anda belum khatam Bahasa Malaysia lagi walaupun sudah dua tiga empat lima abad umurnya hidup dibumi Malaysia ini hehhehheh.

Saya tidak kata bahasa Melayu sebab orang melayu sendiri ada yagn tidak khatam bahasa Melayu walaupun umur sudah tiga empat lima puluh abad hehhehheh

Ini artikel menyindir. Tidak ada kaitan antara yang hidup atau mati.

TApi kalau ada yang terasa tu ingat pesanan ini SIAPA MAKAN CILI DIA YANG RASA PEDASNYA hehhehheh

Yang tidak terasa itu, teruskan hidup anda dalam misteri hehhehheh

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Catuan Air Untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat??????

Saya berbual dengan emak saya tentang air paip yang dekat tapi jauh di Selangor. Al maklumlah kampung saya berdekatan dengan Empangan Semenyih.

Hendak dijadikan cerita, saya mengajak emak saya tinggal di rumah saya tetapi dia menolak kerana nenek saya kurang sihat.

Entah mengapa saya bertanyakan kepadanya kenapa walaupun hujan turun hari-hari di Selangor tetapi air di empangan masih lagi kurang.

Sedangkan di tempat lain air empangan sudah penuh.

Untuk makluman anda semua, emak saya bukanlah dari golongan pmebaca blog tegar.

Dia juga bukanlah seorang ahli ilmuan. Beliau sekadar seorang bekas guru sekolah agama kontrak yang dilantik selepas lulus peperiksaan khas.

Beliau tiada pernah menamatkan pelajaran di peringkat rendah pun. Sekadar menamatkan pelajaran di darjah lima tahun 1960. Kehidupan keluarga yang miskin tidak memungkinkan beliau meneruskan pelajaran.

Tetapi beliau sungguh rajin mencari ilmu yang tidak formal. Selalu membaca akhbar dan majalah.

Ketika persoalan diatas saya ajukan kepadanya, jawapan ibu saya cukup mudah.

Air dari langit Tuhan turunkan banyak di Selangor tetapi tidak mengalir ke sungai. Sebaliknya air terus diserap ke dalam bumi. Air bawah tanah menjadi banyak.

Apabila air bawah tanah menjadi banyak akan adalah kawasan rumah mendap atau retak. Akan adalah tanah runtuh. Semua sebab air dalam tanah sudah banyak.

Tetapi apa gunanya air bawah tanah banyak sedangkan empangan akan terus kering. Maknanya air tetap tidak cukuplah air untuk semua orang dapat setiap hari. 

Bumi tidak mahu keluarkan air untuk orang selangor.

Mana tempat air tidak boleh diserap tanah, akan banjirlah sekarang ini. Kita akan tengok tak lama lagi air banyak tapi semua air itu tidak boleh kita gunakan.

Semua ini sebagai peringatan. Jangan kita leka. Dulu kita senang. Semua ada di Selangor ini. Tapi kita tamak. Kita hendak segala-galanya.

Kita fitnah orang sana sini. Sekarang ini, kita kenalah tanggung. Bala bukan memilih orang. Sekali terkena, imam masjid yang alim pun akan kena sekali.

Dulu ambil air sembahyang siap boleh ambil pahala sunat tiga kali. Sekarang hendak jimatkan air kenalah ambil yang wajib sahaja. Dulu boleh kumpul pahala sunat. Sekarang, semuanya ala kadar sahaja. Pahala pun sudah kurang.

Saya sekadar diam. Apa lagi yang boleh saya katakan. Pandangan ibu saya itu ada benarnya. Saya tidak terkejut jikalau selepas ini, dengan hujan yang mencurah-curah, banjir akan berlaku.

Saya juga tidak terperanjat jika akan ada tanah runtuh akibat pengaliran sungai bawah tanah.

Itu semua adalah sains. Setiap perbuatan akan ada akibatnya. Jika ibu saya mendapat semua maklumat itu hanya melalui pembacaan majalah dan akhbar, bagaimana pula dengan kita yang mempunyai ekses maklumat tidak terhad seperti di internet.

Sepatutnya kita lebih pandai dari orang seperti ibu saya bukan?

Tetapi mengapa orang seperti ibu saya yang lebih mengetahui tentang sungai bawah tanah, tentang air bawah tanah, tentang saliran yang tidak diselenggarakan dengan betul akan mengakibatkan banjir dan berbagai maklumat lagi?

Atau mungkinkah orang yang tinggal di bandar sebenarnya tidaklah sebijak orang yang tinggal di kampung. Persoalan ini saya ajukan kepada ibu saya. Jawapannya ialah :

Orang bandar sibuk. Mereka tiada masa kerana dialihkan perhatian mereka dengan pelbagai hiburan. Lihat sahaja cucu den, dengan laptop, HP, tablet dan iphone. Itu belum dikira dengan Astro, HipTV, panggung wayang, pusat bowling dan pusat hiburan.

Mana ada masa bila hari terpaksa dipenuhkan dengan semua perkara itu? Tak ikut nanti ketinggalan zaman. Bila ikut semua itu, bukankah kos sara hidup meningkat? Dari gaji cukup menjadi tidak cukuplah. SEmua hiburan itu perlu di bayar.

Mungkinkah emak saya betul? Setiap perbuatan akan ada akibatnya. DAn akibat inilah yang sedang dituai oleh rakyat Selangor.

Atau mungkin nenek saya betul. Katanya : Setiap Sultan ada daulatnya. Tinggal di negeri beraja, Sultan perlu dihormati. Orang sekarang ini ramai yang menderhaka. Kerana derhaka, inilah jadinya.

Hmmmm.... terfikir kata-kata nenek saya itu mungkin ada betulnya apabila memikirkan mendiang KS yang kemalangan di Perak. Anda tahu bukan sejarah mendiang KS dengan Sultan Perak.

Adakah ini kebetulan atau tidak? Wallahualam.... fikir-fikirkanlah.

Saturday 19 April 2014

4 out of 5 Aduns in S’gor are Pakatan: Why Selangor Still Have A Problems?

Read my title above and please read Helen Ang's  HERE 

My questions will be, why with so many Pakatan's in the Dewan, the States of Selangor still continues to grip with a lots of problems.
4 out of 5 are a lots. It spell a majorities to me. Why can with this majorities and with a lot's of brain behind it, they fail to manages one state like Selangor.

If you think Penang faring better think again. Penang also facing the same problem just like Selangor.

First with a flash flood. Yup, if you fallow the problems that grips the States of Selangor it's started with a flash flood. They still failling to settle it until now.

Then, comes the rubbish problems. The Pakatan politicians complaining about the rubbish systems especially in Melaka and NS, but in the States of Selangor, they're faring the worst.

Of course the rubbish problem still happening and what comes next, almost a text books.

Dengue epidemic. I call it epidemic when almost everyday you will hear someone you know was admitted and for the mild cases, they were just send home and comes for the next day for blood test.

The wards was full with dengue patients that for the mild cases they decided to send them home.

The newest problem's that the Selangor States facing is water problems. While other states only facing a minimum problem when water recede, Selangor face it the hardest. Suddenly, we saw the peoples in the riches states line up like waiting for their turn to collected the water from a water tank.

It just so sure real that it remind me of the news I saw once. About the Africans who walks for miles just to get into the water sources and then they will takes a turns just to get some waters. Then they will walks back homes.

At that times, I'm crying just because for me, I just can imagine a peoples who have to live like that.

But this year, it almost sad seeing people in Malaysian line up for water. Yes, the third world picture that supposed not to be happen in Malaysia, happen. What worst, it happen in the states that for years known to be the riches state in Malaysia.

Why they fearing the worst then others states? Because their river water was full of poisions. They have no alternatives. If this is not happening, at least the rakyat can used this river as an alternative.

It was so humiliating for me. Maybe I'm now living in NS, but I;m a Selangorian. My mom and dad is living in Selangor. To watch something like this happen, makes you wonder what going on here.

I means, if it is happen to NS or Pahang or Kelantan, I can justify it. But it is Selangor we taking about. Everything must be perfects in Selangor.

What's more, Selangor is leading by the best mind in the county. The PR people shouting on the rooftop almost everyday that they were the best peoples to lead.

But, I wonder. If PR is the best mind to lead the country, managing the states is a small matter.

But what happen was almost opposites. The States under PR beginning to declines while others states under the BN getting better and better. Worst of all, Melaka becoming the first state to pass Selangor in everything.

Then comes Serawak and Terengganu. My opinions saying that if this is continuing  Johor, NS and Sabah will be next. Kedah after that and Pahang I think is not far behind.

Let me freshen your mind again.

1.  Flash Flood
2. Rubbish collection
3.  Dengue
4. Water rationing
5. River water poisoning

My next questions will be, what's next. I means it's like the Selangor is facing a curse and like many believed the curse will comes in seven. Just like bad luck will comes in three, the curse always happen in seven.

Me, I believe that what happen in Selangor happen due to neglected by the one who suppose to manage it.  Thus make what happen in Selangor is no brainy to figure it out.

As the best politicians all around, why don't they tackle this problems as a proves that they are better than BN?

Or because they were to many of them, it becomes a problems. After all to many hands will mess the things out, isn't?

Or just a simple deductions, that once an oppositions always be an oppositions. They cannot be trust to manage anything because they will mess it out.

And mess it out they do....Oh God, by the end of 2017, I fears all the 7 curse will happen and the rakyat will suffers.

May God have a mercy. Please God don't let's that happen to Selangor. For better or worst, I was born in Selangor and I will love Selangor forever.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Karpal Singh : Takziah Kepada Keluarga

Berita yang saya terima dan hangat diperkatakan dilaman-laman blog ialah berkaitan degan kemalangan yang menyebabkan kematian KS dan pembantu peribadinya.

Takziah diucapkan kepada keluarga KS dan Micheal Cornandez.

Semoga keluarga mendiang KS dan MC akan bersabar menghadapi kehilangan ahli keluarga mereka.

p/s : Walau bagaimana jahat seseorang itu di dunia, janganlah kita menghinanya di saat sesudah kematian kerana perkara selepas kematian itu adalah urusannya dengan Tuhan. Hormatilah keluarganya yang tinggal. Setiap kematian itu ada pengajaran dan ambillah pengajaran itu untuk memperbaiki diri sendiri bukannya menghina dan mencaci.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

PR : Yang Pasti Mereka Perlu Di Sekolahkan Dahulu

Sebentar tadi saya telah republish artikel dari Parit Buntar Rebel ADUN PD & Takziah tentang Adun Port Dickson yang tidak faham apakah maksud perkataan Takziah. Ini berlaku dalam persidangan ADUN di Negeri Sembilan.

Tetapi pada waktu yang sama saya juga membaca tentang WA. : Wan Azizah Blur dan tidak tanduknya semasa memberi ucapan di ADUN Selangor.

LKS yang begitu galak hendak menyekolahkan MCA sepatutnya menyekolahkan kedua ADUN ini dahulu. Mereka begitu blur dengan banyak perkara hehhehheh.

Kalau diikutkan, jika ini berlaku kepada ADUN  BN sudah pasti gagak gempita satu Malaysia ini. TEtapi sebab ini ADUN PR, maka susah betul hendak dapat highlight dari oppo blogger.

Begitu maksum sekali pemimpin PR sehinggakan mereka begitu mudah dimaafkan. Mungkinkah kerana mereka mempunyai pemimpin yang boleh menghapuskan dosa hehhehheh.

Inilah berita yang mencuit hati saya hari ini. Seorang tidak faham maksud perkataan dan seorang tidak faham undang-undang persidangan.

OH LKS tolonglah sekolahkan ahli PR anda dahulu sebelum anda sekolahkan MCA. Takut nanti tak pasal-pasal kena gelak lagi di persidangan ADUN hehhehheh.

Memang hebat PR kerana dapat menghasilkan pelawak dan juga artis gila publisiti sehinggakan anak-anak sanggup dibawa ke dewan Parlimen kerana hendak meminta nursery disediakan di Parlimen.

Bestkan jadi wakil Rakyat PR. Tak payah buat kerja, boleh minta kerajaan NEgeri dan Persekutuan sediakan macam-macam untuk mereka secara percuma dan dinegeri pentakbiran mereka boleh naikkan gaji diri sendiri.

Kalau buat kenaikan cukai atau yuran berkaitan dengan negeri pun tidak apa. Tidak salah. Yang salah jika perkara itu dibuat oleh BN. 

Sungguh beretika, telus dan bertanggung-jawab pemimpin-pemimpin PR. Pada diri sendiri lah hehhehheh

You all, Melayu, Cina, India dan lain-lain, tolong balik kampung tanam kangkung opsss tanam jagung hehhehheh......

ParitBuntar REBELS: ADUN Port Dickson Bodoh! maksud Takziah pon tak fa...

ParitBuntar REBELS: ADUN Port Dickson Bodoh! maksud Takziah pon tak fa...: PBR nasihatkan pada YB M.Siva, ADUN Port Dickson jika tak tahu jangan buat kepala semua benda  anda tahu. bukan apa nampak sangat kedan...

Ahmad Maslan : I Think You're Demented

Ahmad Maslan, I think you're demented. Why? Because if you wanted to do something for the benefit of UMNO, please used the original ideas.

I'm saying this because I really don't see why he need to announced his pet project, Blue Wave Army (urghhh tacky) which look like a copy of Red Beans Army.

Please read The Selangor Chronical HERE and you will see what did I means.

Like one of TSC commenter write, AM should just do it. Don't announce to the whole world what you wanted to do lor. Aiyoh, it is like, going to the war and you announce to everyone what strategy you wanted to used.

Mr AM sir, I'm already go around and tell everybody the simple facts each times they, the oppositions blogger post something outrageous.

The simple facts usually stop them or sometimes makes them look stupid when they publish and then removed my comment.

I also usually used a questions combining with reals fact to counter this peoples in the FB. And boys do they refused to answer or sometimes stop commenting all together. Some even diverted the questions to the admins who usually end up removing the post all together.

You see AM, it is simple to counter this RBA if you know the reals fact. No need BWA lor. The initial make me translated it to Biawak lor.  Any youngster know it Aiyoh.

Be matured and know about the sociology of Internet before you wanted to do something lor. Gosh just go and study how to be an effective PR. The course available in the IPTA lor.

If you don't know how to used and do your jobs, please asked the otai blogger who knows the ins and outs of the big wide worlds of Internet lor.

If you don't know what to do, I have this suggestion. It maybe need a fine tune here and there (as I'm still new in this world of blogging), but it might work as a few of it has been implemented and provent effective.

Here is my suggestions.

1. Makes sure that your teams have the most crucial information's. If the questions arises, the group need to highlighted to their leaders and provided with the real answer.

2. Change the group name please. BWA is totally ugh and not catchy at all. Change it to Blue Army Internet Team or BAIT. See it is more catchy and threatening as well. it is like the team of peoples who will going all out to lure and bare the impostor.

3. Please lor, don't get to excited by announcing this and that. Just tweet somethings in the tweeter or post somethings in the FB. Don't do something crazy like superimposing the pictures but just giving the facts all around the clock.

4. Push for information's from the government to the point where when they trying to post somethings uncanny, they will get caught in the acts. Try it once. I'm doing it to a post of Panda which have been loan to Malaysia. I just posting the fact of the expenses including the insurance for 10 years and a lot of this posting has been deleting or hide from my wall. But When I open my friends walls I can see the posting and the tunes of the complainer start from my posting turn to be different. The starting asking the animals right to be relocating like that hehhehheh.

5. Highlighted all the benefit the government gives in the comment column not posting it as a statements. Gives the dates and times. As you will know, this will benefit you in the long run. Peoples will know the jobs or they already get the benefits. Sometimes people tend to forget the actual things they have. By reminding them, you will make them aware whats the government has done for them.

6. Don't used the forces but used the gentle way to snuck into their territories. Make them like you but at the same times asked questions just like you truly someone who wanted to know. Used facts available and insert it in the questions. You will see, people who will line up demanding the answer. I turn a few of the hardcore supporter using this strategy. I don't asked them to change the party, just ask them to reevaluated their standing.

7. Asked this supporter, if that is their opinions or someone else. If someone else please inform who and what his blog is. Just like you wanted to know more. This way you can catch more fly that everyone else. Go to the blog and used the same tactic again. At worst you get ban but you will know their sources and you can used it to track their activities to counter attack them.

I give you this 7 step how to counter this Internet bully. So used it wisely and fine tune it. Please oh please asked otai blogger opinions how to get your strategy right.

Hmmmm, guys, do you think Ahmad Maslan will read this hehhehheh.

If Ahmad Maslan Interested in appointing me to this positions and wanted to used my ideas, I will gladly accepted hehhehheh.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

GST : Inikah Kualiti Pelajar Uni?

Sila baca dari Sematan Ke Lawas artikal Kerajaan Bazirkan Wang Untuk Mencari MH370?

Sekarang cuba anda fikirkan sendiri kenapa saya mempersoalkan siswa dan siswazah ini.

Saya juga kecewa. Saya adalah antara rakyat yang tidak dapat melanjutkan pelajaran atas faktor kekurangan kewangan.

Walaupun saya mendapat tawaran ke Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, tetapi atas kekangan kewangan, saya terpaksa melupakan hasrat melanjutkan pelajaran.

Namun saya sempat melanjutkan pelajaran ke Politeknik kerana itu sahajalah kemampuan keluarga pada waktu itu.

Tetapi saya tidak pulalah menjadi seperti mereka walaupun terdapat movement di Politeknik ketika itu untuk membersihkan minda  dan mengajak saya menjadi ahli sebuah parti Islam.

Saya hanya berminat untuk menamatkan pelajaran dan kemudiannya terus memasuki alam pekerjaan bagi membantu keluarga.

Bila saya membaca artikal di atas saya sedih dan pada waktu yang sama hanya mampu beristiqfar.

Persoalan yang bermain di minda saya ialah, adakah mereka-mereka ini tidak tahu befikir dan membuat kajian sendiri tentang isu yang dikemukakan?

Kenapa mereka ini tidak mengkaji dan menilai sesuatu isu itu dari sudut saintifik, moral dan tanggungjawab. Sebagai seorang mahasiswa yang mempunyai otak yang saya pasti cukup cerdas, tidakkah mereka boleh melakukan kajian tentang GST?

Berbanding dengan orang seperti saya yang mempunyai ekses limited terutama untuk membaca jurnal-jurnal kajian yang dikeluarkan oleh pakar-pakar luar negara dan juga ekses untuk mengkaji tentang GST yang bakal dilaksanakan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia, pasti mereka ini sebagai pelajar Universiti mempunyai ekses yang agak mudah untuk membuat kajian.

orang seperti saya terpaksa pergi dari satu web side ke webside yang lain hanya untuk mendapatkan separuh dari apa yang mereka boleh perolehi secara percuma di Universiti.

Kenapa mereka gagal menggunakan kemudahan yang disediakan? Adakah kerana mereka tidak tahu atau mereka sebenarnya memang malas untuk membuat kajian?

Saya begitu terperanjat apabila bertanya kepada seorang pekerja baru hari ini tentang GST dan jawapan yang diberikan ialah, Kerajaan mengenakan cukai tambahan kepada rakyat malaysia.

Bila saya minta terangkan, dia hanya berkata bahawa itulah yang difahaminya.

Urghhh, singkatnya pemikiran kalau itu sahaja yang boleh diterangkan sedangkan beliau adalah pemegang ijazah kelas ke dua Pengurusan Perniagaan. patutlah dia hanya berjaya mendapat Ijazah kelas Kedua.

Mentaliti seperti inilah yang perlu mahasiswa di Malaysia ubah. jangan hanya pandai menjerit perkataan Ubah tetapi diri sendiri tidak pula diUbah.

Akhirnya nanti jadilah mereka orang yang sentiasa menyalahkan orang lain tanpa menyedari bahawa kesilapan itu sebenarnya datang dari diri sendiri.

Saya dapat merasakan bahawa jika mereka, mahasiswa ini merasakan pencarian MH370 sebagai membazir dan GST adalah cukai yang dikenakan kerana ingin menindas rakyat, saya boleh katakan mereka ini adalah mahasiswa yang berfikiran mementingkan diri sendiri.

Dalam diri mereka hanya ada perkataan beri kepada saya dan beri kepada saya dan beri kepada saya sahaja. (Me and Me and me alone)

Sayang bukan. Mereka ini sekiranya dapat menyalurkan amarah dan tidak puas hati itu dengan belajar bersungguh-sungguh, sudah pasti mereka akan mendapat menafaat daripada ketekunan dan semangat mereka itu.

Saya pasti mereka ini akan masuk dalam golongan pelajar yang tidak perlu membayar PTPTN dan akan mendapat pekerjaan dengan mudah.

Al-maklum, dengan semangat yang ada pasti mereka tidak akan gementar apabila ditemuduga dan dengan kelulusan kelas pertama itu mereka pasti diminati oleh ramai majikan.

Pada waktu yang sama, kerana kelulusan kelas pertama, mereka akan dapat menikmati gaji tanpa potongan pihak PTPTN. Alangkah mudahnya kehidupan mereka nanti.

Tapi hendak buat macam mana, mereka rela mengorbankan diri mereka demi kata-kata yang mereka sendiri tidak memahaminya.

Mereka rela membayar PTPTN kerana mereka malas berusaha dan apabila ada kekangan untuk membayar, mereka akan salahkan kerajaan kerana tidak memberi pelajaran percuma.

Jika mereka bernasib baik, mereka akan menamatkan pelajaran. Jika tidak, salahkan kerajaan seolah-olah kerajaanlah yang perlu mengambil kelas dan peperiksaan dan menyiapkan assignment.

Mereka hanya perlu mendaftar ke Universiti dan mengambil ijazah sewaktu konvokesyen.

Aduh! Bangkitlah mahasiswa dan gunakan otak yang berjaya membawa anda sehingga ke menara gading itu untuk berfikir dan mencari fakta. Jika tidak, keluar dari universiti dan jadilah ahli politik sepenuh masa.

Tiada gunanya anda belajar bidang pilihan anda jika anda hanya ingin berpolitik 24 jam. Itu hanya membazir masa dan peluang orang lain yang ingin belajar ke Universiti.

Berilah peluang kepada mereka yang betul-betul ingin belajar. Okay.

Monday 14 April 2014

Funny Picture : Pride Of PKR And Bola hehhehheh

I love surfing on Internet. It kinds of adventure for me. So, I got to see a lot of funny picture.

I always get a funny picture especially about the woman trying to be a footballer. Yup, women and ball do not mix. Usually they end up being funny rather than serious. Have you watch a Malay film "Gol and Gincu" you will know what I'm taking about.

Well some women can even out play a man in futsal but that is a different stories all together.

Now just enjoy my beautiful pictures that I got from a friends. He also inform me that Cucu Tok Selampit also have this picture. I check it out and sure enough, it is there.    Read    it H E R E


For a women out there, please do not follow this example okay. Yeah, you need to look nice but this is not a way to presented yourself.

Because of this picture, a man can inform us that women cannot play football.

Look, I know their attentions was merely to kick start the games, but come on. If you already know that you need to come and kick start the game, why don't you wear something more suitable.

Baju kebaya with a handbag is not it lor. Yes women will look nice wearing baju kebaya but wearing it and kick the ball, it look ridiculous man oops women.

The bright side of this is that the President will look good in this picture because she's not kick a ball with a handbag. So PKR in good hand if WA win the Presidential contest Hehhehheh.

In this picture, WA vs NI, WA win hehhehheh.

Look like even in PKR  promotions picture the contest was between family hehhehheh.

so all of you who thinking to be somebody in PKR, just forget it. Only families and cronies will be eligible. Others will come as dan lain-lain. Not important except during the voting times.

Urghh please someone inform this mother and daughter to stop kick the ball altogether. It really look ridiculous and massy. 

The worst part is, NI scarf look like  it might fall off from her head.

Now man have another reasons to ban women from playing football and I love football so much to stop now.

I'm a soccer mom in the real world with a pure love of football aka soccer in US. I also hope that one day one of my girls can become a football national player.

That remind me to search for a UEFA Champions league. I need to makes sure when Bayern Munich will play. After all Barcelona was out already.

Sad day for me as my dream games this year is Barcelona vs Bayern Munich.

Oh by the way, I'm rooting for Germany  for World Cup hehhehheh. I love Football.......

Sunday 13 April 2014

BOC : To Be Or Not To Be

I read Just Read blog : HERE and agreed with the blogger.

I'm finding this article by Whats Up Brothers : HERE and understand what going on.

For me, let's face it. If they willing to renounce their citizenship, then let's them be. They were lucky that I'm not PM or Malaysia. I don't even allowed them to come back here.

I would rather gives a citizenship to a lot of professional expatriate who waiting to become Malaysian citizen then this people who thinking they are better than anyone else.

I meet a few of this peoples. They think they were a high class peoples. Those makes Malaysia a low class country for them.

This people willingly migrate and if necessary renounce everything that will relate them to this county. But when they facing a problems oversea, the will go down hand and knee just to be accepted as a Malaysian.

A "friends", now a Singaporean because the need to wait another 3 years before he can applied to become a Malaysian. Before he was a British and France citizen and that after renounced the Malaysian Citizenship.

When he and his wife, come to visit, he really annoying by simply telling us how good life without the strict regulation he facing in Malaysia. What strick regulations, I don't know because he never get to answer me when I asked him.

But when he and his wife loose their jobs over there, they decided to come back. When his applications was rejected, he post a lot of rubbish and saying how unfair the Malaysian government.

For him, Malaysian government need to feel honoured because he decided to becomes Malaysian again.

He then decided to applied for an Italian Citizenship and with lady luck shines, he and his families get approved.

Then the circle goes again. Each times he coming for a visit, he always bring out that low class Malaysian rejected him but the Italian embracing him with an open arms.

But, 2007 comes. It really effected him as his company was closely related with US. It closed down and he was left with no jobs. After months of searching for a new jobs, and failing, he then trying to applied for a Malaysian citizenship again.

He was rejected again. And of course the circle of how cruel the Malaysian government start all over again in his FB. For us who know him since SMK (we're not from the same school but joint a lot of co curriculum activities together), it was like a de javu.

Someone and I don't remember whom advised him to applied to become a Singaporean. They say it was easier for the Singaporean to becomes a Malaysian. So, he do it.

Now he's a Singaporean who want to be a Malaysian. After throwing and bad mouthing Malaysia, he decided this country is good enough for him.

His brother tell me that when he's in Italy, with his qualifications, he getting the lowest pay for executives. The real Italian getting 50% more then him. Yeah, he was a second class citizen over there.

Yeah, he also got a taste how second class citizen really is. I think that is why he wanted to becomes a Malaysian again. Even living in Singapore is not as heaven as he think it is. I means with a family to support, it is expensive to live in Singapore.

Now, when he visiting, he complaining that he need to buy his groceries here of he have to pay a higher prices over there.

Oh, he also complaining because the government cut the subsidy for Ron 97 and the Singaporean cannot fill in the full tank in JB.

Me, I'm saying out loud to him that I don't think Malaysian is good enough for him. When the  international economies stabilise, I think he will be the first one to venture out. The other reasons is, Malaysian passport was excepted all over the world except Israel.

It is an open secret that the Singaporean will be double checked when they wanted to enter Australia's or NZ. But the Malaysian usually will breeze thru.

Once he open up and tell us, who he consider his friends, that if giving a chances, he wanted to migrate to Australia's or NZ.

With Malaysian citizenship, he can get to realise this wishes.

For me, this people is selfish and so full of arrogance's. Let them be a stateless peoples. If you think Malaysia is not good enough for you, than why should you applied to become a Malaysia citizen.

Be braves enough to applied to other country which is better than Malaysia. If you were as good as you think you are, this countries will line up in your doorstep to asked you to become their citizen.

Tun M got it. If you think it is because he is the statesman, think again.

A friends who once got a jobs as a nuclear specialist in one of NASA contractor, got a form from his  boss. He's saying that it is an applications to become a US Citizen. That's how good he was.

But, he didn't accepted those offer. Instead, he willing to worked there and keep his citizenship as it is. And as an expatriate, he getting a better pay too.

So, for those BOC, let them be. They already saying that Malaysia is not good enough for them. What is the guaranty they will say otherwise.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Opposition : Quantity Above Quality

It so funny when you thinking that oppositions always go around and told everybody that the Malay threat them as a second class citizen.

But time and time again they proves to the world that they really a second class citizen in attitudes and behavior.

I means, they want to be compared to a famous world leader but look at them. How do you suppost they got that comparision if their behaviour was so different from the elegent behaviour of the world leader they compare themselves with.

But, look at the leader from the third world guys and you will see the semilarities.

You don't believed me?
Like I said in my previous article, their LKS mentality makes their brain stop working to find their own solution for their problems. Every problem they will handover to government to solves it.
When the government refused to help them, they will say that government treat them like a second class citizen or third or fourth.
No? Well the above picture proof it. Tax system that will reduce the prices of the goods will be apposed like tomorrow is the end of the worlds. You used a lot of goods you pay a lot of tax lor.
Problem with taking care of the children, bring the children to the parliament and asked government to build a nursery inside the parliament.
Sure, why not right. During parliament assemble, you send you kids to this nursery but what about the times when parliament is not in session?
So, the YB can asked for everything that being paid with our tax money right? No matter how ridiculous it is. If it is for the convenience of the oppositions it is okay. If not, it is wastage's right?
On the other hand some oppositions supporter who have the LKS Mentality asked if they can be excluded from GST. They wanted to pay 13% or more tax then following the GST system.
To government, please consider this application. Just like when you give an alternatives for peoples if they wanted to reduce their EPF or stay with the original percentage, why don't you gives this options to them.
I means, it will increasing the tax collection right? Why push them to used GST that will resulting the reducing of the prices of the goods when they wanted to pay more tax.
Give them a chance to help the country by using the older more higher rate's tax. It is their patriotic way of helping the country maa.
Those who supported GST let them be. Just proceed with GST in National level.
To makes sure all of them who refused to be applied to GST,can get their wishes, asked them to applied and register for it. Just like what EPF has done.
The government have multiple agency to do this that cover all Malaysian citizen. Asked their employee to help in the registrations.
To those who don't want to used GST, thank you very much. Your extra tax payment will be greatly appreciate in developing of the country. Hehhehheh.
Ohhh, a friends tell me that deep down they, the oppositions, only understand the rule of the jungle. And he forwards me this picture.

ROTFL. I cannot help it guys.
To my friend, thank you for the picture hehhehheh
Ohhhh ROTFL........