Monday, 10 February 2014

If DAP Transparent, I'm Gossamer Silk

Let me tell you how I got this idea for the title. It come out  from Helen blog title's if-dapsters-are-anti-corruption-then-im-li-ka-shings-granddaughter/ . 

Thank you Helen. I love that title so much that I used the ideas of it to title's my article Hehhehheh.

I means, that how bored I'm that I cannot even think what to use as a title for my article.

Come to think about it, I even don't have any ideas what to write for this past week. I just read and read and read about politic but nothing interesting for me to write back.

So, today, I just compiling what others has written so far and what I read.

To tell you the truth, I always following the trail of what others blogger write and click what interested  me most.

Then following those others blogger artical until I'm come to a blogger who have all the material I already read.

A lot of jobs but lucky enough for me I'm a fast reader and a lot of others blogger has a short article. Some even publish a lot of picture.

So lets me start with the Taiping CNY phamplet. Read it on Parit Buntar Rebel biadap-dap-edar-risalah-kurang-ajar . 

What do I think about this? Well, if this is true, then it's look like what has been brewing quite sometimes in Malay community has it basis.

When I said a lot of Malay don't trust the Chinese, they, the Chinese is the one who given us the prove not to trust them even more.

For the Chinese, please asked yourself, if a Malay Hari Raya phamplet, using jawi Scriptures saying the same things about the Chinese, what do you feel? Just answer those questions to know what the Malay will feel.

Then I come across DR MIM blog discussing about the strange things happening in PP under LGE. Please read dap-billion-ringgit-wang-rakyat?? .

It makes me think that if this things happen during the BN term, a lot of people will be screaming and shouting over the roof. Dr Mim was right when he starting demanding the answer. If he is wrong, then proved it.

Another clicking lead me to TK and this time is the story about money too. Read terbongkaarr-direct-nego-projek by MIK Blog.

I wonder if her video's starting this effect. I means, suddenly a lot of her misconduct involving money, starting to emerges right after her parody (???) video.

I'm thinking, either her video was so funny to the chinese that makes them loved her so much, those make her the target among her enemies (trust me she got a lot of enemy inside the DAP) or she really dirty and the proves started to emerges. Welll........hmmm

Then I click to this post by ada-yang-gelabah-apabila-ismail-sabri-istihar-perang-dan-jihad/ .

The title is interesting enought for me to read Got to agree with the writer. It is really a right time to act. So kudos to Ismail Sabri then. 

Then another article in catch my eyes. This times about Malaysian health care. Read the-worlds-best-healthcare-is-in/ .

Well, they talking about Malaysia private hospital.  You will said no wonder right?

But this people cannot excess the government hospital. Those who can excess will tell you how cheap it is compare to their countries.

Oh, by the way, the government hospital has been changing for the past three to fives years.

I rather go to government hospital and requested first class ward than paying a bulk entering the private hospital.

The treatment were the same as first class in government hospital. The different is, the waiting list. But usually I book early and as the blood donor, I'm a priority hehhehehe

Than I come across the Unspinner semua-tuduhan-salah-sarawak-report.html .

Well nothing to comment on that one. After all, the Rosmah son used government money to get rich play has come to new chapter after all. The Chapter of keep everything silence because I got sue chapter. Hehhehheh.

Then at last, I came back to Taiping CNY celebration again when reading article posted by Cucu Tok Wan. Read /kandungan-risalah-sambutan-rumah.html .

Than I know I need to stop.

So that it guys. That what I read other than my usual. Sometimes following the blog lead me to opposition bloggers.

So, I have pro and contra opinions too but let's face it, if you want to learn how to mencarut than just venture to pro-oppo blog and you will realised how under educated you are. hehhehheh

1 comment:

  1. Your last paragraph says everything about the oppo. Vulgarity is the only language that their supporters understand
