Tuesday 27 August 2013

Please Understand Rukun Negara Before Making Stupid Comment

OK. Why I used the above title? Let me tell you an interesting story which has happen to me yesterday.

By all count, I usually keep quite when facing with aggressive politic people or wanna be politician (hahaha) or what ever related to politic in public. If they want to say something to me regarding their personal politic preference, I let them be.

I look at it as a way of public service to hear them out so they will not stress out because of keeping everything inside (hahahaha).

No lah, actually sometimes I find it a little irritating but guess I have more patient then some. If they want to go on and on and on about how good their political parties, and want to say somethings about it during waiting for their turn in the bank, I'm ok with it. It will stop until their or my number get call right?

Only a few minutes of sometimes a boring how good this and that and why, what, which, when and where. So be it.

But today, someone give me the version of their interpretation of Rukun Negara. Rukun Negara only have 5 items in it.

Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang-undang
Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan

But this guy, for what ever reasons, think that Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan need to be changed to Kepercayaan Kepada Allah. Why???

And he have a gut to blame that these what he thinking a "mistake" to BN. Then proceed informing me that if PR take over they will surely correct this mistake once and for all. Geezzzzz......

What eating me more is, this guy claim he have a Degree in  Political Science. What's more, he not even a Muslim.I can understand if the claimed made by a Muslim but a non-Muslim? Duh....

At home, I wonder, how many young man/women who don't understand (or don't want to understand) why Rukun Negara existed.

My opinion on Rukun Negara, it existing as a rules for us Malaysian how to interact with each other. It a rules to us on who must we give our loyalty too. It a base on which side we must stand for.

OK. Let me tell you why I think they used the word Tuhan not Allah in Rukun Negara. Because word Tuhan implied to all Tuhan across all religious Mr Not So Smart Guy. If they used the word Allah, those Rukun Negara only applied to Muslim. It will alienated all other religions in Malaysia.

So today rather than shut up like always, I inform these guy, don't highlight this things in public again. If you stupidly (yes I used those word) want to get attention using this issue, please don't tell everyone you have a degree in Political Science and please don't say from which Uni. It make you Uni sound stupid.

And Yes, he's getting angry and try to bully me by increasing his voice, but I quickly inform him that he's the one who talk to me in the first place. I don't even talk to him but to the uncle who sit beside me. He come and try to take over our conversation.

See, no Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan there.

The end of it, the uncle who talking to me in the first place turn out to be an ex-lecturer. He quietly inform this guy that if you don't understand Rukun Negara, do not try to speak about it like a brilliant nationalist. Just study and make a research about it first.

After all, he know, that this guy lecturer already teach him how to do a research and collecting and interpreting the data. Used that tools which your lacturer given it to you.....

When my number getting call out, he still lecturing this young man. Me, I just shut my mouth and hear what this uncle have to say. And to that guy, hahahahaha. served you right.

Do I have a sympathy for this types of guys, NO.

To others, mind your tongue when you speak in public area. For heaven sake, just keep quite if you don't know the issue discuss. Just don't pretend you know everything and open your mouth. You might end up upsetting someone else. Like this young guys.

Poor him? Nah, I reserved it to others.....Sorry no sympathy from me.....

Just hehhehhehhehheh.....


1 comment:

  1. .. that guy must be a Christian thus the "love" of the word Allah. Bet you if he is a Hindu or Buddhist, he won't have the same thoughts.

    It is so scary that the minority Christian is so loud in their opinion. At this rate if left unchecked, I think they are on a collision course with the majority Muslims. Their arrogance knows no bounds. Dahlah bodoh, sombong pulak tu!
