Sunday 15 September 2013

Crazy Idea How To Become Bangsa Malaysia & Selamat Hari Malaysia

First of all, Selamat Hari Malaysia to all.

Yup, Malaysia was born when Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Singapore, Sabah and Serawak decided to become one nation. Even when Singapore decided it is not worth it while to become part of Malaysia, it is still existing until today.

Enjoy your holiday and be grateful because you was born in this country where ever it was. If not, then there were a lot of option for you. Choose well, will you (I don't want to write the obvious option because someone will considered me resist just by suggest it). Hmmm.

Oh, I got this crazy ideas. The idea is that people can become Bangsa Malaysia if they want to be. No, no, no not the Mama Hanna ideas ok. This is my ideas.

You see, my ideas is, if you want to apply your son or daughter a Bangsa Malaysia, you need all the proper document. After all, it will simplified your case.

What the proper document? Here are the list:
  1. Prove that your father and mother was married and it was a mix race married. Provide the prove aka married certificate photocopies with witness signatures.
  2. Your father and mother valid IC photocopies complete with witness signiture. This to make sure this is a valid application. 
  3. Your IC and your wife IC to prove that you really a Malaysian.
  4. Copies of your married certificate. You daughter or son also come from a mix race married but not the same as his/her father/mother race. This to make sure at least three races mix up in the blood to qualified to become bangsa Malaysia. There are a lot of races in Malaysia, so the field was open wide right.
  5. Other proper document to register as Malaysian.
Why all those document? Because, in order to become Bangsa Malaysia, you at least need to come from a generation of real bangsa which residented in Malaysia. This means all Malay, Chinese, Indian, Punjabi, Kadazan, Iban and etc etc.

Why your married need to be a mix race married too? Because by married to another race not from your mother/father race, your son/daughter blood from other race has been deluted. So, with no dominant blood from any race, he/she can truely claim that she/he is Bangsa Malaysia.

You cannot claim Bangsa Malaysia because your blood still have a 50:50 ratio of your father and mother race. It is not your right as Malaysia have a multiple races. Not any two races can prove they are the truely bangsa Malaysia. With three, usually it official then.

Now, can you see the logic in this suggestion? Well, I don't see with all the proved the government can rejected your claim right?

They still can refused using that no bangsa Malaysia existed? Well let's all of us make a pertition to goverment to create Bangsa Malaysia using the above logic. With supported from Science aka DNA to prove the existing new race no judge can refused it, right?

All of this a rubbish idea? Well at least I have the ideas to try to solved this Bangsa Malaysia issue and problem once and for all.

How about you? hehhehhehheh.....

1 comment:

  1. BritishBorneoColonies16 September 2013 at 15:09

    Singapore was kicked out from the Federation by Tunku because Lee Kuan Yew acted like a chinese emperor.
    In his book he found out that the King is the Supreme head of Malaysia and he was just a Chief Minister.

    Lee Kuan Yew was left broken and crying after Singapore was asked to leave but it was Tunku who decided that LKY was a trouble maker, stupid. If Singapore was not kicked out it would have been chinese malay wars every month.

    Most people spin the formation of Malaysia to their own belief but the truth was that British wanted to leave SEA and do it with their interest intact as much as possible.

    Thus Tunku was forced (suggested to run Sabah and Sarawak and Singapore) in a bigger Federation.

    Sarah, at that time only the Federated Malay States were independent, understand. Sabah and Sarawak and Singapore were still British colonies get it? Then Rosli Dhobi the Malay independence fighter in Sarawak killed Duncan Stewart the BRITISH GOVERNOR of Sarawak!
    This loss of face was too much and Britain after WW2 was too weak to fight Indonesia who had earlier defeated the Dutch under Sokearno.

    There is no way that Sabah and Sarawak and Singapore formed Malaysia with the Federation of Malaya because they were not soverign states yet. Understand? If you are a colony all decisions are made by your colonial master, in this Britain.

    So until Tunku agreed to bring Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore into the Federation then only the British granted independence to the 3 colonies.

    Understand? That is why Sarawak was granted independence on 22 July and Sabah 31st aug and immediately joined the Federation of Malaya. Colonies cannot make decisions ma.

    Of course Indonesia saw through the British ruse and declared war or konfrontasi.

    That is why the Supreme Ruler of the Federation of Malaysia is the Yang Dipertuan Agung. The Malay Rulers take their turn every 5 years. Sabah and Sarawak, Singapore swear allegiance and loyalty to the Yang DiPertuan Agung.

    That is why the Suluks were charged with waging war against the YDP the head of state.
    That is why the Malaysian flag has 14 stripes to include Sabah and Sarawak and not 3 tripartite stripes.
